Emberassing Moments


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Dec 9, 2005
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Share your emberassing moments, and then the next person rates it.


*- Haha... Laugh it off.

**-I hope nobody saw that.

***- Find a disguise... PRONTO!

****- I'm moving. To a different town. Maybe country. Continent... maybe

*****- Somebody shoot me...


Yesterday, I was walking through GARAGE and I bumped into a mannequin. So I quickly turned around and said "Oh, sorry!" I looked up and saw it was a mannequin. I swore I heard people laughing...

[SIZE=7pt]Rating: *[/SIZE]

I've done that a billion times :wacko: Hilarious.

I ripped my pants at school camp on the high-ropes course in grade 6 in front of most of my grade. Then the PE teacher looking after us said "Nice purple undies, Jess" :huh:



uhh I was in PE and my cousin [she's 4] came up to me

we go to the same school :]

but anyway she asked what I was wearing under my shirt

I said "its a bra, I've worn one for a while"

and she was like, to the whoooole class really loudly

"emily has a braaaaaaaaa!"


[SIZE=7pt]^ Omg... That would be so embarassing. ;) [/SIZE]
You didnt put anything...

Anyway, once we went to the movies with our class. After the movie, I got up, and I saw stuff on my chair. The girls all knew what it meant, but the guys kept on teasing me that I wet my pants. 'Twas quite embarassing.

(Shouldn't this be in fun stuff cuz wwe're actually rating something??)


I was wearing a light pink shirt. When I was walking to the school it began raining, VERY HARD. By the time I got into my 1st bell class I was entirely soaked. My bra was TOTALLY noticably. If you looked at me, it would be the 1st thing that would have caught your eye (It was watermellon colored). Kids were laughing at me. Luckily 'N' let me borrow her sweater until I dried off. :3


Well once, after gym, we came back to our classrooms and I sat in this guys chair (cuz i had to sit next to him, i got confused and thought it was my chair). Then he came back and I was already writing in his maths book and stuff and doing my work. It was quite embarassing.

Yesterday, for school, I had to bring in a picture of a celebrity.

So I brought in a picture of me, my friend, and Danny Fernandes.

Big mistake. x.x

I look really bad in that picture, and the whole class laughed.

:lol: '

Something embarassing I did was when I went to Target I saw a box with a The Sims 3 Plumbob on it so I ran over there and grabbed it quickly but then I noticed it was only .99 cents. I thought it was the REAL Sims 3. (It was a music demo thing) The people that worked there in the gaming section (video game nerds) started laughing at me! Dx (they knew what I thought it was)

,January 06, 2009 11:08 pm] ***/****

uhh I was in PE and my cousin [she's 4] came up to me

we go to the same school :]

but anyway she asked what I was wearing under my shirt

I said "its a bra, I've worn one for a while"

and she was like, to the whoooole class really loudly

"emily has a braaaaaaaaa!"

How's that embarassing? Most all girls wear bras unless they want saggy boobs when they get older. If people make fun of you for it, don't pay any attention to them. Especially if girls make fun of you. I bet you all of them wil find theirselves wearing bras one day. :]

EDIT: Oops I forgot to put my embarassing moment! :|

Once I was changing in the girls bathroom at my old daycare (that I got expelled out of) and I forgot to put on my shirt when I walked out (I was little so I didn't have any boobs yet :/) and I walked all the way out to the playroom area where kids up to 6th grade were (I was in either 1st or 2nd grade, so this was 9-10 yeats ago) and everybody was laughing, I didn't know why, then my friend pulled my back into the bathroom and I realized why. :[

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My embarassing moment was in Geography when the teacher was trying to show us a PowerPoint about something geographical, and it stopped working. My crush was in that class and apparently liked 'helpful girls', so I took it as my prime opportunity to impress him. I offered to stand up and switch the overhead projector on again so I got up to the front and realised I was way too short. So then I had to stand on this big wheely chair, and when I stood on it, it collapsed and left me lying on the ground. The whole class laughed at me for ages. Epic fail. x3


x3 Sorry.

Once in 5th grade I was at a Old Navy and there was this lady who was standing, and she looked like a maniquinn, and I wanted to punch her, I went up to her and she moved. O____O


That reminds me. . One time I was in Madame Tussauds and I was looking at the wax figures and I saw one which was really realistic so I went up to 'it' and started starting staring at 'it' and then the guy looked at me and said "Can I help you?" XD I just backed away..slowly.


You have no idea how many times I've done something like that xDDD

This isn't actually TOO embarassing. In my class, we have a little wedge that we stick in the top of the door to keep it open, and the teacher asked me to take it out so we could close the door, but I was too short, so I had to inch it out, but then it fell out, hit me in the head, then the door swung closed, and whacked me in the face, causing me to back up, and trip over a desk, knocking over a stack of books, which fell on my head, which one of the largest kids in my class tripped over on of the books that slid over to them, and fell on me. The teacher dragged me to the nurse against my will, because she thought that I MUST have a concussion after four blows to the head in thirty seconds. She never asked me to do anything after that, and left notes for subs saying that I'm accident prone, and they shouldn't ask me to do things that are physically challenging. And my mom wonders why my friends refer to me as, "Blondie." xD

edit: Typo. -killed-

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* (If you're me, xD That happens a lot.)

**** (If you're everyone else. xD)

Hm, I do a lot of embarrassing things.. xD

One time I was in Science, class, With my feet up on a chair in front of me, and I was sitting next to my crush (At the time, he also liked me. xD) And one of the priests walked in, to talk to us about something (I never listen x3) And He looks over at us (Me, Not playing attention. xD) And says, "Ahh, I see you have yourself a girl there Michael! Well, take good care of her, she'll cook you a pasta, and have your babies." I was like "Ummm... -fidgets-" and we both turned uber red. Then of course, I decide my feet need to get off of the chair, because everyone was looking at me, and I try to get them out, they get stuck, and I fall backwards, making Michael my support, he was also trying to catch me, knowing what damage I could do from just falling. Therefore, Adding onto the priest's idea. Needless to say, we didn't sit near each other for awhile.. xD Later the teacher apologized for it, I just kinda nodded, xD

Well once I was trying out for the school talent show and I was doing gymnastics.... so I was doing an awesome routine (that's right I was the best) and then I went into a cartwheel... and my shirt and undershirt lifted way up, (and I don't wear a bra because I'm flat) but I didn't notice because well I don't really know why, but when I got up I just kept dancing because I had no idea, and what I didn't realize all along was that my whole shirt was wapped around my neck! And the principal was there, boys in my class, basically th whole school...


**** .... at least I didn't have anything there.. :lol:

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***** Ooh.... o_o

I was eating one day at lunch time with my friend, and then we got up to go to the playground.

Everyone was in a rush, so I ran too.I fell, and tried to hold on to my friend to stay up, but I made her fall down with me.On top of me too. :lol:

I fell on the floor, with another girl on me, in fron't of the whole 5th grade. Its not like one of these, really emberassing moments, but it was one of mine. :/

***** Ooh.... o_oI was eating one day at lunch time with my friend, and then we got up to go to the playground.

Everyone was in a rush, so I ran too.I fell, and tried to hold on to my friend to stay up, but I made her fall down with me.On top of me too. :lol:

I fell on the floor, with another girl on me, in fron't of the whole 5th grade. Its not like one of these, really emberassing moments, but it was one of mine. :/

Yeah, it doesn't seem embarassing when you're just telling the story, but when you actually fall in front of a whole grade (bringing down others as you go) wouldn't really be known as a smooth move.. :furawatchi:

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Mine was when I uh....... had my uh......... you know perio.. and well it leaked and a guy in my class was first to notice.. not fun:(

otherwise i have no embarassing stpries

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