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Lol. I'm 18. It says so in my profile. (Born in 1987)

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Don't let ebay get you down. I've done over 300 transactions with ease. It's just the occasional bad seller that gets in there and ruins things for a while.

That is one of the better looking fakes. The price should have been a bit of a warning but it was an easy mistake.


When you're not sure if it's real, post the auction in the group here. We are always happy to help. ^_^

My 'Tamagotchi Plus' came in the mail today...and it was a fake. :\ I feel really stupid, but how could I have known? It looks exactly, exactly like a real tama plus, but it's a peice of crap. I feel so cheated. It says Bandai all over it. I thought that that would be the proof that it was authentic, but apparently some companies will illegally put the Bandai logo on their cheap knock-offs. *sigh*
My mom felt bad for me and said she'll buy me a Tamagotchi Mini the next time we go to Target (since I don't have one of those). I will never buy tamas on eBay again. :puroperatchi:
I know the one you are talking about! I saw it at a store called Cardboard Memories. It looks identical only the bandai logo is a sticker.

Yeah! I couldn't see from the picture that it was a sticker... But it actually says Bandai on the back of the tama, like, engraved there...I *so* thought it was real. Ah well...I probably won't give up entirely on eBay, a lot of people have bought perfectly legitimate tamagotchis on there, it just sucks that my first experience was a bad one. The price, yes, should have really been a warning, but silly me, I just thought that maybe the person didn't know what they had, or, or or...something. I don't know. Oh well, I'm not really mad about it anymore. :puroperatchi: My mom felt really reaaally bad for me, and said that she'd buy me another V2 Connection instead. Hooray! (My mom is the greatest, lol)

:puroperatchi: ebay sucks :furawatchi: !!!!!!!!!!!!that is so like wierd why whould they do that well at least your gonna get a new one i bought my tama at wal mart i trust them more thant ebay
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Man, that sucks... Really badly. Well, You're lucky you're getting another V2 connection, and your mom isn't just being like "oh, too bad!"

.... How many tamas do you have anyways?

Ah. That sux. It is so hard to now if it's real of fake though. But have fun with your new tama mini! :angry:

My 'Tamagotchi Plus' came in the mail today...and it was a fake. :\ I feel really stupid, but how could I have known? It looks exactly, exactly like a real tama plus, but it's a peice of crap. I feel so cheated. It says Bandai all over it. I thought that that would be the proof that it was authentic, but apparently some companies will illegally put the Bandai logo on their cheap knock-offs. *sigh*
My mom felt bad for me and said she'll buy me a Tamagotchi Mini the next time we go to Target (since I don't have one of those). I will never buy tamas on eBay again. :hitodetchi:
ifr that happenwed to me,id swear so much,that all the world would hear is an endles "beeeep" for the rest of there lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yeah......... that's to bad.......... if they don't give your money back you should ask your parents for it since they know what you got was totally useless :hitodetchi:

Yeah! I couldn't see from the picture that it was a sticker... But it actually says Bandai on the back of the tama, like, engraved there...I *so* thought it was real. Ah well...I probably won't give up entirely on eBay, a lot of people have bought perfectly legitimate tamagotchis on there, it just sucks that my first experience was a bad one. The price, yes, should have really been a warning, but silly me, I just thought that maybe the person didn't know what they had, or, or or...something. I don't know. Oh well, I'm not really mad about it anymore. :( My mom felt really reaaally bad for me, and said that she'd buy me another V2 Connection instead. Hooray! (My mom is the greatest, lol)
I know. I almost bought it at the store. It looks so authentic. But the infared has a clear seethrough plastic over it and the colours were not released. Anyways, if you plan on using eBay again, good luck. Also, if you are not sure post the auction here and we will answer.




DarkCore :)

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