Extra-curricular stuff


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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2009
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Do you have any extra-curricular activities? (Ex: Sports, instruments, clubs...)

All I do is play piano and violin =\ I played on school volleyball and basketball teams. And I'm doing track&field. I used to do ballet, in preschool. I also take really retarded classes.: English class with a whole bunch of random highschoolers [i quit. My dad that it was useless, 'cause I knew SAT stuff in gr. 6], French class, and Japanese [Fail].

Most of my friends do sports: Softball player, skater, gymnast, dancer, soccer player, cheerleader, basketball player, hockey player... I have very active friends... I'm so lazy... As a result, I can't do the simplest of stretchs: touching your toes w/o bending your knees...

*Edit: needed to add stuff

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I play on the school volleyball and soccer team. and I play competitive soccer and I do skating. And in the summer I do tennis camp.

All I do is sports, I'm not a very musical person. For class band I play tambourine.. xD

One time I tried taking up piano, I don't know why I stopped.

And once I tried ballet, that was a disaster. ;P

Choir = My life.

Dance = My fail.

Theatre = Also my life.

Choir = I felt like it needed to be added again.

Swim Team = I was in it for three years, quit last year.

Choir is really the only thing I'm truly good at. But, the chances of me getting a job in that field are so incredibly low. [ And I don't want to be an instructor ]

I think I might end up being a middle school science teacher or something in the phycology or scientific field, because I do excel in that area.

I'm on the debate team. (First speaker FTW.) Its not actually nerdy. We make up words and over use the words 'Namby pamby' to describe things.

I'm trying out for theater sports.

I fail at music so thats a no no.

I do sports myself. I don't do people telling me how to do things and team sports I don't work with. Except hockey but I missed the trials. Idiot teacher....

I do choir at school. I can't sing solo though. I just do it for the fun of it, I guess. My 2 best friends in school do it too. And, I suppose, pretty much all my friends do it. And I get to see friends from other classes so that's good.

I also do theatre classes. Ever saturday morning, we do acting and stuff. Apparently I'd be a great actress on a TV show, but not on stage. I mix up my lines alot and do forget stuff, but I'm gonna continue.

I wanted to do squash, but mum convinced me not to because people can get hurt easily and she doesn't want me getting a concussion...

My gym teacher (we do gym at school, everyone does) says that I'm amazing at long jump and pretty good at high jump. I can jump over 3.5 metres in long jump, and that's pretty good for my age. As for high jump, I hate it. I dread it. I dont know why.

I do like... An arts thing.

We do.. Art, music, drama and sometimes we dance like idiots for the fun of it :)

I do that with my two best friends, Luke amd Katie.

That's every Monday, Wednesday and Friday night :gozarutchi:

I do Saturday morning softball with Daniel sometimes, that's pretty cool, and I don't suck too much!

I'm in art club, Soccer team (football here but whatever), I learn instruments through the school. Thats it. I should join tech club and learn to cook!

Well, I play piano. I currently play tennis and will be trying out for the team next year. :D

Everything else, such as draw and write, I do by myself.

Band ftw <3 I play Clarinet and Bass Clarinet

I am in Jr High band, High School band, and Marching band.

I got moved up to the high school band because I play bass clarinet. I wasn't allowed to play it in the Jr high band for some reason.

I played basketball. I'm not playing next year though. I hate the coaches.. like alot.

I'll probably do the musical next year. I wasn't able to audition this year because I had an orthodontist appointment (sp?) D<

I was a Hip-Hop and Jazz dancer for seven years. But I had to quit this year for basketball. Bad choice. I really liked dancing ;_;

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im a musician. classically trained, but have since branched out. i

play: piano, violin, organ and flute.

have regular kids who take lessons. also a few adults and one teen.

chamber ensemble, orchestra, church organist, choir accompanist.

My electives I take in school are Japanese and choir. (I'm in remedial choir this year, because I screwed up the audition last year, haha. But my teacher loves me, and next year I'm getting bumped up to the most elite traveling choir. O: ) But those aren't really extra-curriculars... being they don't really partain to outside of school.

I danced multiple days a week since I was 2 1/2, until last month, when I quit. O: I am so happy I quit though. I couldn't stand it there any longer.

Now I do track. I ran indoor track, December through the end of February. Now I run outdoor track, March through the end of May. I long jump and triple jump. I'm not very skillful at it, but I do love it. It really gets me in shape and gives me something to do. It is five days a week, Monday through Friday, sometimes including weekends. And the meets are so fun. :]

I also play the guitar. I have lessons Saturday mornings, and I practice every day. I love it so much; it's incredible. :]

Last, I am active in my youth group at church. I don't always go to the meetings, but almost always I'm doing something involving community service and God.

Right now my schedule is pretty hectic, but once track is over, my schedule will feel extremely empty. D; I need to be busy to function.

EDIT: Oh, and I'm in Art Club! n_n

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Hmmm.....I don't know.

My school doesn't make 'clubs' or any activities. O___O I know. It's very different in Thailand. But I do like basketball, volleyball, swimming, gymnastics, Art...and yeah. I like sports even though I'm lazy. I want to be tall, that's all xD

School had a go at me for not doing any extra-curricular, because I don't want to do extra-curricular, but they forced me to join... archery... Basically, I'm supposed to become Robin Hood x.x I'm better at Hockey, but I hate Hockey. =P

I play a lot of sports.

Apart from that, I do basically nothing.

I play on the school volleyball and soccer team. and I play competitive soccer and I do skating. And in the summer I do tennis camp.All I do is sports, I'm not a very musical person. For class band I play tambourine.. xD

One time I tried taking up piano, I don't know why I stopped.

And once I tried ballet, that was a disaster. ;P
One more thing: I'm signing up for track and field again this year. It's really fun, I did it almost all summer last year. My best events are long jump, sprint races and softball throw. People say I have a good arm, but it really hurts afterwards. :D

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