Family :D


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Lost Girl

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2009
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Brisbane, Australia.
Okay TT, your family. Let's hear about them.

I live with Mum and my brother, Kyle.

Mum's cool, she's not a crazy mother, she puts up with me well, as long as I'm not in danger, we're all good. But that's not to say we don't have our ups and downs (;

My brother Kyle is really fun. He hangs out with me and treats me like a human rather than a little sister. He's like Mum heaps, he keeps calm but is really protective of who he loves.

Molly, Kyle's girlfriend/fiancee is moving in soon I think. So she's gonna be my older sister in law thingo lol. She treats me like a sister too, it's really good. I love her :)

My extended family.

Aunties & Uncles: Aunty Siobahn & Uncle Mark. Aunty Lorraine and Uncle Thomas.

They're all really cool, except Uncle Mark, he kind of detached from the family when he divorced Aunty Siobahn. ):


Anna: Is pretty cool, she's 14. My age, so we get along well.

Isabelle: She's 10, and she's WAY fun. We always run around together, and despite our age differences, get along really well.

Kara and Michelle: The twinnies. They're good kids, who get up to so much bad stuff you wouldn't believe. They're both 7.

Joshy: Anna's older brother, he's sixteen, turning 17 this year. He's cool, he lends me CD's sometimes :)

Taylor: I swear, out of my cousins, he looks the most like a hobo! He's so mean too. He's eighteen and just cuz he's an adult, he thinks he's awesome. Well HE'S NOT -_____-

Then there's Nanna and Poppa, and they so badly want to go back to France. I want to take them there one day. All of us. That would be so amazing.

And then Nanny died before I met her ): So there's just Pappa, and I think he's my favourite man ever. He's so smart and fun loving. He air-guitars with me and Kyle. He plays Wii with us. He ALWAYS vists. He's friends with all my friends. And he's so admirable. Everything he does is just so good. I want to be just like him.

SOOOOO GUYS! How about your families? Tell me about them!

I only live with mummy now. My brother moved out about a month ago, and I miss him so much. He's more like a best friend to me, than a brother. He now lives by himself, in a tiny apartment. I so miss playing video games with him, our random monster talk, and his immaturity. He's plain amazing. Now he's 22. And he has a girlfriend :)

Mummy's weird. She's definately one of the weirdest mums out there. But really, she's always there for me. When something's going wrong, she's always happy to help, and I know I can trust her with anything. Sureeee, she tries to lick me, and meows like a kitty cat, but that's just her way. She's just quirky like that, and that's why I love her.

My dad doesn't live with me. He divorced with mummy when I was 3. I hardly even hear from him anymore. I only ever see him like, once a month, and that's what's lacking in my life ---- a proper dad. But no matter what, I'll always love him. He's still amazing, no matter what.

Then there's my cousins, Polina and Sava. They live all the way in Russia. I've only ever seen them once. Polina's 15 now. She's becoming a big girl. Next month she's having her sweet 16 O: I miss her, she's awesome. And Sava, he's only 2. He's so cute. He calls me Senya. I miss him so so so much, it's not funny. I feel like I'm missing out on something... I don't get to see him grow up, which is really sad.

Also, I have my grandparents. My grandparents on dad's side of the family have already passed away, so now I just have mum's. My grandma's absolutely amazing. She's more like a big sister to me. She's such a free spirit, and is so tolerant, it amazes me. I wouldn't be lying if I said I wanted to be like her when I'm elderly. My grandpa... weeell, he's cool. I love him, but he's got some problems, which are impacting greatly on his life. First off, he smokes. Constantly. He goes through a few packets of cigarrettes a day. Also, he drinks. Very often. He even keeps secret bottles of Vodka in his cupboard. My grandma deserves a mdeal for living with him for almost 50 years.

And of course, I have my aunty and uncle. I'm not all that close to any of them, but they still mean the world to me. I love 'em.

Note that all of my family lives in Russia apart from my mum, my brother, and my dad. I've only visted my family in Russia once... and I feel like I need to see them more. I miss them. They mean everything to me.

Though aside everyone, my closest family member would definately have to be my brother. I can tell him every single little secret I have, and know he wouldn't tell. Sure, he'd threaten that he will, but deep inside I know that he's not like that. My brother is definately one of my best friends on this planet. I think I will absolutely almost kill myself if he happens to pass away before me.

I have a massive amount of cousins. xDD I'll tell you all about my family~

I live at home with my brother and mom and dad. That's my inside family. Then on the outside (My mom's side), I have:

Aunt Lisa, uncle Marty, Britney (21), Tairen (18), Alicia (15), and Casey (13). (All girls. xDD)

Aunt Renee, uncle Tom, Timothy (12), Daniel (10), Jordan (8), Jared (6), and (Adopted), Bethany (3).

Uncle Russ, aunt Alena, Jake (9), Sera (6?), and Ryan (4).

And my grandma who I call Mamaw~

Dad's side (Much smaller. xD):

Uncle Dave, aunt Chris, Nicole (17), Rachel (15), and Kyle (12).

Aunt Debbie, and uncle Mike. (No kids)


Since I have so many, it would take forever to tell you about their personalities. But, I can tell you that they're all fun. And amazing. They're the best family I could ask for. <3

Only Child here. So in my house, it's only my Mom, Dad, and me.

My Mom is average. She's really nice, but sometimes she gets really bad headaches. So she likes to be left alone sometimes

My Dad Worries about everything. He thinks I don't eat enough, and asks what I eat every second of the day. My mom is much more laid back.

On my Mom's Side, there is Gary, Her brother (Mid 40's) and Her Mom. My grandma's really nice. Gary is mentally Challenged. He's okay though. He just plays video games a lot XD He does mow the grass for my grandma and whatnot. My mother's two other brothers passed away many years ago.

On my Dads Side, there is my Grandma, and his brother John (Mid 40's) (I call him Buggo XD). My grandma is really nice, even agrees my dad worries too much O: John is pretty quiet, and unmarried.

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Imediate family wise:

I live in a four person family, including myself.

It's pretty traditional.

My mom is fifty years old, six years older than my dad, which is a bit unusual. She's a lawyer, and extremely uptight. She's very moody and likes to yell at me; she's overprotective. But I know she only wants what's best for me. She was raised in a severly abusive family, so I know she has to try super hard everyday to stay away from her own childhood. She's very strong, though we clash most of the time. However contradictory this may sound, she is also emotional and moody. To some it up, I believe that my mom has OCD and is a bit manic depressive, though she has never been diagnosed.

My dad just turned fourty-five. He is much more laid back and go-with-the-flow, which means we get along like, a zillion times better than my mom and I. He was a chemical engineer, but because there aren't many engineering jobs left in Pittsburgh, he got his Master's in business and is currently working as a senior marketing analyst for Fed Ex. He's quiet and will actually hear me out when I have problems, and not start immediatly yelling at me, like my mother. He's a much better listener and doesn't worry near as much. I am built my like my dad -- I have my mom blonde hair and eyes, but I'm thin and have a fast metabolism like my dad.

I have a younger brother. I am two and a half years older than he is; he turned twelve in February. He's pretty crazy. He's a bit on the heavy side and built like my mom, and crazy perverted and obsessive with sex. (I thought it was a bit early for him, I mean, he just turned twelve, but w/e.) He loves video games and screamo music, i.e. Slipnot and the related. He loves soccer and plays on three to four teams consistantly, all year round. We hardly every fight, and when we do, it's usually over the computer, and completely short lived.

Outside the imedaite family:

My grandparents on my dad side are not blood related to me; my dad was adopted. But they lived on a seventeen acre farm back in the day, and then when my dad and his brother grew up, tore down the farm and split the land between all of us. So my grandparents live like, right next door, which is awesome, because they are incredible grandparents. They're pretty active. My grandfather is really kind and sings in the church choir. He is a retired construction worker. My grandmother still works part time in a tax office, because she doesn't know what she'd do with herself if she didn't work. She loves to play bingo and is completely amazing. She comes to every single one of my brother's soccer games, and every activity of mine that she can. She is super supportive, and fun to talk to. She's loud and talks a ton, like myself. I love her so very much, and I was named after her. Her name is Mary Katherine, and my name is Katherine. :3

My grandparents via my mother's side... wow.

Well, my grandfather died of prostate cancer when I was about three. So I don't really remember him.

My grandmother is super frail. She's fallen in her home a few times, before she moved in with George.

George is my grandmother's boyfriend, and one of the sweetest men I've ever known.

They've lived together for years, but never have wed. I consider George and grandfather, however.

So according to my mother, my grandmother is a major pain in the butt. She has Sundown Syndrome (sp?) and forgets things a lot, and is stubborn and hard to deal with, but is kind to me.

George has cancer. He had prostate and... I think it was throat cancer, which is ironic because he's never smoked and doesn't drink. He beat that cancer, but it came back - he now has esophagous (sp?) and mouth cancer. In April he had surgery where they had to remove half of his jaw to get rid of the cancer. He's gone through hours of intensive chemo. They say the cancer is gone now, but seriously, how much can the human body take? It came back before, and call me a pessimist, but it's probably going to come back again. He's still in the hospital, and going to rehab soon.

My grandmother is beside herself.

My uncle and aunt who live next door (my first set of grandparent's only other son) have a grudge against the family. For God's sake, they live right next door, and I only see them twice a year -- Christmas, and they give me a card on my birthday. They're rich and take cruises multiple times a year. My aunt doesn't work and they don't have kids. They always tell us to stay off their lawn and they have "Private Property, No Trespassing" signs in their yard. >_>

I have two major cousins... I guess I have a few others, but I really have never met them.

Alex is sixteen; his birthday is on Halloween. He lives about 20 minutes - 30 minutes away, and is super cool. He plays guitar and comes over to play at my house sometimes, so we can "jam". He's gorgeous, amazing, and super intimidating, but super cool :]

My other cousin is Nikki. Alex is my first cousin, but Nikki is like, a fourth cousin twice removed or something. She lives over a thousand miles away in the far off land called Denver, Colorado. Every year we go to the beach for a week together, and she's like, my best friend/sister. We used to write letters, but now we Myspace and text. (Technological revolution ftw!) I can't wait to see her this August. She's about eight months younger than me; she just turned fourteen. We get along so great! Love the girl to death <3

Um, so I guess that covers most of the bases, so yeah :]

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My family at home:

My mom- she's really nice. She can be really embarassing but she always goes out of her way for me. :] She's a family doctor and she brings home a lot of cards and yummy foods that her patients givre her. She's always wanted to travel the world, do interesting things and move to BC but I feel bad because we're keeping her stuck here. ;(

My dad- He's really funny and joking. He always buys me and my brother stuff. But he's very shy and doesn't make friends easily so he never really invites anyone over. Apparently he was like, top of his university in Holland and worked for some incredibly hard medical school... i never knew that. And he also used to live in England, so he has a bit of an accent ;P

Brother- His name is Benjamin.. but we call him Ben. Ehh, he's not too fond of me, but sometimes he's really nice and playful. He's actually a really cute grade 5. Plus he runs very fast and he's really good at track and field. And he looks nothing like me, he has datk brown hair, black eyes and no freckles. weird.

Mom's side-

Auntie Linda- She's very funny and enjoyable. She comes on holidays with us sometimes and she has 2 kids that my brother ad I really like.

Auntie Liz & Uncle Dave- they're like, the cool relatives that everyone wants. They have this big house with rock band, billiards, plasma tv, and all. My aunt was supposed to be a swimmer in the Russia Olympics a while back but it got boycoted. She's really athletic and I love to play volleyball with her. I love visiting their house.

Auntie Peggie- Don't know her well. I once ate with her in an airport, lol.

Auntie Rose & Uncle Ken- I like them. They have 2 girls that are around my age (a little older) and when we were little we used to play in a cardboard box (space ship) and go wherever. I don't really see them anymore.. they were fun.

There's 1 more aunt... I forget XD

Uncle Dave- The one adopted boy out of 6 girls. Haha. I don't know him so well..

All my mom's side live in Alberta.

Dad's side- (ha, these have funny Dutch names)

Aunt Foqueline- Nehh.. don't know her. All my dad's relatives still live in Holland.

Uncle Yan- Married to aunt Foqueline.

Cousin Chrishyine- She's a little older than me. The only time I've ever seen her was when I was 1 and she visited. Appaently she pushed me off the couhc.. and I talked to her on the phone a bit after.

Cousin Haanzs- He's my brother's age. He made me a birthday card once, but I don't know him well.

Cousine Yakobine- She's like.. 16? Don't know her much either. I <3 my Dutch cousins, ftw.

.. That's it.

edit- I forgooot my cousins 8D

Bradley- He's like, 22 now or something. He got his karate blackbelt when he was 17. My brother always tries to be like him.

Heather- She is blind. I used to want to be just like her, her personality and singing voice and all. She has a recording contract and she has a really amazing voice. She's on iTunes.. you can PM me if you actually want to hear her ;P

Andrea- She's 2 years older than me. She has red hair and freckles, we look sorta alike. I went trick-or-treating to her house in Alberta before, she was a carrot. xD

Katie- She was 1 year older than me. She has blonde hair, blue eyes and she's really nice. I miss her, because we never really play anymore.. For halloween, she was.. oh, Martha Stewart. xD

..My mom has a lot of sisters, but only 3 of them are married and 2 have kids.

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There's four of us.

My brother, my Dad, my Mum and myself.

Reuben's very sporty and different to me in most aspects of his personality, so we get along pretty well. Sometimes we'll fight over the computer, a certain Sharpie colour, what's on Tv, but it never lasts long. We don't apologise to each other - everything will just be back to normal five minutes later. I try and be as good as I can to him, but having a sister like me can probably be totally annoying at times. With the constant laughter and 'specialness', you know. Still, at the end of the day, he's a good kid. Haha. I sound old!

My parents are both thirty eight. They're very young for parents, according to, like, all my other friends, who have parents in their fourties or fifties. My Mum can get pretty intense and we fall out quite a bit, but I know it's 'cause loves me. We're different in many ways, one of the main things being that she cannot stand songs with any kind of offensive meaning or words. These days, most of the best songs do have the occasional cuss. And she hates that I like them. She's also got an issue with me talking to people I've never met on the Internet. You can see why Tamatalk would be a problem for her. She's a young, stylish mother, although very traditional in her beliefs, and she cares about me a lot. I love her.

As for my Dad. Well, he's probably one of my very favouritest people on the planet. I adore him. He's crazy yet laid-back, and he finds a lot of my antics funny. When he gets upset with me, it will be with good reason, and I'll have had to do something extremely stupid and troublesome. When he shouts, I am scared. But it's rare. He cheers me up a lot. I LOVE THIS MAN!

Mom-- She's... Okay. She's a freak. And not in the fun way. Everything must be clean. All the time. And she's a little too honest. But her "Drug talk" amused me. Recently, she's become obsessed with Facebook. xD But she's kind of sadistic, in the sense where if I hurt myself she likes to stand there and laugh instead of help me.

Dad-- He's cool. He sends me funny links in my email and shows me scary movies. He also takes me to Starbucks and gives me lots of cash. xD

Sister, Andie-- Andie is eleven years old. She and I have issues. That's all I'm saying. Sometimes we get along great, but most of the time..

Brother, Jonathan-- He's okay. He's not very manly though. He's like seven years old or something, but he cries way more than the average child. Despite his mental appearance, he's bigger, taller, stronger for his age, and occasionally he'll hit me and it'll hurt really badly. He kind of reminds me of a serial killer. It's good thing he's really stupid, or I'd be screwed.

Sister, Meredith-- She sucks too. Not gonna go into detail. She's four years old, a thief, a liar, spoiled, stubborn. Ugh. And she's always been like this, it's not a stage. I was like a mild version of her. And like Jonathan, she's strong for her age, so it hurts went she hits me. She's knocked my tooth back before. But she's really smart, and a bit superficial. She calls me ugly and fat and tells me I need to look more like a princess.

You know what I realized? Andie and Jonathan are similar, and me and Meredith are similar. And both similar pairs avoid each other.

Andie and Jonathan both have Dyslexia, I think that might have some effect on their personalities.

Me and Meredith would have hated each other to no end if we were the same age. When I was little I was a lot like her, just a lot less evil, more smart and superficial. Both very bossy. When Andie and I were kids I would always boss her around, I thought it was because I was older. Now I realize it was because of my personality, because Meredith controls Jonathan even though he's older.

My parents, my 16 year old brother and my 24 year old sister.


Extended family-

Dad's side

Cousin A - 30 years old.

Cousin in law A - Cousin A's wife

2nd cousin A - Cousin A's wife

Cousin B - Older than my sister, younger than cousin A. Cousin A's brother

Cousin C - No idea how old

Cousin D - ^same. Cousin C's sister

Cousin Ricky - 13

Cousin Snoopy - 8? He's very not eight year old-ish. He swears quite a bit. Probably influenced by his brothers. No, his name's not actually Snoopy, but at some point in his life, he wanted to be named Snoopy.

Cousin Henry - 14. Brothers with Ricky and Snoopy. He lives with me as an international student

Aunt A and uncle A

Aunt B and uncle B

Aunt Rita and uncle Terrence?

Uncle C



Great aunts&uncles

Mom's side

Cousin E - 20 something years old

Cousin Grace - almost 18, I think.

Cousin F - also around 18-ish

Cousin G - 16 years old. Cousin G's brother

Cousin H - My age.

Cousin I - around 10-ish

Cousin Jennifer - 14 years old. Cousin H and I's older sis. Lives with me, also.

Aunt C- Mom's twin.

Uncle D - Aunt C's wife.

Uncle E - Mom's little brother

Aunt D - Uncle E's wife

Uncle F - Mom's older brother

Aunt E - Uncle F's wife.



Great aunts&uncles


There's most likely more, but I don't remember.

Note: Mosty people are cousin/aunt/uncle ____ because they have chinese names, and I don't remember their English names.

Most of my extended family lives in Taiwan, except for my two cousins who live with me

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Mom's family-



Papi (Grandpa)

Grandpa (David)

Uncle Steven

Momo (Not really related yet..)

Uncle Mandy

Auntie Cristina



Titi Grace

Natnat (My favoritest cousin evur)



Great Uncle Izzy


Aunt Phyllis(?)

Aunt Joyce

Uncle ????

Uncle Jerry

Cousin Rachel

Cousin Alissa

Cousin Chelsea

Cousin-In-Law Sean (Married to Chelsea I think)

There's more but my brain hurt thinking about relatives right now.

I have many Relatives. So I'm not even going to bother listing them all.

I'll just say the basics.

I live with my Mom. I get along with her side of the family way better than I get along with My Dad's side of the family. [before My Dad died, I was close with his side of the family. I guess it takes a close one's death, to bring us apart]

My Dad's side of the family. I hate them all. Really, I do. And Please, Don't give me that "But they're family you have to love them automatically" Crap. My Grandmother has disowned me as her Granddaughter, and as for the rest, I could care less.

Then I have many, many , many, many cousins scattered all over the province. Like My Mom and Dad used to tell me when I was younger "Don't get married to anyone from Manitoba. Your Dad's related to one half, and Your Mom is related to the other"

My Cousins on My Mom's side multiply. Like Rabbits/Rats/Rodents/Some Type of Creature that has many children many times.

I have three Siblings, All half.

My Brother, Dale. Has a Different Dad. Same mother. Dale will be 20 in November

My Brother Steve [One of the ones I could care less about], has a different Mom, Same Dad.

My Sister, Jamie [Also one of them], Same Mom as Steve, Same Dad.


I'll keep it short.

My Family is screwed.

I have a huge family. x_x

Well, I live with mom. And my [annoying] sister, Tori. She always tells me to do her homework and she tells me to do this do that and all that crud. Not happy. But mom is okay.. sorta. She's just weirdish xD

So mom is funny, weird, sarcastic [Prolly in a good way xD], and way too hard-working. Very. She does too much work. She's strict too. When she shouts, it sounds like an elephant. I mean, it's loud like that, heh. My mom is a noodle seller 8D Yes, she makes noodles. She's quite serious with everything, not like my dad. When I get bad grades she might go all "YOU DIDN'T PRACTICE OR WHAT?" or just silent. It doesn't matter though.

My dad is awesomee. He buys anything I ask for [That's cheap XD]. He's funny, and he never takes things seriously. Well, only if the thing he's dealing with is serious xD He's a teacher. An English teacher. He's smart xD And tall. And.. fat. But he looks cute being fat x3 He doesn't mind when I buy 10 highlighters to color myself. Lmao.

My sister is mental. Just joking. She's just a real bad girl, and she likes to mess up with everything. She tells me to do her homework, and when I don't, she'll tell mom. And I'm dead. Just of that. Because she lies. She doesn't tell the true story. She made everything up. x_x I heard her. She said I hit her when I didn't. She said I swore at her when I didn't. She's a talkative girl and she doesn't act her age. She still watches stupid stuff like Dora, and she cries like a baby. She always says I'm fat when I'm not. I am, kinda, but she's fatter than me. She can't wear my old school uniforms/skirts xD She's really short. I wish she'll be short forever. But since she has heart problems, at least I have some sympathy for her.

Mom's side;

Grandmother - Patum. She's a bit talkative, but that's normal for people who are getting a higher age. [saying nicely xD]

Grandfather - Udom. He's kinda lazy to admit. Lol.

Uncle - Nao. Ugh, Thai names xD Yes, say it as now.

Nephew - Some name I forgot. I can't believe I forgot his name o_o

Mommy has a small family. Let's see how it will do with dad..

Dad's side;

Grandmother - Siriporn. I love my granny, but at the same time, I do hate her sometimes. That's just sad. But what she did to mom, I will never forget.

Grandfather - I dunno his name. He died before I was born. :/

Uncle - Ew. YES THAT'S HIS NAME. xD He's one of the most lovely uncles. I love him <3 He hilarious. xD

Uncle - Chien. Pronounced as Chi-an. He's serious and really really picky xD But he's the most handsome lmao.

Aunt - Lek. She's a really good dancer. Yes, my 45 year old aunt dances =]

Aunt - Na. She's really smart 8D And she helps to teach me Chinese and to get ready for the test. If I get good grades, she gives me money. xD

Aunt - Add. She's smart too, she's a dentist, but she's just kinda... :/ Lazy, I guess.

Aunt - Porn. It's spelled that way, I know! But pronounced as Pon. Lmao. She's pretty the best of them all. Yes, she's the one that cooks yummyful cookies for me, yes, she's the one that can knit and crochet and do all those stuff yes, she's the nicest and coolest. xD She's also a doctor. Cool.

Cousin - Looknam. She's going to England soon O: I wish I could go with her.

Cousin - Taro. He's mentally disabled. 'Nuff said..

Cousin - Pao. He's scary o_o He looks like a scientist.

Cousin - Kookkai. xD She's smart too. And she went to England to study beforeee.

Cousin - Bill. He's the oldest cousin. He's nice too.

Cousin - Ann. I LOVE HER. She's my love. [she's 23 I think.. xD]

Cousin - Alisa. We were real close back then. :)

Cousin - Chanon. He's a plain weirdo xD

Cousin - Katlin. She's A W E S O M E ~ ~ Self explanatory x3

Cousin - Christopher. He's very, very.. idk. He's stuck to the compy too much. I mean, literally stuck. He never comes out of his room, and he stays in there. Forever. xD Dinner time - he has to eat in his room. Lol. I barely see him ):

Cousin - Robert. I barely see him either.

Niece - Bill's child. Crap, I forgot her name. x_x

Brothers and sisters.

Tori, my little sis. She's annoying. xD

Vicki. She's a superstar 8D

Ryan; he's just awesome xD

Let's see, I have 2 grandmothers, 2 grandfathers, 3 uncles, 4 aunts, 11 cousins, 1 nephew, 1 niece, 1 bro, 2 sisters. xD

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