Energy Drinks


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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
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Ksenia's avatar gave me the idea to post this, actually. XD

I remember a topic like this, but it might have died. Not sure O:

Anyway, do you drink energy drinks?

I do, rarely. I drank two cans of Amp (<3) , and three sips of Monster (It tasted like crap -.-). I prefer the Vitamin and Life waters. (Those are not Energy drinks, I know. Sorry for off-topic-ness xD)

It's not really healthy if you drink a lot at once, so that’s probably why I never buy them in the first place XD

How about you?

The only Energy Drinks I drink are Redbull and Monster. I collect the cans. [Well, I try to collect the cans. My Mom tends to throw them out. I have Two Monster Cans in my Room. I'm going to start collecting RedBull Cans too]

But I rarely buy them. Energy drinks are expensive.

OMG. How did I forget Red Bull? Its amazing.

Everytime I have an energy drink I put the can tab on my necklace. Total - 1 [in the last 2 weeks because thats when I decided to]

My avatar tell you anything?

If not, than poo you D:<

Red Bull = Best drink ever.

Gatorade, powerade, V, mother, and a few others are absolutely amazing as well, but in my opinion nothing beats Red Bull. Haha.

Energy drinks complete my life.

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