Empty House


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Well-known member
Apr 2, 2007
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I went to the parents and grandparents house on tamatown and I saw only the speech bubble. It still gave me something, but I saw no parent or grandparent. What happened?

I went to the parents and grandparents house on tamatown and I saw only the speech bubble. It still gave me something, but I saw no parent or grandparent. What happened?
It happened to me ,too! But it's probably either a big glitch, or tamatown charcters, for the house, are just working on something, (like on maintence)

I've had this same problem for weeks now and I thought I was the only one! I'm assuming that it's a glitch. I have a MAC and I thought it had something to do with that, since a lot of programs aren't completely compatible with apple programs. Maybe I should email Bandai and see what the deal is.

it seems to happen to everyone. that same thing happened to me. :D :D :mimitchi: :D

Well, first of all thanks for helping me. Sencond of all I've seen my parents in their house before, just not this time.

My tamagotchi is on third generation, is a boy with a baby girl, has a job as a firefighter, and is a Sisamashtchi. In case that helps.

the same thing happends to me 2 BUT i have go to the europe site:https://www.tamagotchieurope.com/EN/index.html

the parents/grandparents as the souvenir picture with my tama on are viewable :D :D

Well, first of all thanks for helping me. Sencond of all I've seen my parents in their house before, just not this time.My tamagotchi is on third generation, is a boy with a baby girl, has a job as a firefighter, and is a Sisamashtchi. In case that helps.
Now, I'm really thinking either it's a glitch, or their working on it!

p.s. v4:Generation 6

v3:Generation 17

I emailed Bandai about the parent/ grandparent issue and they really didn't answer my question, not sure they even read it correctly to be honest. I'll let you be the judge.


I was wondering if there is a glitch on tamatown. When I go to visit my parents and grandparents they aren't there. The speech bubble appears and they still give me money, but I haven't been able to see them in weeks. I log on with my MAC and I thought maybe it had something to do with that, but some other people on tamatalk have mentioned the same problem. Just wondering what is going on.


You can view your parents on the Tamagotchi Connection toy and on Tamatown you can visit their homes but you'll just be getting up to three passwords for souvenirs from them there. After the third visit there will be no more passwords.


I am very confused by the reply I got to my email. I own a V4, not a V3 so I don't need passwords to see my parents. What I am trying to explain is that when I log in to tamatown and go to the houses, all I see is a couch. They are talking to me, because I see the speech bubble, but they aren't physically there and they used to be there when I logged in, now they are not. Why?

I'm still waiting for Bandai to write me back. I'll let you know what they say.


Everyone! It is supposed to be that way. It would be to difficult to show every ones different parent or grandparent. There is nothing wrong!

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