Entama/Cho Jinsei Character Chart


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Well, I was browsing around the forum looking for that darn chart which showed "all" the secret entama characters, and I finally found it! I would like to extend my thanks to Binary for having translated this chart for us English speaking folk here ;)

His version of the chart's at this location: https://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g310/bin...ics/HATENA1.jpg

But me being the perfectionist weirdo I am, I "needed" to make a better looking chart with all the wonderful translation Binary had done on it. So here's my version:



These are all the secret characters:


Question mark > Meganetchi > Ohigetchi > Nekutaitchi

(complements of the face??? Glasses > Moustache > Necktie)


Question mark > Getatchi > Rakugotchi > Kabukitchi

(things you wear??? Sandal > Pillow/Mat > Mask)


Question mark > Okutchi > Shiripuritchi > Ashitchi

(body anatomy??? Mouth > Bum > Foot)

(Note, Binary found this out, just I chnaged it round my way, but all this info is from binary).

I have had them all except for Ashitchi and Kabukitchi, which I am just about to get. ;)

I have hatched them all on my entamas.

These are all the secret characters:

Question mark > Meganetchi > Ohigetchi > Nekutaitchi

(complements of the face??? Glasses > Moustache > Necktie)


Question mark > Getatchi > Rakugotchi > Kabukitchi

(things you wear??? Sandal > Pillow/Mat > Mask)


Question mark > Okutchi > Shiripuritchi > Ashitchi

(body anatomy??? Mouth > Bum > Foot)

(Note, Binary found this out, just I chnaged it round my way, but all this info is from binary).

I have had them all except for Ashitchi and Kabukitchi, which I am just about to get. :D

I have hatched them all on my entamas.
How'd you get them??

ON TOPIC: Wow, I like that chart ^-^ I'll bookmark that.


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How'd you get them??
ON TOPIC: Wow, I like that chart ^-^ I'll bookmark that.

h99 ^-^
I got them from binary. Binary discovered it, lol.

*points at binary*

Here's an EnTama growthchart

Here's an EnTama character chart

HatenaZoku characters aren't included though.

The growthchart will let you know what your EnTama can become, and the character chart will let you know what TamaType you have.

For the Hatena, read my post above, they are pretty easy to memorise. :D Its always the same evolution due to the dating card. :D

there is so twins i even have them
Take photos of them doing all kinds of different activities, eating, playing, sleeping, even using the toilet, and post these please.

Cool Chart -Ra-

I bookmarked your secret character

growth chart...

(I widh I get a Getatchi for a child stage... he's so cute!)

I have that tamagotchi!!!!!I got it last weak and I am on my 2nd generatchion.Does anybody know how to put this thing on pause???

I can`t read japanese though.I have gotten really far.I have a tama case for it.In japan they have Tamagotchi cloths(for humans.not for the tamagotchis),candy,tamatown toys,keychains,etc.

Why doesn`t america have these items?

Does anybody know how to put this thing on pause???
The Japanese Tamagotchis don't have a pause fuction. You can sort of do it, though, by going to the time set screen. Bring up the time screen then press and hold the right-most button then press the left-most button. The month digit should begin to flash. Leave it like that, and it's the same as being paused.

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