"Extreme Hair Dying Ban"


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Paisley 520

Well-known member
Jun 5, 2006
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Alot of kids have had their hair dyed but not ordinary colors. Our principal guy calls it "Extreme Hair Dying" which I think is stupid. I think that kids should have the right to dye their hair whatever color they choose because it's their hair. Anyways, the stupid guy banned it! Do you have that at your school?

No. Quite a few of the girls at my school are giving themselves red, pink, blue, or green highlights now, so it's good that we don't. ;)

We have the same rules, they say you can't dye your hair a 'crazy' color such as blue (along with mixtures and such). They say it will distract others. Only the less focused kids would get distracted my something like that. >.>

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It is because it "Distracts" others. But it is perfectly legal for a Middle school to distribute Birth Control pills to girls as young as 11.

I really want to dye mine a bright red but if I do I get expelled from the best school in the county (It is like ranking number 2 in the district)

It isn't banned at my school, but it can be distracting ;)

I still want to dye my bangs red, though ;D

That's a retarded rule. How does hair color "distract" people?

There are crazy, wierd, and...uh...crazy kids at my school that are more distracting than a neon pink light shining in your face.

Haha, moving on. Anyways, there are plenty of people at my school who have been using those hair wax/moose products that have the color in them. It looks stupid if you ask me.

We probably do, but I'm not sure.

But, if I do say so myself, that is an absolutely ridiculous rule. People should be able to do whatever they want to their body, be it piercings, tattoos, hairdying, etc. Take my school for example. You can't have a lip piercing, nose piercing, etc. because it's too distracting. You can put your hair up and show off your someodd number of ear piercings, but one measly nose piercing is too distracting.

Jee, sometimes it makes me think that school principals are all evil dictators in hiding.

No, my school doesn't care. I wanted to dye my hair with purple streaks (green has to be done well, I think, and I've never really seen green dye I really liked) but I found this kit of hair dye (copper-y color) for less than a buck and I used it. It turned out well, and so I'm not complaining.

If you think about it, it's kinda like school uniforms, except in a different way.

A kid had her hair died BRIGHT pink!!! :p

I want to do that, but I already have died hair (realistic color) and if I did do a wild color, me friends would think that I'm strange.... ;) It is allowed at my school :D

Why shouldn't kids be "allowed" to dye their hair?! It's YOUR OWN hair! You have to live with it, so why cant you enjoy it? The kids took the time to grow it, so why cant they be happy with it?!

It doesn't seem fair

It ISN'T fair!!!

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Yeh. I don't think its fair as well. Why shouldn't you be allowed to dye your hair colors like blue, red, orange, and green.

It really is LAME

I understand if your parents say no because they dont want you to regret it. The principle shouldn't really be allowed to say that! ;)

It is because it "Distracts" others. But it is perfectly legal for a Middle school to distribute Birth Control pills to girls as young as 11.
I really want to dye mine a bright red but if I do I get expelled from the best school in the county (It is like ranking number 2 in the district)
Well, what's better? A school with a bunch of pregnant eleven year olds that have pink hair, or a school with no pregnant eleven year olds with no pink hair?

[SIZE=7pt]Heh..In my school, we're only suppossed to dye our hair natural colors. e.e I can't wait until next year so I can dye it pink.[/SIZE]
its ridiculous to dye your hair anyway. whats wrong with your natrual ways. there was a girl who dyed her electric purple
It's just something fun. I highlighted my hair because I wanted to do something fun, not because I think there's anything wrong with my hair.

Also, electric purple is hot.

No, my school doesn't care. I wanted to dye my hair with purple streaks (green has to be done well, I think, and I've never really seen green dye I really liked) but I found this kit of hair dye (copper-y color) for less than a buck and I used it. It turned out well, and so I'm not complaining.
If you think about it, it's kinda like school uniforms, except in a different way.
Neither does my school, and I have purple streaks! I went to the hairdressers and they gave me red and purple, it looks so cool.

We do. We're not allowed to wear makeup either...

Like I care anyway. xD

*has blue hair and too much eyeliner*

The scary thing is that nobody even looks twice at me...

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