Everyone here has probably heard of Luke,


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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2007
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Why do you wanna know?
As most people on here know, for the past year I have liked a guy called Luke. Since I have explained this OVER and OVER, I really couldn't be bothered typing it all up again. What I am going to tell you is that ever since a month or so ago, we have become closer and I'm starting to feel comfortable starting a general conversation with him, when before I didn't say anything ;)

Over the past few months, his friends, his brother and his brother's friends have told me he likes me. And now I even get PMs from TamaTalkers about how they think he likes me, just from posts I've made about how he acts around me! I mean, my friends who I hadn't even told I like him reckon he likes me :chohimetchi: ;)

I really need to tell him my feelings for him, and I think he likes me. I have tried to tell him previously, but I haven't had the courage to. I need ideas to tell him.

In the last few days of school, there will be alternate activities like going to the movies and stuff. Should I tell him there? I don't know how to tell him.

I have set myself a goal to tell him I like him before the last day of school this year, otherwise I will make another account called 2chicken2tellLUKE and post with that. I'm serious.

You guys have heard my love story from page one. Please, help me take it one step further...



Ask to take him to somewhere its private, like a park or behind something, but do it in between conversation.

But I think you should just wait a while until your used to being friends, like a month or 2. But if your already are, do it!


Yeah I know, somewhere private, especially away from Bec. Bec will hate my guts if she finds out. She likes him too.

We've known eachother for about 1 and a half years, and close friends since about a month ago. He joined my cricket forum too! :)

Yeah, I'll go for it. I gotta do it. I'm not going to be 2chicken2tellLUKE. I'm not a coward. I CAN do it!

Any other suggestions?

PS. Yes! Aussies rules the Earth!!!

I got good tips.... (evil laugh.... MWAHAHAHAHAHA *coughs* HAHAHA!!!)

1. Make it not too romantic... (like a walk through the beach or something.... actually, thats actually a good place to tell him!)

2. Make it a friendly chat, not a silent chat.

3. STEP UP to the plate, be confident.

4. don't go all silent. Be normal and act like its a conversation that you usually talk about.


P.S: YAY! 20 AGREES!!!

Go for it Girl!!! If you cant tell him then your not a chicken. Telling someone you like them is atleast one of the difficult thing in your life.

You can do it! If everyone thinks he likes you, he probably does, so go tell him! It's time to do it!

Go somewhere private or quiet where nobody can hear you and tell him.

You can face your feelings, great. But what do you plan to do after the fact? What are you trying to accomplish?

I'm a stickler for these types of things but I suggest you go through ALL possiblities. You realize you are risking your friendship correct? What if it goes wrong?

I wish you the best of luck, but remember to think about the outside factors.

How CUTE! I say go for it because from what you say, I think he loves you! You should tell him privately though. Tell me how it goes! Good luck!!!!

I'm a stickler for these types of things but I suggest you go through ALL possiblities. You realize you are risking your friendship correct? What if it goes wrong?
I wish you the best of luck, but remember to think about the outside factors.
I know that, that's why I am so nervous to tell him.

I know that, that's why I am so nervous to tell him.
Okay, here's some food for thought [this can more or less be rhetorical].

What you are you really accomplishing by telling him? What next?

you've come to the riiight place! :) *passes keyboard to my cousin, Tamasweet2*

Hello, Jess! Just strike up a conversation with him! Go up to him and say something like "Great game last night, huh?".

The key is voice. Thats what I did to get a BF. For the movie event at your school? Ask him!

In the middle of your conversation, just say something about the movie event at your school. He's bound to ask you.

Try to see these signs while you guys are talking:

1) Does he run his hands over his hair at least 3 times?

2) Does he smile and look down while he's talking?

3) Does he seem to be closer than you would imagine?

If you answered mostly "yes," he likes you! So..ask away! :)

Please please please tell me how this goes! PM me! Not my cousin mike619, me, Tamasweet2!! Please! I want to see if this works!

*passes keyboard back to mike619*

didnt i tell u? shes good at this stuff!

Thanks guys. I hope I can tell him eventually.

What do I want next, tama w/pants? Well I would hope he likes me back then maybe I might ask him out.

Why not just cut to the chase?

If the idea of telling him is because you want to start dating him as a boyfriend, then why not just say something like "That school movie event was great wasn't it? I really want to see "Name of Move" too... uh, would you want to come to see it with me?"

If you don't feel confident that he likes you enough to date you but just wants to stay friends, then keep quiet and just enjoy his company as a friend :rolleyes:

I guess you just need to decide if you are ok with being turned down on a date or not. If you never ask, you'll never know. Carpe Diem :D

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