FamiTama Is it worth it to Buy it?


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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2007
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Is it really worth it to get a FamiTama, we pretty much got bored of V.1, V.2, V.3 V.4 and starting to get bored of V4.5 so is it worth it to spend more then $20.00 to get something else you might get bored of? what do you think?

Yours Truley,

~TP~ :p

I am just wondering please tell me what you think, Because I don't want to but it for nothing, I want to have fun with it, but people who do have it, how is it?

~TP~ ;)

.PS. And If I buy this one I don't want a V.6 Coming right after LOL

yes but i think you only care for the child not the parents thats whats bad about it i thought you took care of the whole family

Everyone always gets board with things sooner or later. The point is to have fun with it until you do get sick of it. Ha

Well, at first, it was really boring. If you;re someone that can;t keep a Tam alive for multiple generations, the v5 isn;t for you. The real fun of the v5 starts in G2. Though, the parents are only like guest characters. It would be better if you had 1 kid, and then the 2 parents, but sadly that's not the case.

That depends on how you react to each version,also its related to your -attention span-,you can get bored with it within a day or you cant get bored with it after a month so,no one can really say it the best and it will never get boring because everyone is different.hope i helped. :) "off off and away".....

I personally haven't put mine down! I dropped all my others and paid constant attention. I have a very short attention sp- OH LOOK A BIRD!!!! Mwahahaha. What am I talking about? Oh, About the bird. The bird was a brown-sh color. Oh wait, no, about tamas. Yeah. I love the v5. :wacko:

~tama_grl <_<

Well, If you dont want the Tamagotchi V5 dont get it if you think its going to be a waste then dont get it ;)

Im in the UK and it only costs £13.00 on the Bandi shop and £12.49 in Argos :p

And so far I say I like my V5 and i dont think its a waste of money at all- But thats just me :p


I have a V5, and I think it is definitely worth the money. The characters are cute and the games are fun. Yes, you may eventually get bored, but everyone gets bored of things eventually. Even if the V6/V5.5 (whichever it will be) comes out soon, you don't have to buy it right away. :angry:

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