Embaressing moments...


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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2007
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Here is my embaressing moment.

one time I was in this little small play in my church and I had to be a Sheep!

and there was other kids that had to be sheep too.But I was the only girl sheep.

and we had to go baaaaaaa in this silly costume.And it looked retarded.

So if you have any funny/embaressing moments you can post here if you wan to

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In June I went to this birthday party at a skating rink and I'm not the best skater. So when it was time for cake I came over there with my skates on and I started counting the candles. I lose my balance and my hand goes right on the cake! It just made a little smudge in the icing. But it was still embarrassing. Especially because all the people who were invited to the party were there watching.

In June I went to this birthday party at a skating rink and I'm not the best skater. So when it was time for cake I came over there with my skates on and I started counting the candles. I lose my balance and my hand goes right on the cake! It just made a little smudge in the icing. But it was still embarrassing. Especially because all the people who were invited to the party were there watching.
whoa, did you lick your fingers? XD

You should've said, "Mmm...great cake." xD

And yes I have an embarrassing moment.

I was in line at lunch to go play at recess. And I was jumping and saying, "Can I go? Can I go?" And the recess superviser had his lunch and my had knocked some of his lunch down and my shirt got all dirty with ketchup. And I had to go throw his fish stick away. And people were laughing at me. -_- And this one chubby girl, Rebecca, was pointing and laughing. And I went to wash up and my bffl came up to me and went with me to the bathroom. At least the 1st graders (some, I think) weren't laughing at me. By the way, I was in 2nd grade when that happened. And now that I thin kabout it, I want to strangle Rebecca. > :D

Welll... Hehe

Once is was mad at my GF (Guy friend) and I was like running and I almost fell. X.X

Well I wouldn't say this is an embarrising moment, but it's pretty funny!

Ok, so when I was in the 4th grade I had a boy hair cut ( no offens boys ) and my teacher's husband came to our class to talke about Engineering, but anyways, he was done talking, and he asked "Any one have any questions?" and I raised my hand, and he's like "Yes little boy" and i'm like "I'm a girl...." and he's like "Oppsy!" and everyone starts laughing at me. haha! xP


Well I wouldn't say this is an embarrising moment, but it's pretty funny!
Ok, so when I was in the 4th grade I had a boy hair cut ( no offens boys ) and my teacher's husband came to our class to talke about Engineering, but anyways, he was done talking, and he asked "Any one have any questions?" and I raised my hand, and he's like "Yes little boy" and i'm like "I'm a girl...." and he's like "Oppsy!" and everyone starts laughing at me. haha! xP

That dude was probably pretty embarrassed himself. I feel sorry for you. I would be crushed if anyone thought I was a guy. *shutters*

In 5th grade we had a class pet, it was a bunny. It would run around during class and the kids would always pick it up and let it sit on them.

One day I picked it up, sat on me for 5 minutes, then I felt something warm, and I found out it pee'd on me. I raised my hand to go to the bathroom to wash it off my pants, and when I stood up everyone thought I pee'd my pants.

Iwas swinging on the swing at the park. just a normal day, and I leaned back to far. I fell off, and my pants fell off me, and Im sitting in my underwera I quickly just pulled em up, and only two girls saw. I didnt know them, but a lady - on of the girls, - said "That happened to me once. dont worry"

i was soo embarrased

On Vacation I was in the pool and I was on my board and then half of my bathing suit top fell and there was boys there so I have to hold my board on my chest and pull it up. ;)

I had a boy hair cut to once, and we were at this restaraunt and the lady was like "what a cute little boy" XD

i was in sweats and sneakers so i looked a boy, and wore a hat

this was in 4th grade.

I was ice-skating once. Thenn i fell over and my dad went to help me up. But i couldn't get up so he fell on my and i cut my leg when he landed on it. XDD It hurt - everyone was watching. O_O

But luckily i got some hot coco and a cookie! XD

At my school camp, I was getting changed into my swimmers but I couldnt find them. So I was walking around the cabin with only my underpants and holding my t-shirt up. I was digging through my bag when my teacher came in(my teacher is a guy)! He walked in and walked out. It was so embarrassing!

I slipped and fell in front of everyone at school

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My first time Ice-skating, as soon as I stepped onto the ice, I slipped over!. I was in year three ( grade 2)

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