End of the world?


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Painted Windows

Well-known member
Oct 3, 2009
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Mmmm.... Do you think the end of the world is already near?

Cause many earthquakes happened. Just like in Haiti with a magnitude of 7.0, in Chile with 8.8, in Taiwan with 6.4 and here in the Philippines with 4.7. I'm so glad its very far from us. A Tsunami also happened in Taiwan. A tsunami is also suppose to hit us here in the Philippines but we're lucky it didn't happened. Oh and the Volcano thingyy here in the Philippines.

And maybe there's going to be more. No one knows.

So what's your opinion? :I

My opinion is that there is not much we as humans can do about plate tectonics and the physical environment of our planet - natural forces are something we have to deal with as best we can.

Geographical events trigger earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions - it's really interesting reading, but I don't think the earth is about to fall apart :lol:

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It's a coincidence that I am studying plate tectonics in Geography and all of a sudden earthquakes happen.

As my teacher told me 'All of these earthquakes, volcanic eruptions etc keep our earth from exploding. The crust and mantle allow the core to release energy to prevent it from exploding under too much pressure,'

Basically these things need to happen to keep our planet going. There is nothing we can do to stop this from happening.

In my opinion there is millions of years left until the end of the world.

^Yes that's right. I don't think the world is going to end anytime soon. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, they're called natural disasters for a reason: they're perfectly natural and they are bound to happen sometimes. I definately don't believe the theory that it will end on December 21st, 2012. Just because the Aztecs didn't feel like writing their calender past then doesn't mean the world will end then.

Imo, the end of Humanity will come when WWIII happens.

The end of the world will come in a few million years when the sun turns into a red giant.

um 2012 duhr i mean its quite obvy that wen wurld gonna end

um 2012 duhr i mean its quite obvy that wen wurld gonna end

Did everyone suddenly forget that the world is just going to enter a new age in 2012?

um 2012 duhr i mean its quite obvy that wen wurld gonna end

I there's not a specific date the world is going to end. It's just not possible.

My take on it is that all these earthquakes are just a faze. Maybe season changes ?

&& Nor the world or humanity is coming to an end anytime soon.

I heard something about like after 2012 that the years would start over or something and like go all the way back down to 1... or something, not like changing anything but only the number of the year. BTW sorry if I'm wrong, don't hate me.

um 2012 duhr i mean its quite obvy that wen wurld gonna end
Even though we have advanced technology, it's still impossible to know when the end of the world is. Nobody knows if the world is ending in 2012 or not, it's impossible to know for sure.

In my opinion, those earthquakes were just a coincidence. They are called "Natural Disasters" for a reason. They are naturally occurring, and have little or no effect on the end of the world.

Eh, I don't look at all these earthquakes and what not as signs of the world ending.

Maybe a lot of the plates just had a lot of built up energy are are moving a bit more? It's possible, but hey, what do I know?

I don't think the world will actually end anytime soon,

But I do believe it'll enter a completely new faze.

It's just like a teenager entering adulthood.

Waitno. Fail description.

But you get what I mean.


I think Ksenia actually put it quite well as being “Like a teenager entering adulthood” xD.

Basically the world has to put humanity through all this crap to keep it going. She’s (Yes, Earth is a she, because I’m a feminazi ./jk) just being a jerk and making it all happen at once. I guess it’s a bit like when you bottle up your feelings until you explode and have a complete mental breakdown.


Put in google 2012 countdown - its dead good!

I BELIEVE THE WORLD IS GONNA END IN 2012.....IM COUNTING DOWN THE DAYS!Put in google 2012 countdown - its dead good!
2012 hasn't been stated to be the end of the world.

But some idiotic newspaper editors thought it was.

2012 is supposed to be the beginning of the New Age.

Throughout history there have been many dates that the world was supposed to end. I wish I could find the little article that listed all those dates but it goes back hundreds of years.

Even growing up, I remember in gradeschool there was a date. In high school, there was a date too.

They Mayan calandar is only marking a new period of time.

No worries.

My opinion is that there is not much we as humans can do about plate tectonics and the physical environment of our planet - natural forces are something we have to deal with as best we can.
Geographical events trigger earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions - it's really interesting reading, but I don't think the earth is about to fall apart :)
Exactly.Okay, what I am going to say next, is information from today : D .When magma moves the tectonic plates around, it causes an earthquake.Simple.Therefore, the world is still with us <3

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