Everyone needs a friend...


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Well-known member
May 13, 2006
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Rose happily trotted down the street. Oh no, theres Jamie, she thought unhappily.

"Hello Roseylin," Jamie snorted. She stuck out her tongue and slowly walked away with a menacing glare. Her posse followed her, giggling.

(new girl) Leslie was walking down the street with her long haired, grey and white dog named Prince Terrian or P.T. before (yes I realize I am copying Bridge To Terabithia but WHO ASKED YOU!?!?!) and sees what happened to Rose. Jogs over and goes in front of Rose. "Hi" she said nervously "I'm Leslie. Also I'm new here. What's your name? I saw what those girls did to you. I really dislike those kind of people."

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"uhh.I'm rose...Nice dog you got there." stammered rose as she was surprised she was actually talking to some one that could answer.

:D :furawatchi: "Nice to meet you. Thanks this is P.T. his full name is Prince Terian. My cuzin jess gave him to me for Christmas. Wanna pet him? He is really quite sweet" she explained with a smile. All three of them started walking down the road and talking. Leslie couldnt wipe that grin off her face :D ;) :D :D
Rose was having a great time with her new friend. Everyone usually was with Jamie because Jamie was a terrible bully and everyone new what the consequence was. One time, Rose had a friend, Lily, and then a week later, Lily had mysteriously disappeared.

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