Ever do anything as a kiddie you regret now?


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September 2008 Contest Winner
Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
Jacksonville Florida
Title says all.

When I was 7 or 8, my friend Trey who lived (still does) in the house across the fence. Me and my brother wee swimming, I don't know what overcame me. But I took down the top of my swimsuit (One piece FTW) And flashed Trey.

Uhg, I wish I never did >.<

Well there was this one time when I was at this camp and when it was time for pick up by the parents I went upstairs to play pool, and no one could find me. I got in trouble there.

Ugh, yeah. There are many things. Most of which happened in the first half of middle school. I was such a DA [and NO, I am not saying deviantart ;) ].

Title says all.
When I was 7 or 8, my friend Trey who lived (still does) in the house across the fence. Me and my brother wee swimming, I don't know what overcame me. But I took down the top of my swimsuit (One piece FTW) And flashed Trey.

Uhg, I wish I never did >.<

Okay. You've always been a weird kid anyways... xD

No, not really. Other than meeting a retard I know.

I regret carving my imaginary friend's name into the wall at our old apartment. It got a laugh out of landlord, though.

Haha I've been naughty as a kid I'm still naughty today XD. But I do regret beating this girl up because she took my teddy grams XD True story. And I regret having arguments with my BBFFL AKA MY COUSIN LOL. I used to steal her blankie too and run around my grandma's house with it lmao fun stuff!

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This was pretty much the most embarressing moment of my entire life. I pinch my leg really hard every time I think about it. IT WAS SO EMBARRSSING!!!!!

I, ummm... said "I love you" to this 54 year old man who lives in my neighborhood. And NO he wasn't my dad! O.O

Hightlight the space above...if you can stand the grossness and be ready to vomit for eternity. xD

I DIED of embarressment after that. I wish I could forget it... I'M SO MAD AT MYSELF! :D

Um.Okay. You've always been a weird kid anyways... xD

No, not really. Other than meeting a retard I know.
Well thank you! ;D

I also regret not asking my Arts teacher in Grade school to save my art >< Coulda got me into a amazing school!

Going to the school I am at right now. It has really soiled my mind and has made me a horrible person.

Not practicing piano as a kiddie.

Calling someone a really nasty name on TamaTalk. Yes, on TamaTalk. I'm not going to say names.

And getting on the wrong bus to go home. When I got on my regular bus everyone was laughing at me and it was soo embarrassing.

Oh, and one time I wanted to show my friend how I rode my scooter and I ended up turning too sharply, falling off, and cutting my lip open. xD

yeah one time we were listening to this weird radio commercial and it was talking about the sun and moon. i got in my grandpas pool and i thought only my brother was watching so i went "here is the sun,..." i turned around and mooned him and said "here is the moon!!!" then my distant grown up cousin's wife turned around right as i did that... 3 times. then she told me and said something weird. and i was reaaalll embarresed

Eating nicotine. Ugh. It's a very long story that I'm not going to recount. But really, if I had any doubts before, that event convinced me to never smoke. Ever.

(No, "eating" is not a typo. I actually swallowed the nicotine in question.)

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