Factfile Of Yourself~


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Feb 1, 2010
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Behind The Sea
My previous topic died. But it did get quite popular, so.


Name: Vivienne

Date Of Birth: 13th November

Age: 14

Location: London

Height: 5'7

Weight: 116-118?

Shoe size: UK size 7.

Hair color: Naturally golden brown, but currently dyed dark red.

Eye color: Brown.

Skin tone: Lightly tanned?

Favourite band/singer: Taking Back Sunday.

Favourite animal: Moose.

Favourite book: Cat In The Hat ;)

Favourite movie: I can't chooosee.

Lucky number: 3 and 74

Dream job: I don't know, I don't like to make decisions until I know they'll work out.

Favourite color: Red.

Hobbies: I don't really have hobbies, I guess I just enjoy enjoying life.

Favourite food: Sour skittles, raspberries, cherries or Sugar Puffs. But I don't really like food.

Favourite TV show: TV sucks.

Favourite drink: Cherryade/Pepsi Max/Sugarfree Red Bull.

Favourite music genre: Errr... rock?

Favourite actor: Can't choose.

First language: Korean.

Pets: None.

Loves: Go look on my profile.

Hates: Imperfection, mathematics, sleeping, annoyances.

Fears: Failure, imperfection, not being accepted, going out of routine and vomiting.

Weaknesses: I'll do anything to get more respect/liking from anyone.

Theme song: Umm.... I guess it would be Capital M-E - Taking Back Sunday?

Personality: Sarcastic, obsessive, controlling and dishonest.

Best friend: Amy/Lisa/Melissa/Elly/Ruby.

Strengths: I don't have any real strengths, but I guess I have pretty good self control and determination.

Favourite school subject: Music/Art/DT/German/French.

Least favourite subject: Latin, but I've dropped it now. So I guess Geography/English/Math?

Accent: English.

Ethnicity: Half Korean and half English.

Siblings: One 5 year old brother.

Favourite possession: Camera.

In a relationship?: Yes.

Religion: Atheist.

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: Going into year 10.

Weird habits: I need things to be arranged specifically, I keep logs of everything.

Can't cope with: Repeating myself.

Comparable to: Who knows.

Name: Beth

Date Of Birth: 29th March

Age: 15

Location: US of A

Height: 5'1

Weight: 110

Shoe size: US size 7

Hair color: Darkk brown.

Eye color: Blue.

Skin tone: paaaale.

Favourite band/singer: Carrie Underwood, Bon Jovi, Journey

Favourite animal: Giraffe & Monkey.

Favourite book: Harry Potter series :)

Favourite movie: Wizard of Oz, 27 Dresses, and FInding Nemo

Lucky number: 29 & 7

Dream job: Broadway Actress :)

Favourite color: Purpleee.

Hobbies: Singing, Dancing, Acting, Taking walks.

Favourite food: Chicken 'n' 'pasketti.

Favourite TV show: Glee

Favourite drink: Lemonade. <33

Favourite music genre: I don't really have one. I listen to a little of everything.

Favourite actor: James Marsden.

First language: English.

Pets: One dog; Cleo.

Loves: Being on stage, laughing, acting stupid

Hates: too much to name.

Fears: Failure, imperfection, not being accepted, birds, blood, needles.

Weaknesses: Blood makes me weak. Like legit.

Theme song: I want it all; HSM3. I know, it's terrible but every word is perfect.

Personality: Sarcastic, obsessive, annoying.

Best friend: Jordan, Austin, Mitchell, Carly, Shayla.

Strengths: Hmm, I guess my performing skills?.

Favourite school subject: Music\ English.

Least favourite subject: Everything else?

Accent: English.

Ethnicity: Not sure, actually.

Siblings: One 9 year old sister.

Favourite possession: My stuffed bear, Softie, or my National award.

In a relationship?: No.

Religion: Christian.

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: Going into year 10.


Can't cope with: Repeating myself.

Comparable to: Everyone calls me Shirley Temple?

I love these things.


Name: Danielle

Date Of Birth: September 25

Age: 14

Location: U.S.

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 115

Shoe size: around a 7, 7 1/2

Hair color: dark brown / black.

Eye color: Brown.

Skin tone: hm, a little tan, I guess I'm average.

Favourite band/singer: All Time Low, B.o.B, Eminem, and maybe Kid Cudi.

Favourite animal: Bats!

Favourite book: Catcher In The Rye

Favourite movie: Not sure, I guess "She's The Man" with Amanda Bynes is pretty good.

Lucky number: I don't have one.

Dream job: Definitely a lawyer.

Favourite color: Red.

Hobbies: Running and sleeping.

Favourite food: Granola bars and Bagelfuls.

Favourite TV show: anything on MTV.

Favourite drink: Powerade Zero.

Favourite music genre: Alternative, and rap that's actually good.

Favourite actor: Don't have one.

First language: Ingles.

Pets: A cat, Jay-jay.

Loves: music, running, sleeping, shopping.

Hates: arguments, losing things, rushing.

Fears: Getting anxiety again, I know, a great fear.

Weaknesses: I'm not very good under stress and I worry a lot.

Theme song: ? Not sure

Personality: Smart, but I'm really ditzy, and sarcastic.

Best friend: I don't have one, but my friend Felicia is cool.

Strengths: I'm really hard working, and I'm great with talking to people.

Favourite school subject: English and Spanish.

Least favourite subject: Biology.

Accent: American.

Ethnicity: Half Iranian, a quarter Russian, quarter Polish.

Siblings: Little brother.

Favourite possession: Laptop, but it broke.

In a relationship?: no.

Religion: Jew.

Gender: girl.

School year/grade: Sophomore.

Weird habits: I have to eat everything separately, like when I eat pizza, I have to eat the cheese, then crust, then bread, ect.

Can't cope with: People freaking out.

Comparable to: ? I don't know.

Name: Skadi

Date Of Birth: December 11th

Age: 14

Location: NJ

Height: 5'0

Weight: Not sure

Shoe size: Size 6 1/2

Hair color: Dirty blonde (it's sooo ugh looking)

Eye color: Green (Right) Blue-ish gray (Left)

Skin tone: Kinda tan?


Favourite animal: Dolphin

Favourite book: The Outsiders

Favourite movie: Hm... Either The Outsiders or.... I am Sam...

Lucky number: 7

Dream job: Either a chef or a psychologist.

Favourite color: Sky blue


Favourite food: ..Anything really. ._.

Favourite TV show: Anything funny really

Favourite drink: Not sure.

Favourite music genre: Folk

Favourite actor: Ralph Macchio <3

First language: German (or English if we're talking about first native language learned..)

Pets: 3

Loves: Band

Hates: People who wear fake plugs/tapers (INB4: School/work)

Fears: Failure, I guess.

Weaknesses: Not sure.

Theme song: Dunno.

Personality: Sarcastic, quiet,etc,.

Best friend: Eh. I really don't know (INB4: You have no friends)


Favourite school subject: Math and Band (INB4, again: Band isn't a subject!!11)

Accent: Kinda Southern..?

Ethnicity: German-American

Siblings: A sister

Favourite possession: Flute/Picc.

In a relationship?: Nope

Religion: Not sure.

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: 9th.

Weird habits: Not being able to look people in the eye. It makes people angry..

Can't cope with: Not sure...

Comparable to: Eh. I don't know.

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Name: Sydney

Date Of Birth: May 31st

Age: 14

Location: New York

Height: 5'3

Weight: 100

Shoe size: US size 8

Hair color: Dark blond with light bond highlights

Eye color: Blue

Skin tone: Slightly tan

Favourite band/singer: Does the Glee cast count? killed

Favourite animal: Dog

Favourite book: My Sister's Keeper

Favourite movie: Not suree

Lucky number: 9

Dream job: Don't care right now

Favourite color: Purple

Hobbies: Gymnastics, acting, reading.

Favourite food: Pasta

Favourite TV show: Glee

Favourite drink: Chocolate Milk Shakes

Favourite music genre: I listen to anything. Except rap.

Favourite actor: hmmmm...

First language: English

Pets: Nope

Loves: Lots

Hates: Lots

Fears: Failure, vomiting, death.

Weaknesses: Unsure

Theme song: I don't know.

Personality: With people I'm comfortable with: Sarcastic, crazy,loud, funny. People I'm uncomfortable with: Quiet, shy.

Best friend: Francesca/Octavia/Kristen/Allison/Charlotte

Strengths: Not sure.

Favourite school subject: Does Study Hall count? XD

Least favourite subject: French

Accent: American

Ethnicity: 25%Irish and Polish, 12.5% Dutch, 6.25% Native American, and small amounts of tons of others. I'm a mutt X3

Siblings: 4 sisters: 17, 15, 12, and 11

Favourite possession: Laptop.

In a relationship?: Nope.

Religion: Catholic

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: Going into grade 9.

Weird habits: lots

Can't cope with: Repeating myself.

Comparable to: don't know

Name: Weiwei

Date Of Birth: January 4th

Age: 13

Location: Canada

Height: 5'4

Weight: 95lbs

Shoe size: 6/6.5

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Brown

Skin tone: Tan-ishh

Favourite band/singer: I really dont know

Favourite animal: Dog or Turtle

Favourite book: The It girl series

Favourite movie: Step up 3 is pretty amazing, or maybe Mean Girls : )

Lucky number: 4, 14, 3, 25

Dream job: Lawyer.

Favourite color: Blue and Green

Hobbies: Facebooking, haha

Favourite food: Peaches.

Favourite TV show: TV sucks.

Favourite drink: LEMONADE.

Favourite music genre: Pop, cause I'm laame.

Favourite actor: Blake Lively

First language: Mandarin Chinese and English. Pretty much learned them at the same time.

Pets: Dog

Loves: My friends.

Hates: Annoying people.

Fears: Insects, Squishy things, Heights

Weaknesses: I freak out a lot?

Theme song: I dont knoww...

Personality: Annoyingly know it all-ishh, sarcastic, nice - I guess,

Best friend: Ivana&Meghan

Strengths: Good memory.

Favourite school subject: Math and PE

Least favourite subject: English

Accent: Canadian?

Ethnicity: Full Chinese.

Siblings: One brother, one sister.

Favourite possession: Cell phone

In a relationship?: No.

Religion: Atheist/Agnostic.

Gender: Female

School year/grade: Grade 8/Year 9

Weird habits: I make annoying noises with like my pen and stuff.

Can't cope with: People who talk to themselves.

Comparable to: I dont know.

I love these things

Name: Tess

Date Of Birth: March 10

Age: 14

Location: Ontario

Height: 5'4

Weight: maybe 115, I don't know haha

Shoe size: 9-9 and a half

Hair color: gold brown

Eye color: hazel

Skin tone: tanned

Favourite band/singer: too many

Favourite animal: Bat

Favourite book: Harry Potter 6

Favourite movie: Blades of Glory/School of Rock/Finding Nemo

Lucky number: 1

Dream job: Oncologist

Favourite color: Dark purple

Hobbies: Don't think I have any!

Favourite food: Chicken noodle soup

Favourite TV show: The Office, Glee

Favourite drink: Shirley temples

Favourite music genre: all of them!

First language: English

Pets: Dog

Loves: Music, reading, skating

Hates: Cutlery scratching on plates

Fears: heights

Weaknesses: Organization

Theme song: nope

Personality: optimistic, brave, curious, cunning..

Best friend/s: no one here knows them... xP

Strengths: I'm not sure

Favourite school subject: French, Writing, Geography

Least favourite subject: Math

Accent: Canadian

Ethnicity: Half Canadian half Dutch

Siblings: 12 year old brother

Favourite possession: bracelet

In a relationship?: no

Religion: Baptist

Gender: Female

School year/grade: 9

Weird habits: twirling my ponytail

Can't cope with: stupid people

Comparable to: nothing!

Name: Nicoletta

Date Of Birth: October 13th

Age: 13

Location: New York

Height: 4'11"

Weight: 73lbs

Shoe size: Women's 3

Hair color: Light - Medium Brown

Eye color: Blue (ish)

Skin tone: Pale

Favourite band/singer: Avril Lavigne

Favourite animal: Puppies ;D

Favourite book: The Hunger Games

Favourite movie: I can't decide. D:

Lucky number: 13

Dream job: Something in the medical field... I was thinking Nurse Practitioner, but I'm still undecided.

Favourite color: Pink

Hobbies: Photography, Drawing, Singing, Writing, Computer, etc.

Favourite food: There's so much good stuff out there I can't choose.

Favourite TV show: At this point in time, it's a toss-up between iCarly and Hannah Montana.

Favourite drink: Water.

Favourite music genre: Pop

Favourite actor: Don't have one.

First language: English

Pets: None.

Loves: LIFE. <3

Hates: Imperfection, mean/stuck up people, work, excercise, etc.

Fears: Going blind, death, throwing up, failure, loneliness, etc.

Weaknesses: I take things too seriously and am very sensitive to other people's opinions.

Theme song: I don't have one.

Personality: Blunt, friendly to the right people, easily jealous, a good friend, etc.

Best friend: Courtney, Kaitlyn, Kristina, and Amelia.

Strengths: Intelligence and Ambition.

Favourite school subject: Art, I guess.

Least favourite subject: Math and English

Accent: Brooklyn, NY

Ethnicity: 87.5% Italian, 12.5% Polish

Siblings: One, my 22 year old sister.

Favourite possession: Too many to choose.

In a relationship?: Nope.

Religion: Roman Catholic

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: Going into 9th grade on Sept. 8th

Weird habits: Not sure, but I am a bit of a perfectionist.

Can't cope with: People who try too hard.

Comparable to: Nothing I can think of.

Name: Abigail

Date Of Birth: May 1st.

Age: 14

Location: U.S.

Height: 4'10 -___-

Weight: 90 lbs

Shoe size: 7.

Hair color: Black.

Eye color: Brown.

Skin tone: Tan.

Favourite band/singer: hellogoodbye.

Favourite animal: Shark.

Favourite book: Don't have one.

Favourite movie: Attack on the Pin-up Boys.

Lucky number: 6.

Dream job: Don't know.

Favourite color: Purple.

Hobbies: Don't have one.

Favourite food: Shrimp tempura.

Favourite TV show: Agua Bendita.

Favourite drink: Thai tea.

Favourite music genre: Probably pop.

Favourite actor: Don't have one.

First language: English.

Pets: Dogs and chickens.

Loves: seafood.

Hates: crowded places.

Fears: Don't know.

Weaknesses: I have lots.

Theme song: Don't know.

Personality: Shy.

Best friend: Amanda.

Strengths: Don't know.

Favourite school subject: English.

Least favourite subject: All the math stuff.

Accent: American

Ethnicity: Filipino, Spanish, Chinese.

Siblings: Two sisters, 18 and 10.

Favourite possession: Don't know.

In a relationship?: No.

Religion: Catholic.

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: Going into 9th.

Weird habits: Stalking people.

Can't cope with: Don't know.

Comparable to: Can't think of anything.

Name: Kean

Date Of Birth: May 16th

Age: 14

Location: Canada

Height: 5'7

Weight: 160-ish

Shoe size: 10

Hair color: Naturally dark brown, but tis currently a mosh of colours

Eye color: It varies from Blue to green

Skin tone: tanned in some parts

Favourite band/singer: Adam Lambert

Favourite animal: Hummingbird

Favourite book: Garfield

Favourite movie: Atlantis The lost Empire

Lucky number: I dont have one

Dream job: A tattoo artist

Favourite color: Blue

Hobbies: Having no life

Favourite food: Lasagna

Favourite TV show: Cake boss

Favourite drink: Melon Fuze

Favourite music genre: Dance/Techno/Punk rock

Favourite actor: Dont have one

First language: English

Pets: I Personally have one dog, but in my family, we have two cats and one other dog

Loves: Imperfections and crooked things

Hates: Perfections and snobs

Fears: Fear itself

Weaknesses: I'm to nice

Theme song: Take it off-Ke$ha

Personality: A little overbearing, happy, rebellious, I seem to have a flair for fashion and makeup.

Best friend: Shae, Tamisha

Strengths: Art, knowledge of useless information

Favourite school subject: Practical Applied Arts (Home ec., Shop, etc.)

Least favourite subject: French or math

Accent: I dont have one?

Ethnicity: German, Russian, Prussian, First Nations, Jewish, Lithuainian, African, English, French, Welsh...And a lot more that I dont care to list

Siblings: One younger sister, and an older half-brother

Favourite possession: Trumpet

In a relationship?: No

Religion: Wiccan

Gender: Male

School year/grade: Going into grade nine.

Weird habits: Do you treally want to know? Exactly, thats what I thought

Can't cope with: Alot of things

Comparable to: Your worst dream, and best nightmare...thats right

Name: Clara.

Date Of Birth: February 13th.

Age: Fifteen.

Location: North America.

Height: 5 ` 2

Weight: 103 lbs. .__________.

Shoe size: US size seven.

Hair color: Blonde.

Eye color: Blue.

Skin tone: Pale.

Favourite band/singer: SID ! <3

Lucky number: I don't have one, but my favorite number is two. :3

Dream job: Something diplomacy related for sure.

Favourite color: Greeey.

Favourite food: Anything I'm in the mood for eating.

Favourite drink: Water, mango juice, and peach juice.

Favourite music genre: Visual kei.

First language: English !

Loves: Nighttime, fireworks, tangerines, the smell of beer and candles, food, yogurt, hugs, and sweet dreams.

Hates: Being lied to, and used, yelling, screaming, embarrassing situations, and losing my temper.

Fears: Failure, imperfection, shots, insects, loneliness, tripping, falling, surgery, blood, and hospitals.

Personality: Rebellious, awkward, easily provoked, cunning, precise, and punctual.

Best friend: *points finger* YOU. That's right. :)

Favourite school subject: English and math.

Least favourite subject: Everything else.

Accent: English? None that I can identify.

Ethnicity: Swedish, Canadian, and possible Portuguese.

Siblings: One brother, he's twenty three.

Favourite possession: Probably ... my computer ! You can't separate me from it. : D

In a relationship?: ahaa, nope.

Religion: Atheist, born a Catholic.

Gender: Female.

School year / grade: Grade ten this year.

Weird habits: I don't touch things other people have touched, unless I really wash them first.

Can't cope with: Stress, high expectations, heavy burdens, pressure, and guilt.

Comparable to: A beaver. O:

I didn't put everything, is that alright?

Name: Ksenia.

Date Of Birth: 9th June.

Age: 13.

Location: South Australia.

Height: 5'7 / 170cm.

Weight: 50 kg / 110lbs.

Shoe size: 10 in women.

Hair color: Dark brown.

Eye color: Brown.

Skin tone: Slightly tan.

Favourite band/singer: Owl City, Short Stack, Lisa Mitchell.

Favourite animal: Koala.

Favourite book: Fly on the Wall.

Favourite movie: Spirited Away.

Lucky number: 2 and 22.

Dream job: News reader, photographer, or psychologist.

Favourite color: Aqua.

Hobbies: The normal things.

Favourite food: Croissants but I'm trying to eat healthy so they're out of my diet now.

Favourite TV show: World's Strictest Parents.

Favourite drink: Water all the way.

Favourite music genre: Indie rock.

Favourite actor: idk.

First language: English and Russian.

Pets: A cat and two mice.

Loves: Aqua, minesweeper, Tic Tacs, jelly bracelets, friends & family.

Hates: Cigarettes, alcohol, when people don't give a hoot.

Fears: Getting lost, death, ibises, the dark, being left out.

Weaknesses: A lot.

Theme song: No idea, there's a few which match me?

Personality: Optimistic, somewhat controlling.

Best friend: Jen and Kirsty.

Strengths: I'm a people person.

Favourite school subject: Drama, Tech and Home Ec.

Least favourite subject: ESL!

Accent: Australian.

Ethnicity: Half Russian and half Australian.

Siblings: A 22 year old brother.

Favourite possession: Camera, phone, laptop, iPod.

In a relationship?: No.

Religion: Russian Orthodox.

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: 8.

Weird habits: I hum while stuttering and it's really weird and distracting but I just can't help myself.

Can't cope with: Immature people who have nothing better to do than be obnoxiously loud.

Comparable to: idk.

Name: Krystal Joy.

Date Of Birth: October 3rd.

Age: 14 (Nearly 15!)

Location: Earth.

Height: 5'5-5'5 1/2.

Weight: Not totally sure. xD

Shoe size: 9-9 1/2. .____.

Hair color: Dirty blonde.

Eye color: Light blue.

Skin tone: A bit fair.

Favourite band/singer: Big Time Rush and Justin Bieber. xDDDDD

Favourite animal: Kitty.

Favourite book: Lord of the Rings and The Secret Garden.

Favourite movie: Lord of the Rings, Indiana Jones, and Star Wars.

Lucky number: 89. 8D

Dream job: Photographer.

Favourite color: Purple.

Hobbies: Photography. xP

Favourite food: Salad~ Oh, and spicy sausages.

Favourite TV show: Spongebob, BTR, and Sonny With a Chance. xD

Favourite drink: Either Mountain Dew or a vanilla latte~

Favourite music genre: Pop and Hip-Hop!

Favourite actor: Oh, gosh.. Uhh. Elijah Wood, Viggo Mortensen, Ewan McGregor, Christopher Lee, Ben Stiller, Nicolas Cage.

First language: English.

Pets: Two dogs, two horses, two cats.

Loves: People, music, dancing.

Hates: Math and commercials.

Fears: Blood, spiders, tornadoes, and The Flood (lolwtfudgeHalo).

Weaknesses: Easily swayed by appearance. xP

Theme song: Never Say Never - Justin Bieber feat. Jaden Smith.

Best friend: Tori.

Strengths: I'm extremely independent.

Favourite school subject: Science.

Least favourite subject: Math. :I

Accent: Hrrm.. English? I mean.. I talk like.. Master Chief? -shot- I don't have an accent. xDD

Ethnicity: Mostly Italian. Then some German, and stuff.. oh yeah, and a touch of Blackfoot Indian. 8D

Siblings: One 18 year old brother.

Favourite possession: iPod and my Nikon.

In a relationship?: Nope.

Religion: Christian.

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: Goin' into 10th.

Weird habits: Can't think of any. o;

Can't cope with: Death. I handle it very poorly.

Comparable to: NOTHING, I'M SPEESHULL. /wut

Name: Heather

Date Of Birth: June 2, 1989

Age: 21

Location: Washington, US

Height: 5'0"

Weight: 220lbs >.<

Shoe size: US size 7-9 depending on the shoe

Hair color: Dark brown with caramel striping in the front

Eye color: Dark brown

Skin tone: Near transparent white

Favourite band/singer: Godsmack

Favourite animal: Penguin ♥

Favourite book: I don't really have a favorite :/

Favourite movie: The Lion King ^^ Or Harold and Maude

Lucky number: n/a

Dream job: None really. I'm just focusing on GETTING a job.

Favourite color: Black(not a color). Purple.

Hobbies: Video games O:

Favourite food: Steak

Favourite TV show: Currently: Pretty Little Liars

Favourite drink: Mountain Dew

Favourite music genre: Rock/Metal

Favourite actor: N/A

First language: English

Pets: 2 dogs, 1 bird. Shandy, Bubbles and Murdoch

Loves: Penguins

Hates: Many things

Fears: Elevators, spiders, bees, holes in flesh

Weaknesses: I give too many second chances to people I care about in hopes that they'll change.

Theme song: None? o.o

Personality: Sarcastic, moody, shy

Best friend: Ashley

Strengths: I don't really know :/

Favourite school subject: Music, Science

Least favourite subject: Math, English

Accent: "American"/Canadian/English/Australian - Not really sure how to explain it. I tend to pronounce some words differently to others.

Ethnicity: Half Scottish, Half ?

Siblings: One sister, 31 years old

Favourite possession: My bed.

In a relationship?: Nope

Religion: None. I don't even consider myself atheist. Just plain uninterested.

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: Freshman in college

Weird habits: I'm sure I have them, I just don't notice them o.o;

Can't cope with: My past

Comparable to: lolwut?

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Name: Keeley

Date Of Birth: January tenth.

Age: Thirteen

Location: UK.

Height: 5'1

Weight: Idk right now.

Shoe size: UK size 5.

Hair color: Dark blonde.

Eye color: Brown.

Skin tone: Pale.

Favourite band/singer: Paramore/Christofer Drew/KIGH/BMTH.

Favourite animal: Cat..

Favourite book: Idk.

Favourite movie: Idk again.

Lucky number: 6.

Dream job: A job that pays well.

Favourite color: Red and black.

Hobbies: Singing.

Favourite food: I hate food.

Favourite TV show: The Mighty Boosh / Russell Howard's Good News. <3

Favourite drink: Water.

Favourite music genre: Rock and Alternative.

Favourite actor: They all failfailfail.

First language: English.

Pets: Meow.

Loves: Him, singing, music and Jessica.

Hates: Oh, there is a very long list.

Fears: My secrets getting out.

Weaknesses: You could just generally call me weak in all aspects of life.

Theme song: I don't have one. :)

Personality: Strange and unpredictable mood-wise.

Best friend: Jess/Mandy/Kelsey/Beth/Nicky/Dee.

Strengths: Determination.

Favourite school subject: I.T, D.T, P.E and music. Not for the subject, for the people in those classes. <3

Least favourite subject: Math.

Accent: English.

Ethnicity: English for the most part.

Siblings: A brother.

Favourite possession: iPod.

In a relationship?: Mentally.

Religion: Christian.

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: Year nine.

Weird habits: I'm one of those people who think of everything in a sexual way.

Can't cope with: Arguments, rejection and fake girls.

Comparable to: Whoever/whatever you want.

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Name: Katie

Date Of Birth: October 17

Age: 1995

Location: Pennsylvania, US

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 98-102 pounds

Shoe size: US size 9

Hair color: Naturally a light brown color. Never dyed it.

Eye color: Gray blue / green color

Skin tone: I'm italian. I'm a pretty tan color all year round

Favourite band/singer: I have too many...

Favourite animal: Penguin

Favourite book: I don't read a lot D:

Favourite movie: Again, I have too many.

Lucky number: 43

Dream job: I don't have a "dream" one. I'll decide as I progress through highschool

Favourite color: Purple

Hobbies: Um.. I like playing instruments (acoustic guitar and clarinet), and I make tons of friendship bracelets.

Favourite food: Anything Italian, Veggie burgers, and Organic foods

Favourite TV show: Hahah South Park

Favourite drink: Vanilla Coke, Rockstar or Redbull energy drinks, Naked fruit juice, and tea

Favourite music genre: The stuff no one listens to. Is that a genre?

Favourite actor: I hate celebs

First language: English

Pets: Two cats, two chinese hamsters, and a 70 gallon tank of fish.

Loves: Music is the main one ;D

Hates: Drama of any sort

Fears: Vomit, spiders, Alone in the dark

Weaknesses: I care too much about what people think of me, and I forgive too easily, but cant forget

Theme song: I dont know..hmm

Personality: Shy, Cautious, Moody, Sometimes Loud and Sarcastic

Best friend: Emily and Malinda (Sango from here ^-^)

Strengths: Being responsible, smartness, Musical talent I guess xD

Favourite school subject: Mathmatics, Sciences, Music/band, Art

Least favourite subject: English, Writing, Languages (In my case, I take spanish..), FACS

Accent: American..? haha

Ethnicity: Italian mostly

Siblings: None

Favourite possession: iPod

In a relationship?: Nah. I gave up with the male population

Religion: Agnostic.

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: Going into 9th grade. But I take some 10th and 11th grade clases...

Weird habits: I paint my nails way too much, I draw on everything.

Can't cope with: Past..

Comparable to: I dont know

Name: Ella

Date Of Birth: 24th of April

Age: 11

Location: Wellington, New Zealand

Height: 5'4

Weight: Don't know

Shoe size: Size 6

Hair color: Dark brown at the top, gets lighter, gingerish brownish blonde at the bottom.

Eye color: Olive Green

Skin tone: Pale, except for arms. They're lightly tanned. My cheeks are normally lightly red when I'm too hot, too cold or sick. Really red when I've been running for a while.

Favourite band/singer: Muse.

Favourite animal: Duck.

Favourite book: Kaitangata Twitch

Favourite movie: Lots.

Lucky number: 15

Dream job: Not sure yet.

Favourite color: Green.

Hobbies: Drawing, Reading, LIstening to music, Being random and having fun.

Favourite food: Ice Cream, Noodles, Pizza, Cookies, and stuff.

Favourite TV show: Avatar: The Legend Of Aang.

Favourite drink: Milk and Coke. And Sprite.

Favourite music genre: Depends on my mood.

Favourite actor: None. Can't be stuffed picking, most of them are all overrated nowadays, to me.

First language: English.

Pets: A dog.

Loves: Fanfics, Avatar, Noah, Anything random or Funny, Video Games and moar

Hates: Nubs, Preps, Anooying people, Populars, Mean people, Abusers, Avatar haters, This kid in my class.

Fears: Dentists, Bees, Gore, Medical Gore, Super duper extremely very very violently gory movies.

Weaknesses: Dunno.

Theme song: This

Personality: Random, Optimistic, I tend to be too nice and if I hurt someone I always say sorry, alot, too many times. I'm a softie too, and it's easy for me to be taken advantage of. I don't mind giving stuff away, as I'm affected by it later.

Best friend: Can't decide.

Strengths: What do you mean?

Favourite school subject: Foods, PE, Woodwork/Electronics.

Least favourite subject: Art, Maths, Literacy/English

Accent: New Zealand.

Ethnicity: Dunno.

Siblings: One 27 year old brother, one 15 year old brother and a sister (deceased).

Favourite possession: Stereo.

In a relationship?: No, but people have aksed me out.

Religion: Don't know.

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: Year 7.

Weird habits: Moving my legs to the beat, laughing at everything.

Can't cope with: Pressure.

Comparable to: No one. I don't want to be compared..

Name: Sierra

Date Of Birth: May 24

Age: 14

Location: USA

Height: 5 ft 1

Shoe size: 6

Hair color: Dirty blonde

Eye color: Brown.

Skin tone: Pale

Favourite band/singer: Linkin Park

Favourite animal: Wolf

Favourite book: The outsiders

Favourite movie: The Hangover

Lucky number: 1

Dream job: Chef ;)

Favourite color: Pink and blue

Hobbies: Idk

Favourite food: Idk

Favourite TV show: Idk

Favourite drink: Sunset Passion :D

Favourite music genre: Rock

Favourite actor: Idk

First language: English

Pets: 1 dog 3 cats 3 fish


Hates: Kingdom Hearts haters D:

Fears: Heights

Weaknesses: Idk

Theme song: Who I am by Jessica Andrews

Personality: Sarcastic, weird

Best friend: Shelby

Strengths: Idk

Favourite school subject: History

Least favourite subject: math

Accent: American

Ethnicity: American/German

Siblings: 1 bro 2 sisters

Favourite possession: My soon to be KH necklaces

In a relationship?: NOPE

Religion: I dont really believe in anything soo...

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: 8

Weird habits: Plays with squishy or smooth things

Can't cope with: Idk

Comparable to: Idk

I've changed since I did the last one, so I'm doing it again.

Name: Sarah

Date Of Birth: 30th July

Age: 300

Location: UK

Height: Quite short....

Weight: Know idea

Shoe size:UK size 3

Hair color: Dark brown, nearly black

Eye color: Brown.

Skin tone: Normal

Favourite band/singer: I don't know. Anything modern. Lady Gaga, The Saturdays, Girls Aloud and Rihanna are all good artists, but I've got more favourites.

Favourite animal: Kittens

Favourite book: Depends...

Favourite movie: I don't watch them

Lucky number:8!

Dream job: Something way cool. A celebrity that everyone looks up to? I'll be the new Cheryl Cole! Oh yes, a celebrity!

Favourite color: Purple

Hobbies: Tamatalk, Facebook, Dancing, Music, Reading

Favourite food: Pasta, noodles, Fish and chips, candy, I love everything!

Favourite TV show: X Factor or Britain's Got Talent

Favourite drink: Coke/Pepsi/Lemonade

Favourite music genre: Pop

Favourite actor: I don't know anything about actors

First language: English

Pets: None.

Loves: See my hobbies. Oh,and my friends, family and food. I call them my three Fs. And of course, bright colors. I'm a bit of a happy person.

Hates: Work, school, meanies, stress, loads of things.

Fears: Getting embarassed, heights, death or injures.

Weaknesses: I'm rubbish at sticking up for my self, and a soppy person. So of course, I get teased for it.

Theme song: I dunno, the one I wrote?

Personality: Emotional, weird, friendly, shy, short tempered.

Best friend: None. I have too many to choose from.

Strengths: I'm a nice person...

Favourite school subject: Something easy

Least favourite subject: PE. Or Math.

Accent: I don't know, very weird.

Ethnicity: Half Chinese and half English.

Siblings: A little sister

Favourite possession: My MP3

In a relationship?: Not yet, I'm single for the summer

Religion: I don't really care.....

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: Year 30

Weird habits: Chewing, nail fiddling, and others.

Can't cope with: ?.

Comparable to: Who knows.

Name: Kendal

Date Of Birth: 24th October

Age: 13

Location: United Kingdom

Height: 5'5/6".

Weight: 119 ):

Shoe size: UK size 5/6.

Hair color: At the moment, ginger.. Dying it brown tomorrow though.

Eye color: Hazel.

Skin tone: Lightly tanned?

Favourite band/singer: ATL, NSN, 3OH!3, Bruno Mars.

Favourite animal: My cats.

Favourite book: The Invisible Girl

Favourite movie: The Pirates of the Caribbean films.

Lucky number: Not lucky, but favourite: 7.

Dream job: Something to do with writing? Songs, books? I wanna be famous. ;)

Favourite color: Purple.

Hobbies: Sleeping.

Favourite food: Sour Starbursts, coconut ice, brownies, apples.

Favourite TV show: X Factor or Britain's Got Talent. :p

Favourite drink: Cream soda.

Favourite music genre: Acoustic?

Favourite actor: Idk.

First language: English.

Pets: Two cats and eight fish.

Loves: Idk.

Hates: body image, school, cramps.

Fears: love, disappointing people.

Weaknesses: not taking pride in anything I do.

Theme song: idk.

Personality: Sarcastic, moody and dishonest.

Best friend: idk.

Strengths: idk.

Favourite school subject: Music/History.

Least favourite subject: German.

Accent: English.

Ethnicity: Half South African and half English.

Siblings: Two brothers and a sister.

Favourite possession: iPod, phone.

In a relationship?: LOL no.

Religion: Christian.

Gender: Female.

School year/grade: Going into year 9.

Weird habits: well I interrupt people but I guess that more annoying. I tap and bang and clap a lot.

Can't cope with: Repeating myself, pressure, not being liked.

Comparable to: As in?

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