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I say the JD ones are "fakes", because they are blatantly ripping off Bandai. Other virtual pets like dinkie pets, nano pets, giga pets, etc. aren't fakes, because they are their own brand. It's just like another company making an item similar to something that already exists, but not completely imitating them.
A perfect example of making something similar to an original item: I've worked in several different coffee house chains and people would come in and ask for a "frappuccino". And all of you know Starbuck's owns the rights to that word, etc. A frappuccino is just a fancy name for a ice blended drink and most coffee shops offer an ice blended drink. it doesn't mean their drink is a "fake" frappuccino, that would be absurd.

These virtual pets are basically the same thing.
I actually completely agree. There are times when the term fake is completely appropriate, and that's mostly because the v-pet in question is being sold as a tamagotchi when it's not bandai and most definitely not a tamagotchi. But there are others' being called fakes that aren't claiming to be at all and just have the name Virtual Pet on there

there are also times where an adult might be selling the item and mislabels it, it could be, say, a v1 and the eBay title is something like "NANO GIGA VITUAL PET TAMA BRAND NEW IN PACAKGE!" or something because the person had no idea what it was, I bought a real D-3 Digivice v-pet under the name of Tama once because of this very thing

and I love the frappuccino example

I think that there should have been another yes option, though, thinking they should die is childish and sort of a little extreme

Hmmm let me think abot that quiestion.....Yes!We should call them fakes cuz the people who make them arent even real tamagothci makers!Fake!Fake!Fake!Fake!Fake!Fake!Fake! :wub: Fake!Fake!Fake!Fake!Fake!Fake!Fake!Fake! :wub:

Their not really. Just cuz they have the word 'tama' or 'gotchi/gotch' doesnt mean they are fakes. They just happen to have a similar name and a similar shape, they are certainly real to that company, and besides, if they were really 'fake' would they be nondigital? the best word would be imitation, or non-tamagotchi better yet, it would be non-BANDAI- tamagotchi

unless they are copying bandai and saying they are tamagotchis they aren't fake.

It's like saying the original christmas star comes from myers and every other brand is copying.

and anyway, SOMETIMES fakes are fun!

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