Fall Out Boy


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^ I didn't even know they had that many out. O_O

I went to an All Time Low concert last night, and while the bands were switching (We The Kings, Cartel, and Days Difference were there too) they played Dance Dance, and everyone in the crowd knew it and sang along. :)

I think they have 80-90 songs out, I had 120-ish untill I deleted my remixes and acoustic versions. xD

Aha, when we were waiting for Green Day, they played Billie Jean so everyone screamed and sang. They also had a strage crew guy dressed as a dunk bunny to entertain the crowd, who danced to it.

And this guy in our section got us to do the wave, and when it caught on the with the other section, we cheered. Apparently they thought we were cheering because Green Day was coming out, so the whole arena started screaming and cheering. It was awesome. ;)

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You should look at the China update on Pete's blog.

Even though you've probably already seen it. xD

EDIT: Apparently I don't know how to spell. xP

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... I won't ask. 'Cause I think I'm scared of the answer. O_O;

Allie, I'm listening to yo' Siggy now. I have been for like, the past hour, and I saw the avvie first. I was like, "OHMYGOD BILLIEJOEBILLIEJOEBILLIEJOE. -scroll down- OHMYGOD TWENTY-ONEGUNSTWENTY-ONEGUNSTWENTY-ONEGUNS." xD

I am so retarded. :'D

I have... Seventy-three on mine including remixes, live versions, etc. And that's excluding the rest of LIP. I only have a couple of songs from LIP on my iPod, as I prefer watching the DVD or listening to the CD on my CD player at night.

And I needa re-download Lullaby. When my iTunes screwed up, it killed it. ;-;

I'm still laughing at that video on FOE where Pete puts the numbing stuff on Jersey's tongue. XD When Pete went into the dressing room and Patrick was putting on his tie, I was like, "... That reminds me, I need to figure out how to tie a tie. Thanks, Patrick! 8D" at my computer. Thank God no-one else was home. XD I would've gotten so many weird looks.

...I dunno if they'd think I had named my computer Patrick, or if I was talking to a video, or what. o-o;


Billie Joe is ahmazingly hot in the music video. @.@

I was like that at the Green Day show. It was like "Sing us the song of the century..." "HOLY CRAP! LOOK EMILY! IT'S BILLIE JOE ARMSTRONG! OH MY GAWD! I SEE MIKE DIRNT!"

The numbing gel. XDDDD

I name all my electronics after bandies. My phone is Andy, I think. My iPod is Brendon, and my DS is Gabe. :]

You saw Green Day? Bish. ;-;

Nice. XD I've never named anything after a bandie... But Imma prolly name my kid Gerard, if it's a boy, and if I have one. Either Gerard or Frank. xDD


I've never named any of my electronics.

Or anything I own, really. xD

There's these people my parents know who had a baby with bright red hair, and they named him Blaze. o_o That poor child's gonna grow up, realize what his parents did, and start to dye his hair. xD

Haha. Did either of you see the 'Cobra Starship Diss' video Pete made? I can't even imagine drinking all that stuff. xP

You saw Green Day? Bish. ;-;
Yes. Last week in Hamilton. :3 It was quite amazing.

I saw that video, Kelsey.

I could never be able to drink that, either. o.o

^ It's fun. :3

I named my Converse after Adam Lazzara, but then my friend Adam was all creeped. XD

...The only thing I recall naming after anyone from a band is the stump near the road. My Aunt Kay, who's my great aunt and my guardian owns a nice bit of land out here in the middle of the country side, and the house is a good walk away from the road. So, I was outside one day, and I found a Sharpie just laying around, and I ran to the road, wrote, "Patrick. <3" on the stump, then ran away. I call it Patrick. :] Everytime I'm in a car or something going down the road, and we end up passing the house, I'm like, "HEY PATRICK! 8DD" XD

Lucky, Allie. o:

AGH. I almost said 'Alex' instead of Allie, and now I'm thinking about Alliex and what Alex told me about Patrick. -run around, scream, armflail-


She told you about Alliex? :DDD

I have an odd feeling I was sleeptalking again last night. And I probably said "Holy crap! It's Patrick Stump!" xD

...The only thing I recall naming after anyone from a band is the stump near the road. My Aunt Kay, who's my great aunt and my guardian owns a nice bit of land out here in the middle of the country side, and the house is a good walk away from the road. So, I was outside one day, and I found a Sharpie just laying around, and I ran to the road, wrote, "Patrick. <3" on the stump, then ran away. I call it Patrick. :] Everytime I'm in a car or something going down the road, and we end up passing the house, I'm like, "HEY PATRICK! 8DD" XD
Lucky, Allie. o:

AGH. I almost said 'Alex' instead of Allie, and now I'm thinking about Alliex and what Alex told me about Patrick. -run around, scream, armflail-

Haha, me and a friend did that to a stump. In the winter, part of the river freezes enough so that we can walk across it (The part that freezes isn't that wide, so we aren't going to die.) and there's a little island-y thing in the middle, with a tree stump on it. So whenever we go to the park, we make sure to stop by and yell at Mister Patrick the Stump. xD

Lol, I remember that conversation about Alliex, Michaela. xDDD

There's a Donnie vid preview on FOE. It looks like it's going to be amazing. @_@

I think it'll be based on 'They say the captain goes down with the ship...'

Y'know, cause he's on a boat and all.


I would just say the real thing, but the filters make me feel stupid. XD

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OFF filters are the best. [:

At hockey camp, I rocked out to Thnks Fr Th Mmrs during lunch. XDDDD

And in all honesty, I just said that to be on topic.

From the 1st untill tomorrow. XD I had to explain to one of my friends that it's not an actual camp, they just call it that.

I'm not sure if you already read on OFF, but the instructor that looks like Patrick Stump almost got a concussion. D:

I guess that the last time we're playing on-ice dodgeball.



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