ever had a bad hair day?


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oo yea today i'm having a bad hair day (well i sorta do everyday so w.e)

Pretty Much Every Day i Do, Today Wasnt So bad though, i actually found a way to put my hair into a ponytail. XD

Sometimes... I think everyone does at least once in a while.

I straighten my hair until it's Pin-straight. Everyday.

I consider it a bad hair day when I don't.

In that case, my straightener is my Best Friend! :p


Yeah i did a couple of days ago! My hair went frizzy! AAAGGHH! But i'm a very optimistic person so i just called myself "frizzylicious" and people found it cool LOL!!!

Really bad today. I have my hair up in real messy piggy-tails- I think it looks terrible, but all my friends say it looks cute. ^-^

No not realy, my hair is nautraly wavy/curly every day and doesn't get messed up too much, only when I go camping sometimes it get tough to handle.

omg in grade 2 my hair was out(i used have frizzy hair BTW) and this really annoying girl named Mariah asked me to take out ny hair :D and for what :huh: TO SEE WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE :huh: :rolleyes: :wacko: :angry: :angry: I'm sure you really won't understand but I'm sure you'd understand if I said that I couldn't even get my hair back the same way it was and that means I was gonna get yelled at by my mom. Anyways my hair got a little straighter naturally and everythings back to normal. That girl named Mariah left my school and everyone's happy(literally) :D LOl, that sounded a little weird :p B)

Unless I wax my hair up, I never have a good hair day xP Plus the wax is a serious pain to get out of my hair. I waxed it Saturday night for prom, have taken 4 showers in between then and there's still wax in it >.<

I always wear a hat, lol.

Only every day D:

My hair looks ugly when it's naturally curly, so whenever I wear it down it's ALWAYS straight. I have to hairspray it down and it gets major crusty, and then by the end of the day it poofs around where I hairprayed it. If I don't hairspray it, it poofs and goes all natural. :[ My mom got me this new Sunsilk Anti-Poof stuff and it's working really well... yay! :]

My hair is really unmanageable, so I use a 375°F straightener to straighten the curls out. Works real well. -sizzle-

Especially today. My hair is so thick and curly. The right side of my hair just got all tangly today, so I took my hair out of it's ponytail and tried to get the tangles out. But it was so tangly I couldn't.

Matchy :angry:

YES. One time I got a bad haircut and my head was like spotty. Some hair looked light black, black, and grey.

Yes, we all have bad hairdays.

I'm glad I'm not having one lately. ^.^

Everyday when I wake up my hair is poofy or sticking up. I always have to spray it down. My bangs hang over my face and reach my eyes. I drive my mother crazy.

She say's she'll cut my hair off when I sleep. :angry:

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