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May 28, 2007
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Ok so today there was this kid (Cal him n) and my Best friend (Call her s) i was talking to S on teh playground and she walked over to N they talked then she came over to ask me something, she asked what i would say if N asked me out, I screamed then she ok, fine...she went over to N then he walked over to me, he asked me out...i was liek fine w/e then he said no, a few mins later, i was still like w/e then later i found out that he vomited, because he thought he hurt my feelings, he didn't, he went home sick, i got home form school and his sister was wlking home, sh esiad that he really likes me (I like him too) and that he didn't want to hurt my feelings in which he didn't, i talked to S and she said that N said he said no because his nerves were mad and then he vomited.

SO what should i do, i don't want to ruin our friendship, he lives down the street from me and has for 3 years. And just a week ago we were riding our bikes and he wreked he said 'Now I know what to tell teh class." i said 'what that you were trying to get away from a train and you fell?' and he said 'No, i was riding with my friend Zomgerz and i wrecked.

I was like AWWWW

SO is there anything anyone can say to help?I am at a dead end.


Just go over and talk to N. Say that he didn't hurt your feelings and that he shouldn't feel bad. And that you hope you guys can still be friends.

Thanks Gotchigirl, your alway there when i need help ;)

And thats great advice, wish me luck tomorrow.

ZOMGLOL please dont spam.

And thanks! the next day we ended up having a squirt gun fight :p it was quiet fun actually his cousin came over and we were soaked to teh bone bythe time he left, although he did steal the hose a few times... LOL

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