Fake Tamagotchi heaven...not really


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Dec 21, 2017
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Guruguru Town

The ones who don't know much about Tamagotchi might be like:"Omgosh it's a free Tamagotchi,better buy it before it's offsale :DDDDDD"

No.Don't you dare.You will regret if you buy a fake Tamagotchi.A lot.They're too noisy and sensitive.

If you look at some of the other "virtual pets",you can see they all have invented names,right?Right!And,seriously now,who would buy a fake Tamagotchi for 15 dollars(about 12 euros),when you can make and exposition of fakes bought from Ebay and Aliexpress?

I have never seen and heard of some of the "versions"("house edition","bear edition" etc.) and -oh my gosh!-They look so cheap!Just look at the versions and you will thing you're in heaven-Actually,you're not.-.

The site looks bad in general,very unorganised,including some pokemon(yay!)t-shirts that,to be honest,don't impress me at all.

Ok,you can give it a try,but,please,don't tell me later "Why did you tell me about this site?".I didn't create this site.It's not my fault.Those cost as much as actual Connections.

Und jetzt mache ich Schluss(And I'm ending this)

P.S.:Don't take this too seriously.I don't try to be rude and "bully" the sellers.Again,you can buy the fakes and t-shirts if you want to,I won't stop you from doing that.

Again,CAUTION ON THOSE FAKES!(and in any cheap,fake 'gotchis in general)

Note:This was written when they were free,the data might change when you acces the link :p

Man, this is hilarious XD Anybody whose been on Ebay would recognize these knockoffs. However, I think the "Premium Edition" aka Nana Moon (fairy pet?) is a legit vpet, but definitely wouldn't sell for $93 at full price or $28. I think I've seen them on Ebay for $10 (Canadian) but I have yet to test or hear if this is the same as the ones sold on AliExpress.

Wow, that site takes the peddling of those counterfeits, and the cheap virtual pets that put the same guts into other shells, to a whole new level! :eek: And those prices are so high - you can buy most of those designs, plus a few more, for a fraction of that price on eBay, or even in some UK shops at the moment.

I hope that people who might be on the fence about a purchase can find the information that you've posted here.

I own one of these 168-in-1 pets (a penguin one, bought because I knew what I was getting into and wanted something utterly bizarre - I've written up more detailed information in my review and in my log), and they are not good. And they're especially bad if you're expecting to get a Tamagotchi, and are paying real-Tamagotchi prices for them!

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I would like the premium version,also,I think that is the house version was legit,it will look like a pocket Pixel Chix!(that would be cool)

I think that is the house version was legit,it will look like a pocket Pixel Chix!(that would be cool)
Personally, I think that the "House Edition" slightly resembles the casing used for Kimiko the Fosterling, which was a legitimate virtual pet from back in the day, which pre-dated Pixel Chix by a number of years. (It was also sold in a different shell as Baby Byte.)


Actually, the house edition is definitely not a Pixel Chix as all the Pixel Chix buttons have a symbol on top, not a plain button or a button with words next to it. Furthermore, following the concept of "2D girl in a 3D world", there would have to be a physical background behind the screen but the house edition - like all cheap knockoffs - is completely empty. I've seen that specific house shell around three or so months ago and it really doesn't surprise me it is so distinct, since original knockoff shells have come out before, as Tamenagerie also documents.

There are fakes in a dinosaur egg for 15 - 20 aud :angry:

Why buy that when you could buy a Gutatama Tamagotchi or a 20th anniversary tamagotchi :huh: :huh: :huh:

How are the reviews on that site real? Like I am sure the maker of that website made fake reviews or took reviews from REAL tamagotchi reviews. Oh and the pictures? Lemme backwards image search them..........

Oh so here is the results!

The bottom one is only from Tamagotchi Club.

Unsuprisingly, the middle one is from this link from Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.jp/pin/185773553351759210/

Finally the last one is probably photoshopped.

bye :wub:

Honestly, you can find all of them and more besides (such as the version built into a pen, or the one in a square casing, and plenty of others) just by searching for Tamagotchi on eBay or Wish.com. :lol:

After all, eBay and Wish.com are both major sources for cheap tat and counterfeits.

Well i plan to get a bootleg and maybe mod it to make it better (Like the reset problem and other things).

Is the website sure about labelling it as ‘Ultimate Edition’ more like C**P Edition!

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