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My mom feels really strongly about the games I play,but my dad doesn't care. So I play any game that doesn't have Nudity and Knives down throat and Raping girls like on Grand Theft Auto and Hitman.

Pff. No way. Want to know why? I'm way more mature than any other kid my age, and nudity or gore doesn't shake me. As for swearing, I know about 99% of the words I'm not supposed to know.

Truthfully, the ESRB ratings are complete...complete...


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Some ERSB Ratings are strange, but I usually dont go over T rated.

Why? AO and R rated games dont suit me. My mom spazzs if I play games rated teen or for over 10. Im eleven soon, and I have like, so much Sims games x_X

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

But seriously, no. I'm exposed to worse things in my everyday life than I've ever seen or heard in any game.

I don't even think my mom knows what the ESRB ratings are o.o; She's never paid attention to them. What was annoying was wanting to buy games rated mature and the stores wanting IDs -.-

No. They don't even notice them. They just read the back or something. Sometimes they don't even do that! I mean,I could go up to them and say, "Hey,I want Grand Theft Auto!" (I never would) but they'd be "Ok. You sure you want it?" They don't even know what the ESRB IS!

Though I usually don't go over teen rated, because, well, good games for the DS just don't branch out far. xD

Though, Fatal Frame looks like a game of win. <3 Good thing I have a PS2.

Though I usually don't go over teen rated, because, well, good games for the DS just don't branch out far. xD
Though, Fatal Frame looks like a game of win. <3 Good thing I have a PS2.
Fatal Frame is amazing <3

I can't play it because I'm a pansy, but my friend plays and I watch XD

The second and third ones are the best. The third one is really long, and switches characters nearly every chapter/night. The second is a LOT shorter, and the storyline is easier to follow.

I believe in using the Rating System. Some of my friends think I'm being silly because I use it, but thats their opinion...

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As for swearing, I know about 99% of the words im not supposed to know.
so do i, and im only 10!!! lol

but seriously, my parents let me play (almost) any game rated M, no AO.


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