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Since i was being kind of dumb, I drank milk (ROTTON milk) and then went on a roller coaster. Then i had to upchuck. Ughhhhhhhhhh. Did anything like this happen to you?
Yes it has, I once drunk rotten milk then went on a trampoline. I didn't feel too good afterwards. That's probably the worst thing like that, that's happened to me.

It was in the back room in one of our totes.
Like someone broke a few gallons and dumped them in the tote, then left it there for us.

We put it outside the receiving door and then it disappeared o.o;
Hopefully someone threw that away. Euw >.<

off topic I know: I love Wild Adventures!! I lilve like an two hours away though

on topic: no that has never happened to me...I don't get sick easiley.
Lol xD I was going to say that but then I decided against it. I live however far away Florida is to it. not that far.

I have a strange fear of curdled mil o_O

I have high nausea tolerance, so even if I feel sick I never puke.

Yet still, I only drink milk if it's chocolate. :wacko:

I puked once... one Easter when my friend and I were spinning in a little tire swing, faster, faster, faster, and I refused to get off. So I felt dizzy and sick for the whole car ride, and then my friend's mom passed our house, which I realized after 5 minutes. So I told her to turn around and I got in right in time to throw up some red stuff x]

...Okay, so maybe you DIDN'T need to know what color it was...

Rotten milk and roller coaster rides must equal lots of fun.

I don't really get sick that easily. The last time I got sick really bad off of some form of food was when I ate way too much canned spaghetti. I vomited so violently it came out my nose.

It kind of smelled icky.


OH and one time I was eating this jar of pickles, and I ended up vomiting. It was a really pretty shade of green, too. And the thing that sticks out most about that night was that I was talking to Sweet Kandi on MSN o.o; Random thing to remember XD

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Yes once we were at six flags and I was really hungry and we went on a roller coaster and I ended up puking on my mom's pants she got mad though lol so I hung out with daddy the rest of the day lol. And she smelled like baby barf for an hour then she went to a store and bought new pants for the day. LOL I'm bad XD! My puke smells like baby barf I don't know why lol. Oh and when I was a baby I couldn't drink milk only soy milk which I think is nasty now but luckily I out grew that ^^.

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Cool! I wish I did that! But I hate rotten milk because it's chunky, and a bit sour.

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also i get even motion sick on a swingset x-x

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I never throw up unless I have the stomach flu. Big roller coasters never scare me as much as they probably should. In fact, I always go to amusement parks on rainy days, because then nobody is there so I can go on all the big rides fifteen times in a row then run up and down the stairs till I pass out. x]

Thanks for sharing -_- This helps my fear of puking a lot. XD

I just got back from an amusement park. No puking. Except some kid across from me was like"MYSTOMACHMYSTOMACH!!!" and I was like "......" and Scooted closer to Sango (She went too)

Next time don't drink rotten milk XD

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No, although I did once eat a white magnum before going on a ride that went downhill so fast it felt as though I was falling into nowhere (only what I could see told me I wasn't). I wasn't sick, but I felt it.

In year 3 I was violently sick on the carpet in class!

Off topic: I'm rubbish when I'm scared on rides. Instead of screaming and waving my arms in the air, I freeze with terror and cling on for dear life.

^ Yeah. I'm scared of roller coasters, to be exact.

I've been on a roller coaster one for the first time.. and the last. xD.

It was a baby one to some people, but to me.. it almost killed me o_O

I didn't puke, but I felt dizzy and I felt like puking. I went all "WHERE'S MY HEAD? I LOST MY HEAD!" xD.

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