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Yeah it's alright if you put like your first name and age but like exact addresses and all that is just silly.

One time I was reading a magazine and there was a girl who advertised her house party on myspace meaning putting her address and she told everyone to bring drink and stuff. She was only expecting about 30-40 guests but more than 200 turned up and trashed the house and stole loads of stuff. There was like, £10,000 worth of damage. If she really had to have a house party she could have just invited her friends.

You don't have to hide your profile, I used to have a freewebs and I said my location was Mars XD.

Yeah stupid people get hurt but if you be safe then you're fine.

It really depends on ur privacy settings. I have a myspace and i have both my profile and my picture settings on private. so that way only my friends (that are ACTUALLY my friends; not just some random person i met) can look.

So far, nothing horrible has happened. And yeah, i lied (slightly) about my age.
I still don't trust it that much. No matter what.

mametchi ;)

It's safe if you don't give out personal information that might reveal your identity.


Myspace: I think it's safe as long as you have a pirvate account, don't share any personal info except with your best best budz, etc.

Facebook: I really don't know what goes on in there. I know what it is. It's for college kids. But alas, I'm not in college yet, so I have no clue.

Ahh.. Reminds me of my Friend, He had a party. Advertised it on MySpace/Facebook. Around 150people came. Only 20 were supposed to have came.

By the end of the night, it had been raided by the Cops Twice, and there was Lots of Damage. :p

It's a common 'myth' (for lack of a better word) that Facebook is for college kids. You just have to be 13 or up to sign up. I checked. And they actually have high schools in there too.

You know what else is stupid? I just remembered this from someone's post about that girl who posted for her party etc. But, there's a lot a stupid people who decide to do drugs or like drink underage (how much dumber can you get???) and post them on these websites (okay, a lot dumber, obviously). And then they get caught.

Myspace is only as safe as you make it.

If you're going to be stupid and post your name, age, location, and photo, then you're making it pretty unsafe. But if you just add people you know to your list, set your profile on private, and don't give out anything personal, it can be as safe as TamaTalk.

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