Family Guy!


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Oh, I like the episode where they are tyaken over by actors, and they act out a part of the first episode

Also, there was one where someone was reading the newspaper, and it said 'If you can read this, Family Guy is on air'

Man, you also gotta love Peter.TO THE PETERCOPTER!!!
Oh, I love that one. And then when one of his Peter machines crashes instead of worrying about his yard Joe's all, "Peter! Where do you get these things!"

Oh have you seen the family guy where bonnie finally has her baby?

(The episode's called Ocean's three and a half)

And peter was selling lemonaide

And put valdka in it and the kids came to his door who drank it and they were like:

"Hey hey its guy its the guy where his chin looks like a like a balls



Omg! I love family guy its soooo funny! There was this episode were Chris wanted to quit some type of boy scout thing, or whatever. Then peter tells him that griffens never give up and then there is a flashback were peter is a doctor trying to bring this guy back to life so he shocks the guy and then the guy is alive again and then he says "I'm alive!" You saved my life! Then peter is like "CLEAR!" and shocks him again and then the guy that WAS alive dies! LOLOLOLOLOL XD oh peter.

I love it. xD

Ollie is my favorite character. <3

"IS GOIN' RAIN." [i said that in school once, when it was sunny. o.o ]<3


i really family guy!!


i never wish of a dog like that maybe i like him because his talking but his personality, NO WAY! besides she have a huge crush in Louis..

their father is crazy!!!!



i forgot the name!!!

by the way i have the CD of family guy from season 1 to season 2!!

love the opening of the show!!!

:wacko: :wacko: :lol: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

I <3 Family Guy... I missed the episode today. D: I'll find it on the internet. lolz.

Anyone seen FamilyGay? That episode was hilarious. x33

