Erm. . help ^^;


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Well-known member
May 30, 2006
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Okay okay so.

For about 3-4 days now, the area around my clitoris has been really itchy, and I don't know what's going on. I inspected it and everything looks normal, it's just really itchy. I think someone made a topic about something like this a while back, and someone said it might be jock itch. We have Aveeno anti-itch cream here, but I'm worried it might be harsh on the delicate skin.

Sooo I need help maybe knowing what the problem is/if the cream will be too harsh.

PS: Don't tell me to go to the doctor. I will not listen to you for I am deathly afraid of the doctor's office.

You have a yeast infection, shug (erm, I don't want to know what "jock itch" is tho... X_x ). It's nothing to be embarassed about. Simply buy some cream at your local store and voila! NO ITCH! Cream dosen't hurt, don't worry. Obviously you do it yourself, too XD... But as soon as it goes on DONT TOUCH! It goes away on it's own, and soothes itchies.

Yeast infections don't generally affect the clit area. They itch and it REALLY hurts to pee or even excrete waste in some cases because all the skin there is super sensitive and feeling like it's on fire.

Sounds like an irritation like jock itch or just a really light form of it. This usually happens when that area of your body is covered so often it doesn't breathe. That's why you might hear not to wear underwear to bed. Your genitals and your skin need to breathe. Now the stuff I use is called Canesten Topical Cream. It says it cures althete's foot but if you read the other info on it it also deals with irritations/jock itch. This stuff really has helped me when irritations come around. I seem to get them more in the summer.

Anyway read the stuff you want to use. If it says its to treat irritations of that nature or jock itch, use it. If it does bother you just cease using it and get the stuff I mentioned. It works great.

I'm not sure what is a clit, but if it's in between the legs, I may have this problem. My you know what has white spots all over it, and when I scratch it(cause it's itchy) it hurts. I think something's wrong with it because I tried to shave the.. um hair off of it :mimitchi: (if you know what I mean)

I'm not sure what is a clit, but if it's in between the legs, I may have this problem. My you know what has white spots all over it, and when I scratch it(cause it's itchy) it hurts. I think something's wrong with it because I tried to shave the.. um hair off of it :) (if you know what I mean)
The clit is a nub-like part in your genital region that really only has the use of stimulation during sexual relations and masterbation.

White spots? I don't think it's jock itch since it shouldn't case white spots. I'd go see a doctor.

Why are you afraid of the doctor? Ok, according to Girls Life Magazine December 200 something (my little sister tore off the cover), does it hurt when you pee? If it does, maybe you have yeast infection like someone stated before, or you have UTI.


If youre going a lot and it burns, you might have a urinary tract infection (UTI). The urinary tract is the pathway for pee to get out. If bacteria gets in there, it hurts. It's very common, but left intreated can lead to a dangerous kidney infection. So tell your mom to call a doctor, ASAP. Meantime, take an over-the-counter medication called Cystex ($13.50,, drink lots of water, and try unsweetened cranberry juice, says Dr. Larrian Gillespie, a uro-gynecologist in Los Angeles.

But see a doc, ASAP!

Well... this may be akward, but maybe tell your mum...? If you can bring yourself to. xD

If you don't want to, maybe read what the other members said. It'll help. ^.^

@Tamasweet2- I'm afraid of the doctor because. . I just am lol. I've always been afraid of the doctor. I think it's because of my phobia of getting sick. I'm really scared of being sick. I start panicking when I get even just a cough. And I don't like finding out if I'm ill. That's why I only tell someone every once in a blue moon if I think something's wrong. I can guarantee you that if I ever find out I'm deathly ill with cancer or something, I'll probably start crying and thinking I'm gonna die.

Thanks everyone! Took me some serious guts to post this, the reason stated above. The itching's gone now, so a guide can close this topic. Or delete it. . whichever rides your boat. . . <.< >.>

That happened when I bought a brand of pads that SUCKED

I kept itching it until I fell asleep >< Buy some cream of change Pad/Tampon brands

*Topic Closed by starter's request*

I'm not deleting this topic, sense there might be more questions in the future from other members.


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