ever had nightmares or bad dreams?


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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2007
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I had one bout frogs, don't laugh, it seems funny but it was bad.

My mum was on the laptop when she logged on these frogs eyes came up then our desktop picture was jumping frogs. O_O I think they made noise... and I covered my ears with my padded winter coat and ran upstairs crying. O_O

Have YOU ever had a nightmare or a bad dream that was strange but nasty while you were having it?

"I was in the Ozarks in Arkansas and we were in a cabin, becuase we were at camp. i had one friend in the cabin with me and her 2 parents. I had never seen this girl before. She was slightly chubby, had blonde hair and was very talkative. We were just talking in the cabin. We had just woken up and were getting ready for the day when she started talking about breakfast. She started talking about how her favorite cereal was Pops. Her parents joined her and said that she was the Pops eating queen. It was funny.

Then she started talking about the mountains that were around her. She said that since there were mountains that it ment that we were on a fault and that an earthquake could happen at any time. She started talking about this one earthquake that happened around there when she was little.

Then she said "the earthquake was like BOOM!"

And right when she said BOOM the ground started to rumble and the top of the cabin was caving in. The Parents helped us cover our heads from debree as we fleed from the mess.

We looked outside and saw other people screaming and running out of thier cabins as a few cabins fell down. The noise was horrible. The only things I could hear were screaming people and collapsing buildings and the horrifying rumble from the earth.

I noticed that everyone was looking in a certain direction. I wondered what they were looking at and when I looked, I saw a huge spew of lava coming from one of the hills in the mountain. I couldn't move becuase I was so scarred.

Then the father spoke up. "We can't drive away from the volcano. There isn't a path back there. We need to drive right past the volcano to get to saftey."

I was very hesitant. I was scared that we would all die as I got into the car. it was a red convertible. When we got to the part of the road right next to the volcano the lava had just come up to the road. I could feel the heat burning my face as the hot glowing liquid rolled across the street.

We weren't fast enough. The lava had come up on the front of the car and it blew out the top left tire and blew up the father that was driving. We all screamed as the mother tried to protect us as the top right tire blew out. A shred of metal slit her throught in the explsion and she died. My friend couldn't move I quickly calmed down and realized the situation. I pulled at my friend and told her that we need to get out of here. We ran in the other direction even tho we knew that there was nothing but forest for miles, but the thought of getting out of there was all I could think about.

We were pretty far away from the volcano and there were a few other people there with us. They were crying and hugging each other and praying. There were so many at the camp, but only a surprising few made it out. I was surprised that I was alive. We stopped to rest. At this time the earthquake part has stopped but the rumble of the volcano was still there.

"We have to keep going!" said to my friend. We contined a little farther, but when we got to a big Oak tree she stopped and leaned on it and said,

"I can't go any further! You have to leave me behind!"

'But I can't just leave you here! You'll die! You're my best friend! I can't!" I yelled back at her.

"No! I'll only drag you down. My parents are dead and I have no other family. There is nothing left for my now. Just go!"

I started to cry as I left her next to the tree. As I contined, the amount of people with me were even less. Then I noticed a little wooden building about the size of an outhouse that had a little fencd next to it that was next to a big tree. It made kinda a little pin.

Then a little boy about the age of 7 told me to follow him. He lead me into the little wooden building and behind the fence. He told me that whoever is behind the fence can see all that was going outside of the fence, but no one could see who was inside the fence.

He told me that he knew a way out of the forest, but I would have to trust him. I agreed but said, "What about my friend! I can't just leave her."

Then he said, 'I'm sorry, but there is nothing I can do for her now, you will just have to trust me and follow me.

I hesitated but followed him as he led me further into the woods of the Ozarks.

I couldn't remember anything after that..."

I had a dream about frogs once too.. O_O

excet mine was weird... they were flying around at midnight and i was watching them.,... o_O

Oh gawd, yes. O_O

You see, me and my friends were all, having a spooky story night or something and these weird hand things kept makin' us die us with their farts... O_O I could actually smell something...

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Yeah but it's weird. I had it after I saw a movie about a cat lady.

There was a cat lady and she was trying to grab me and my friend.

I woke up. Then went back to sleep

There was a cat lady and she was trying to grab me and my friend. We ran up the libraies steps.

I woke up and went back to sleep.

There was a cat lady and she was trying to grab me and my friend. We ran up the libraies steps. I screemed to my mom for help and she kept saying "where are you?" and she never turned her head.

I woke up went to the bathroom and I had another dream. It was creepy.

My dreams are usually really really weird and I don't piece them together well. (I wake up without an alarm clock and I've heard that has something to do with it.)

I've had one reoccuring dream about my piano teacher and some dogs who were trying to chase me. I was really little then..

I've had one where there was some sort of conspiracy going on with teachers or something.. It doesn't sound too bad but what I remember most is waking up very, very scared.

I've had plenty of nightmares and I'm still getting them. I had a nightmare just a few weeks ago about the first day of school. The steps were hard to get up and this kid told me to get away from his staircase or something like that. It was wierd!!!!!

I remember one, lol. It was that I started 6th grade and we had to have a shot that maes a wart form for us to study it, then another shot to make it go away. It was scary

When I was 10 I had this strange dream, not particularly scary but I woke up scared and sweaty nonetheless.

I dreamt I was in a field with white gates surrounding it, and there was this sheep with big eyes bobbing his head up and down. I couldn't look away.Everything went black suddenly and I found out I was stuck on a Merry Go Round, the music was distorted and the horses were rusted and whenever I tried to touch them, they would have convulsions. Apparently, there wasn't any land beneath the Merry go round and I fell out and into a pit T_T

Since then, I feel awkward whenever I see, hear or go near horses and sheep [not that I never go near them.]

I've had plenty of nightmares and I'm still getting them. I had a nightmare just a few weeks ago about the first day of school. The steps were hard to get up and this kid told me to get away from his staircase or something like that. It was wierd!!!!!
Oh yes I have nightmares everyday about the first day of school and everything goes wrong! The one I remember most was when I was in the line up and I threw my lunchbag in the air in celebration and it hit my best friend on the head and she started crying. Then everybody saw and they all got mad at me and I was so embarrassed for the rest of the day! :)

For years now, all my dreams, every single one, consist of war and murder, the natural disaster and what they do to out little town. and they all relate to each other.

It consists usually of my friends Matt, Austin, Me, Amy, and a kid I dont know, he calls himself Mike Ambrose...

last night, I dreamt of a bomb threat in the school. the night before, the same thing. it was a recurring, it continued from the last point I remembered. a few nights before It was about the levies breaking in new Orleans, how we had to try and get out. I remember that I, in fact, had died saving Matt and Mike, pushing them to safety as the water impaled me and I was swept away. I went into third person for the last moments of the dream, watching my own body continue.

Usually im in the battlefield, yelling at the survivors to join me in the ditch and protect who we had left. I dont sleep much, due to Insomnia, but this is what happens when I do. No longer am I scared of them, I haven't been for years.

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I had a strange dream last night. I was at this really crowded party with my friend Naomi. The music was really loud and the room was full of people we didn't recognise. Everyone was acting weirdly.

Me and Naomi made our way over to the food table. Suddenly this random person (who looked like Ashley Tisdale) came over to us and told us not to drink anything because all the drinks were spiked. Then the person walked away.

Me and Naomi started to freak out so we moved through the crowd and went to a door. We tried to open it but we couldn't because it was locked.

We got more frightened and went to a series of other doors. I think we tried about five doors all together. The room was really smoky by that point and many people were drunk.

We ran upstairs and saw a window. We tried to open it but we couldn't it was too stiff so I smashed the window open with a shoe which was lying on the ground. We both climbed out of it and jumped onto the pavement. We then started to run.

We didn't recognise the neighbourhood. Naomi was trying her mobile to call someone but it had no credit and no signal - we were out of range. I was about to take my phone out of my bag when a woman with bleached blonde hair and a pink fur jacket snatched my bag. I started screaming and Naomi was trying to grab my bag but the women ran off with it.

Me and Naomi carried on walking. It was about three in the morning at that point. Then I saw a train station so me and Naomi ran towards it.

We walked along the platform. We just suddenly had tickets in our hands. The train, which was big and blue, stopped for us and we climbed on. It was in horrible condition, there were spiderwebs everywhere. We sat at the very front of the train.

Suddenly the train started gaining speed and swerving everywhere.

We both started screaming. The train swerved 180 degrees and we looked out of the window. Another train was coming towards us. We clung to each other and attempted to jump out of the train windows but we couldn't smash them.

Next thing I heard was the crash.

Then I woke up.

It was scary!! o_O

I had a strange dream last night. I was at this really crowded party with my friend Naomi. The music was really loud and the room was full of people we didn't recognise. Everyone was acting weirdly. Me and Naomi made our way over to the food table. Suddenly this random person (who looked like Ashley Tisdale) came over to us and told us not to drink anything because all the drinks were spiked. Then the person walked away.

Me and Naomi started to freak out so we moved through the crowd and went to a door. We tried to open it but we couldn't because it was locked.

We got more frightened and went to a series of other doors. I think we tried about five doors all together. The room was really smoky by that point and many people were drunk.

We ran upstairs and saw a window. We tried to open it but we couldn't it was too stiff so I smashed the window open with a shoe which was lying on the ground. We both climbed out of it and jumped onto the pavement. We then started to run.

We didn't recognise the neighbourhood. Naomi was trying her mobile to call someone but it had no credit and no signal - we were out of range. I was about to take my phone out of my bag when a woman with bleached blonde hair and a pink fur jacket snatched my bag. I started screaming and Naomi was trying to grab my bag but the women ran off with it.

Me and Naomi carried on walking. It was about three in the morning at that point. Then I saw a train station so me and Naomi ran towards it.

We walked along the platform. We just suddenly had tickets in our hands. The train, which was big and blue, stopped for us and we climbed on. It was in horrible condition, there were spiderwebs everywhere. We sat at the very front of the train.

Suddenly the train started gaining speed and swerving everywhere.

We both started screaming. The train swerved 180 degrees and we looked out of the window. Another train was coming towards us. We clung to each other and attempted to jump out of the train windows but we couldn't smash them.

Next thing I heard was the crash.

Then I woke up.

It was scary!! o_O
EEK! That sounds scary! Well...

I have had dreams were friends are mean and I am mean to friends,, and those scare me.

I've had a few nightmares about dinosaurs (but I almost enjoyed them, lol). I had a really scary one where there were two Velociraptors in our house, hunting us down, one by one... ;)

But the scariest one I had was where me and my dad were on Isla Sorna (Isla Sorna is the island where the dinosaurs were transferred in "Jurassic Park") with a bunch of other hunters (just like in the sequal to Jurassic Park) and we were sleeping in tents when suddenly a T. Rex pair ripped our tents open and ate several of the hunters! I remember us getting away, but it was scary...

NOTE: Yes, I am a dinosaur geek. :mimitchi:


EEK! That sounds scary! Well...
I have had dreams were friends are mean and I am mean to friends,, and those scare me.
Yes, it was very scary. *Shivers*

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