Epic lol.


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I was at my friend Katherine and her brother Jeffrey's house...

Me and Kat: -sitting on couch-

Jeff: -doing something (i don't remember lol) involving being on the floor, also there was a table by his head-

Me: -holding a sasuke action figure(XD) and making it fly around-

Jeff: -hits his head on the table leg- OWWW!!

Me: -makes sasuke hit his head at the same time as jeff did-

Me and Kat: Aww! Poor Sasuke!

lol, it was hilarious... Jeffrey was kind of pi**ed though, "POOR SASUKE?!?!" XDD

Me & My Teacher: -watching imax movie-


Teacher: oooohhh....8D

Me: -stares off into the distance, imaging huge jellyfish attacking Japan, with people screaming and running about and someone else all "STFU", and jellyfish knocking down buildings, etc.-

Teacher: ooohh...

Me: -still in zone-

I have a few =]

*Watching High School Musical with my friend Kayla*

Zac Efron: Exclamation point!

Kayla: Isn't it exclamation mark?

Me: Yeah. (being stupid) But you know this is in Thailand.

Kayla: Yeah. . . .What?!?

*Fathers day 2008, a Kasey Chambers cd is blaring*

Me: (Singing very badly and loudly) AM I NOT PRETTY ENOUGH?!?! IS MY HEART TOO BROKEN?!?!

My Uncle: I don't know about my heart, but my eardrums are suffering!!

*At school watcing a documentary on cavemen*

*Teacher starts to talk about fossils*

Girl in my class: So do they have fossils of Jesus?... Wait Jesus is in heaven isnt he.

Me: How blonde can you get??

*At School my friend gets sent out of the classroom*

Nicki: I don't like you!!

My Teacher: You don't have to like me, but you have to do as you're told!

Me: Ooooh, You got ripped!

I have many more =P

One time in New York my mom went into a Tops with my brother, and my cousin, dad and I were waiting in the car, and my mom called us to come get my brother, and when we came in we found her near a mustard display with mustard bottles all over the floor. Then my brother was RUNNING AROUND THE STORE SCREAMING and we were trying to find him.... Then a security officer came near us and we were freaking out O_____________o We still laugh at that.

Another time (In NY) my cousin and I were sitting in the little kid swings, and we heard some girl say bye to a kid named Tom (We were stalking him... xDDDDDDD) so we were all "BYE TOMMM!!!" when he rode by on his bike.. He gave us a funny look and was all "Bye guys...?" xDD

We were sitting on top of some slides (In NY) the metal kind.. xDD And my brother was running across the field yelling "LOOK! IT'S THE KID IN TEH GREEN SHIRT!!! LOOOOOOOKK! -pointing at Tom-" I tackled him... xD Lots of weird looks.

Again, in NY. There were these kids who thought they were cool, because they could skateboard, and I was watching them with my cousin, and the kid fell off of his skateboard, trying to do a trick, and it was really quiet and all of a sudden I was like "Aren't you supposed to land ON the skateboard...?" xDDDD I swear everyone was looking at me and my cousin because we were cracking up.

In NY. The skater kids were trying to use their skateboards to go down the other set of metal slides (There were two, we were on 1 set, and they were on the other, about 10 yards away.) and they tried. A few minutes later my brother was on the top of the slide trying to go down on his feet, and I was like "NO! Don't be like those idiots, you'll hurt yourself." and one turned around and goes. "You know, We can hear you." and I looked at him and said, "I wasn't trying to be QUIET." xDDD

LAST ONE! In NY. So my cousin and I were standing by the swings, and I had my back to the park, and my cousin asked me what I thought of the skater boys and I was rambling on about how they were losers and didn't know how to skate, and all of a sudden my cousin starts cracking up, and I turn around and they are walking behind us, listening to everything... u___u;;

I fail.

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Oh Yes!

Band Class!

Me: Mr Stanlake?

Mr.S: Yes?

Me: Have you played the Glockenspiel? ( Pronounced: Glock*In*Shpeel*)

Mr.S: Why yes Rachel. I have.

Me: 0_0 Wow.



Everyone: -laughs-

PS: Bjarni Tryggvason is a Russian astronaut! XD

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I was at my friend Katherine and her brother Jeffrey's house...
Me and Kat: -sitting on couch-

Jeff: -doing something (i don't remember lol) involving being on the floor, also there was a table by his head-

Me: -holding a sasuke action figure(XD) and making it fly around-

Jeff: -hits his head on the table leg- OWWW!!

Me: -makes sasuke hit his head at the same time as jeff did-

Me and Kat: Aww! Poor Sasuke!

lol, it was hilarious... Jeffrey was kind of pi**ed though, "POOR SASUKE?!?!" XDD
XD Epic!!!

*Doing improvisations in Drama*

*Teacher calls up me and Ed*

Teacher: Your improvisation has to be about...a BIRD

Ed: *pretending to cry and looking at the floor* What have you done to this poor bird?!

- awkward silence -

Me: *blurts out* I WAS HUNGRY!

Nicole's birthday party was epic fun. We played hide and seek, and then prank called everybody in our contacts. We weren't expecting anybody to pick up, but Blake did, and we were all like, "Uhhh" and hung up really fast. Dx Then we called Taylor, Cameron, Shane, Payton, and Nelson, but talked to Nelson for at least two hours and made him highly suspicious that we had possession of illegal substances...

Then we sucked the helium out of our balloons and played shock roullette with a novelty cell phone that we hadn't touched in three years. :3

Ok, This might sound well crap, but what the hell is Epic? I've heard it everywhere just got no idea what it means! :3

Yesterday at the movies there was this group of little kids who were taking the whole sidewalk up. THey were like 6 years old and me and my two buds went off the curb into the side of the street to walk by them. The mother who was with the kids said "Come on, you're taking up the whole sidewalk." to the group, trying to get them to move. One brave little girl yelled out "THATS WHAT YOU GET YOU TEENAGERS" x3

OMG I have too many to count.

cousin1: Phoebe..... you have..... BOOBS!

Me: .......... uhhhh..... YOUR JUST JEALOUS OF THEM!

cousin1: *cracks up* BAHAHAHAHAHA...yea actually i am.

me: *drinking FIJI water*

cousin2's rude baseball team:*walks by me* HEY PHOEBE! ONLY RICH SK@$#S DRINK FIJI!

me: well I may be rich but I ain't no SK$%^! OH! OWNED! Dumb@$$es......

then I realized that calling a team of muscular baseball players with metal baseball bats "dumb@$$es" wasn't the best idea so I had to run away.

me: *runs into a wall* SH$%!

person: *walks by and stares*


I have so many more.... my entire life is epic.

One time, when a song was playing on

friend's IMac, she tried to close Itunes

and instead we heard "Oiceoiceoiceoice."

A million times. NOT EPIC.

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