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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2007
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this is so wierd. i think i can see the future. it all started one time when i was driving back from camp. i REALLY wanted to go to this ice cream shop that we pass alnog the way. i didnt say anything and then my mom said, hey lets get some ice cream!! i was like woah!!! and it happend one time when i was watching icarly. i was like, i REALLY dont want it to be this episode. guess what episode it was. it also happens alot when i play my ds. on mario party. i pointed to a spot where i wanted the star to be. it was right where i wanted it to be. that happend alot. also at stop and shop, i was getting a shopping buddy. i pointed to a random one i wanted to use, but it picks it for u. but it picked the one i picked!!!!! SO WIERD!!! also, one more thing, my school provides breakfast. me and my bffs usully dont get any breakfast. but one night i had a dream that my two friends were sitting at a table at breakfast. so the next day, walk into the school, i see my friends sitting at the SAME TABLE wearing the SAME CLOTHES eating THE SAME FOOD i dreamed. this is so wierd. i dont think this is a quincidence. what do u think? ;)

Well, it could be a coincidence.

Other than that, I don't know. Maybe you should keep a record of things that you dreamt/thought of, and see how many come true.

I have ESP too. I can predict if a guy will try and hook up with me, I can predict if a Katy Perry song or Britney Spears song will be on the radio, I can predict what guys will do to me next.

And a few days ago at a parade, I had a daydream about me getting into a fight over my brothers, and minutes later, THESE TWO PEOPLE HAD A FIGHT! D8

So welcome to the supernatural peoples corner. ;)

Well, it could be a coincidence.
Other than that, I don't know. Maybe you should keep a record of things that you dreamt/thought of, and see how many come true.
i seriosly dont think these are coincidences. espeiccly with the shopping buddy one.

I think all of those were coincidences except for the ones with your friends eating breakfast. Those other ones are obviously coincidence that happens to people all the time. But who knows? Some people probably can predict some stuff.


Once I had a dream that I worked in a kitchen and I was cooking peas. Then I woke up at like 12 and my mom was making peas for lunch. xD who knows?

that much stuff can't be a coincidence.

it happens to me too. I can tell what show episode will be on next XD


All of those are coincidences except the last one, which is de ja voux (sp). Usually people don't remember their dreams in that much detail. Sorry, I'm not a believer in that kind of thing. You can't see the future. You don't have ESP.


I can too, in a way....more like, PREDICT the future, and it'll happen. But only sometimes.

Like today, for example, we were playing soccer and it was a tie game. I sat out because someone else had to go on. I said to my friend, "Now that I'm not playing, they'll score."

Moments, later...BAM. They scored. And they hadn't scored all game!

Also, today, we got to watch a movie in class and as soon as the movie turned on, I mumbled, "I'd laugh if it were Wall-E." Guess what movie it was? Wall-E.

That seems to happen ALOT.

People who believe this need to read a science book. Not being mean or anything, but those are all coincidences.

It's a coincedence. Sorry, you can't see the future. Don't you think seeing the future would be a bit different? perhaps like I don't know, Premonitions? visions? not guessing. It's a coincidence.

One time I had a dream that I as going to Disneyland, and i saw me standing in fornt of the gate. Then a month later, that is exactly what happend. I don't know, maybe it was just some random thing that happend to happen.

Holy snot...I CAN see stuff in my dream!

A couple years ago, I had a dream that my neighbor was about to kiss a girl (she's a girl) and on her FaceBook, it says she's a lesbian...

So I know what you mean.

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