Family trees.


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I the Queen of England's 18th cousin. my great-grandmother is related to the Earls of Devon so I own the Powderham castle. I am related to St Elizabeth of Portugal.

Got quite a bit of Royalty in my bloodline, but nothing exciting.

My Great, Great, Great, Great, Great (and so on) Uncle was a king.

But thats about it. :mellow:

Somehow through my grandma on my mom's side I'm related to Winston Churchill. We haven't been able to find the connections yet though.

My mom's been working on her family tree on

I'm related to tons of really important french people from history. :mellow: My gran spent months and months on the family tree, and turns out, we're related to the first man to know the way to the great lakes and through them, among other people.

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My great, great, great Aunt was very keen on our family history and she spent all her life researching it.

She traced a line of descent all the way back to King Edward III and the head of History at my old senior school verified it too. It's strange to think that way back when my ancestors were royalty :puroperatchi:

I'm related to Daniel Boone, a great American frontiersman from way back. People even sing a funny song about him here..."Daniel Boone was a man, was a BIIIG man...(I can't remember how the rest goes)". He was my Great Great Grandmother's Great Great Uncle.

I am also related to a royal family bloodline in Spain, but I would have to ask my Grandmother who exactly it is. She does the geneaology for our family.

All I can remember is that the one Granpa I know (moms side) was a great WWII veteran, and somone in my family (im not saying who) is a singer/actor.

I know theres something else but I cant place it.

My great grandfather fought in world war II loading bombs into planes. I think that's pretty cool.

Yes, I'm related to Daniel Boone! On my mom's mom's side. So on my grandma's side. :furawatchi:

There is this one person at my school who is also related to Daniel Boone. We are nothing alike, but then again Daniel Boone is somewhat far back in the tree. But it's kinda funny because we didn't even know eachother until last year. :(

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im seventy-somethingth generation of the chinese philosipher Mencius

It seems like a lot of people were related to Danial Boone here. that seems pretty wild X^D

I want to say that he had nine children or something like that(though I know two died), and each of them probably had a lot of children and so on, so it is quite possible. Just pointing that out.

Sure. On my mums side my 9x great aunt was the first ever female maori leader and my great great grandad was the mayor of Christchurch and also mygreat grandad and his 3 brothers were fighter pilots in WW2. All came back. One was involed in the magor bombing of pearl harbour.

people often confuse me for being related to Henry Ford (my last name)

but i am NOT

but i am related to a long line of unknown war heroes.

people in my family have been in every american war.

like my grandpa, he got a purple heart for flying a helocopter with his troop, saving them from being killed. The pilot had been shot dead.

my family has a long line of miliatary

but then again, i have a possible relation to the guy who killed Jesse James, Robert Ford

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