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x_Lynn Chan_x

Well-known member
Jul 21, 2007
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Where it's Nine in the Afternoon
I want to make myself loose weight and look skinnier. I've always been owrried about my looks. How long would it take and what would I have to do?

EDIT: Gosh, I can't spell. ^.^"

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Omg! Youa re like me in a way, (I mean, no offence but I can spell), but I keep being obsessed on losinmg weight. Are you fat, or overweight???? I think you shouldn't worry to much, yeah, you're thinking what the hell, this is pointless, she is not helping AT ALL!!! but ok, I'm trying, and if you are overweight you might need to go and see a doctor or school nurse about it. If you're still concerned even though you're not overweight then why don't you try like a healthy eating diet or something? Ok, make sure you don't just live on lettuce and carrots but eat healthier than you are currently. Oh yeah, and excersice is supposed to help...

Well, bye!

^-^ ;)

Omg! Youa re like me in a way, (I mean, no offence but I can spell), but I keep being obsessed on losinmg weight. Are you fat, or overweight???? I think you shouldn't worry to much, yeah, you're thinking what the hell, this is pointless, she is not helping AT ALL!!! but ok, I'm trying, and if you are overweight you might need to go and see a doctor or school nurse about it. If you're still concerned even though you're not overweight then why don't you try like a healthy eating diet or something? Ok, make sure you don't just live on lettuce and carrots but eat healthier than you are currently. Oh yeah, and excersice is supposed to help... Well, bye!

^-^ :D
I'm not overweight. I look like it though. D'x

If you're not overweight but it looks like it, then you're probably thinking it looks like you're overweight. ;)

I'd just watch your foods, like looking at the calories on the nutrition facts. Eat healthy foods, and not junk food. Exercise every day. If you have a Wii, I suggest you get Wii Fit. It's great exercise (in my opinion)! :D

I suggest you watch the junk food intake, do lots of walking, and treat yourself at the end of the week so you don't go stir crazy.

If you're not overweight though, I suggest talking with someone abot your perception of your body image. Someone you can trust. Because it could be skewed a bit. That's the feeling I'm getting from this topic. Could be wrong though. Either way try those things out above and talk with someone.

If your not overweight don't lose weight.

Sure, you may look in the mirror and say "I'm fat." but in reality you aren't. Common problem for kids. =/ I know I've done it...but I actually need to anyways because I AM overweight. xD

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Thank you everyone. =]


The thing that bugs me is everyone I ask (in real life says),

"You look fine! You have a great figure!"


In school kids call me stuff like a whale, fat-so, etc.


I'm average weight though, 120 pounds is how much I weigh. I'm the average age of a TTer. (11, 12, or 13. Make a guess) D'x

I'm pretty sure I lost my baby fat (about 70-80% sure), but I'm not positive. I wonder if it could be that? o__O"

I'm average weight though, 120 pounds is how much I weigh. I'm the average age of a TTer. (11, 12, or 13. Make a guess) D'x

I'm pretty sure I lost my baby fat (about 70-80% sure), but I'm not positive. I wonder if it could be that? o__O"
With your weight, you don't need to lose much or any for that matter. If you want to be comfortable, just lose it till you think you look fine, not what other people think.

Other people may think skinny is just like average with a figure. Most people think of skinny as being a twig. o_O

You shouldn't worry about it too much and if you are just exercise and cut down on the snacks.

I'm not helping much, but anyways...yeah. lol

Thank you everyone. =] 

The thing that bugs me is everyone I ask (in real life says),

"You look fine! You have a great figure!"


In school kids call me stuff like a whale, fat-so, etc.


I'm average weight though, 120 pounds is how much I weigh. I'm the average age of a TTer. (11, 12, or 13. Make a guess) D'x

I'm pretty sure I lost my baby fat (about 70-80% sure), but I'm not positive. I wonder if it could be that? o__O"
I'd just ignore those people at school. They obviously have a more skewed perception on looks than you do. That and they do it unpurpose to make you feel self consious.

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Thank you everyone. =] 

The thing that bugs me is everyone I ask (in real life says),

"You look fine! You have a great figure!"


In school kids call me stuff like a whale, fat-so, etc.


I'm average weight though, 120 pounds is how much I weigh. I'm the average age of a TTer. (11, 12, or 13. Make a guess) D'x

I'm pretty sure I lost my baby fat (about 70-80% sure), but I'm not positive. I wonder if it could be that? o__O"
I weigh 120 and I'm 11. I am 5' 1" though. I hope as I get taller I get slimmer.

Good luck!

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[SIZE=13pt]x3 Weeeeeeeeell~[/SIZE]

I would suggest for you to eat right...Work out...And blah, blah, blah.

You know the drill. :eek:


Also, another way to make your self look a little bit thinner

is by wearing looser clothes compared to the tight stuff! :D

And I also heard on TV that by wearing a shirt where the stripes

are going up and down can make yourself appear thinner too. ;]


Hope I was of some sort of help! :D ~

Thank you everyone. =] 

The thing that bugs me is everyone I ask (in real life says),

"You look fine! You have a great figure!"


In school kids call me stuff like a whale, fat-so, etc.


I'm average weight though, 120 pounds is how much I weigh. I'm the average age of a TTer. (11, 12, or 13. Make a guess) D'x

I'm pretty sure I lost my baby fat (about 70-80% sure), but I'm not positive. I wonder if it could be that? o__O"
Kick them =D

That's what I do.

Works every time xD

Not really, I just get dragged away somewhere until the end of the period, then my friends wonder where the hell I went O_O. Never listen to me. Ever.


Ignore them, they're probably just jelous that they aren't normal. They soooo wanna be you.

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Hun, I weigh about 40 lbs more than you. =/ But I do not look like it though.


Go on a summer diet. Run 2 miles each day. I tried that once. x______x Bring lots of water, and try to eliminate junk/fast food from your diet.


Don't worry, and ignore those silly people at your school.

The best thing you could do to stay healthy is eat right and excercise. Now that doesn't mean you can't eat cupcakes and candy anymore, you just need to limit them. You can eat them every once in a while but you shouldn't make junk food a daily thing that you eat. Try healthier snacks and meals. And you should excercise at least 5 times a week for a half an hour. (I think that's how much) And if you're that concerned about your weight you should talk to your doctor about it. :huh:

I feel the same way! I'm average weight but some of the girls in my grade are under weight so it makes me look bigger than usual. If I were you, I wouldn't try to loose a bunch of pounds(that could be unhealthy if it got extreme) but just get clothes that work for you!

I feel the same way! I'm average weight but some of the girls in my grade are under weight so it makes me look bigger than usual. If I were you, I wouldn't try to loose a bunch of pounds(that could be unhealthy if it got extreme) but just get clothes that work for you!
Everyone at my school looks liek a friggin twig. @__@

Everyone at my school looks liek a friggin twig. @__@
Ewww.... And you must look like 'em too to fit in? I say screw fitting in.. standing out is more fun.

Everyone at my school looks liek a friggin twig. @__@
Tell me about it @_@

It makes people who aren't twigs think they're fat. The sad thing is the twigs, lol, think their fat too when they're like 80 pounds. o_o

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