Embarrassing things about yourself?


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Well-known member
Dec 6, 2008
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Sorry if this is a copy, it's late and I'm much too lazy to check. My mind isn't working correctly right now, anyway.

Do you have any secret obsessions that are just a little bit too embarrassing to say casually?

Maybe not embarrassing, just like, something you wouldn't normally admit to.

Not necessarily secretive, but not generally talked about?

Gah you get the picture.

I absolutely swoon over yaoi and shounen-ai. If you don't know what they are, I'd be happy to educate you, as you are missing out on something.

Your turn.

I hate staring at things for too long.

So I usually stare at the ground, or at my shoes. Or something like that.

I don't think others might consider that embarassing, but I sure do.

Oh, and I talk too fast, so its hard to understand what I'm saying. So if I make a video or something, I talk really slow.

-I have an obsession with Joe Jonas. Dont know why, I just do. He's cute xD

-I am generally not a girly person, but I like, love girly things like ''Total Girl'' magazines and Hannah Montana.

-I used to wet the bed until like the beginning of this year.

-According to a test, I am 28% like Barbie [Thats girlier then Carly Dx]

-I sometimes imagine myself being loved by everyone and being the most popular girl in school. Note that I do not want that, but I do imagine it at times.

-I love green converse shoes [My friends hate them, so I dont talk about it].

-I secretly listen to Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers, Nikki Webster, Britney Spears and Vannessa Hudgens songs on YouTube.

-I like, fall over too much. And drop things. Its embarassing-ish, but like, I dont care too much xP

-I say 'like' too much.

Gee, now I expect to be hated by all Dx.

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- I eat pickles out of the jar, with my hands 8D (Sometimes a fork, depending on what type.)

- I add WAAAY to much ketchup to anything that should have ketchup.

- My dream guy is taller than me, older than me, hawt, and has to be named Lucas. 8D

- I have a collection of hair products that I never use.

- I plan on chopping my hair off and dying it (bright) red. xP

The duplicate, existing, active topic is here: https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/index.php?showtopic=151876

It really doesn't take a moment to click on the search feature and type in the word embarassing :angry:

In fact a shorter time than it takes to start a new topic and type out the first post... so if you are lazy then it is faster and easier to check Search first :)


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