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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2008
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I want to start wearing eyeliner really, really badly. The only problem is that my mom won't let me! She says I'm too young...(I'm 13) and while that's believable, most of the girls at my school wear it. But that's not the reason. It's because I love how it looks and I'm convinced it would make my eyes look prettier.

She's said no many times before, so how do I finally convince her? <<

Ask her if you can wear it on special occasions. (Weddings, birthdays, events etc.)

After you get to for that 'glory moment', ask your mom if you two can come to a compromise on a set age.

Good luck!

Ask her if you can wear it on special occasions. (Weddings, birthdays, events etc.)After you get to for that 'glory moment', ask your mom if you two can come to a compromise on a set age.

Good luck!

,,good idea :3

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Another suggestion is that you ask her if you could wear a tiny bit. Say that you think you're ready to wear a little makeup, and that you respect her opinion. Another thing:

  I want to start wearing eyeliner really, really badly. She says I'm too young...(I'm 13) and while that's believable, most of the girls at my school wear it. But that's not the reason. It's because I love how it looks and I'm convinced it would make my eyes look prettier.
That's a good paragraph to start with.

Good luck :D

Talk to her about it. Tell her all your reasons and ask for a compromise (a set age, a set amount, etc). As rachel3902 said, maybe you could just start by wearing a little on special occasions? Good luck! :D


Promise her something.

Set a age.

The promise will be you'll only use a little bit, nothing that makes you look like a panda...Or a fox.

Setting an age sometimes doesn't work. I got my friend an eye shadow palet for her birthday one year and her parents said, "Whop. Margie isn't allowed to wear makeup until she's at least 16. We'll put this away for you now. -snatch-" D:< And they were light colors too.

I would talk to her about it. Ask her if you could go to Rite Aid or some other drug store with her and pick out a color together, and ask her if she could help you put it on for the first few times. That way she doesn't worry about you stabbing your eye, and she gets to set the amount you wear. :eek:

My parents never cared about my make up.... I've been allowed to wear as much as I want for as long as I can remember. [:

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Why doesn't she want you to wear it? She thinks you're too young?

Well do your research and explain to her why you want to wear it, just because you like how it looks, not because everyone else is. Because I'm 13 and I wear it forr the same reason.

Don't argue about it though because then she'll be more likely to say no. Maybe you could meet in the middle and wear eyeshadow instead.

I wouldn't bug her. Usually when you debate with parents, it only get's worse than it was before.

Personally, I don't like girls who cake on the eyeliner. ;)

I wouldn't bug her. Usually when you debate with parents, it only get's worse than it was before.
Personally, I don't like girls who cake on the eyeliner. ;)
Ugh, I know.

This one girl was wearing BLUE eyeliner. Srsly..

It twas ugly!! D:<

I wouldn't bug her. Usually when you debate with parents, it only get's worse than it was before.
Personally, I don't like girls who cake on the eyeliner. ;)
Thanks for the input. ;)

And thanks to everyone else, too.

I guess I'll bring it up casually some time soon...and see what she says...

Tell her your exact reason for wanting to wear it. Explain it maturly, and i'm sure she'll listen. ;)

Talk nicely and don't use it like I do.

I mean, don't follow my lead and insist on doing some insane butterfly/star pattern halfway down your cheek.

Not so sure about this because I dont have "normal" parents. But maybe find a time to talk, and see if you can negotiate? Don't yell or anything, because that would make it less likely for u to win.

I don't know if this would work for you though...Let's just put it this way. If your parent's dont scream at you for trying to calmly negotiate, then you'll probably be fine!!

being calm and not whining is important.

I stole my sisters eyeliner when I was 10, and when my mom saw it on me, she said:

" you put that on really well! "

and I said

" I know. you should buy me some.. "

and she said

" I know! :]] "

so yeah I've never had a problem :]

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