Fanboy and Chum Chum


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I hate this show, but my cousin says it rocks. The only new show that rocks on nick is "Hamtaro: Ham ham paradise!" Its not airing, but they are going to resume new episodes in march of 2010. :)

No. Shows like these are why I never watch Nickelodeon. Ever.

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They're not serious. When I saw the commercial for it, I was like (This is my EXACT QUOTE!!)

"No way! Are they serious??? Can't they put it on in the EARLY, EARLY morning so I don't have to worry about seeing this crap when I wake up!!?"

I'm not an early morning person.

^ Niether am I. And nice reaction. xD When I first saw the commercial I was home alone I think and my mouth was just dropped open and I said, "Wow..."

The show looks simply HORRIBLE! What the hell is chum chum? Why Nick, WHYY?????

i HATE that show! it sucks i hate it! i watched it once, and it was stupid. nicks new shows are getting worse and worse.

I've actually never heard of this show, but their last few animated series were really really dumb.

Has anyone heard of their new show Big Time Rush? I watched the preview, and it sucked. It's not animated though.

Never watched it. Seriously guys I'm sure we're on series one of Degrassi: TNG here in Australia! You guys are up to, what, series 9?!

But, I have to agree. I hate Nicks new shows...well, cartoons actually...I mainly just like Spongebob, iCarly, Degrassi and Instant Star and Drake and Josh. Apart from that, I'm either watching Channel V or on the computer.

I hate these new shows, especially on Nick. They ruined my childhood now! This is why I never watch tv anymore >:l

I think FanBoy and ChumChum are waste of animation, seriously, don't these people know when their tv shows suck?!

Cartoon Network also has horrible shows. The only ones that are keeping them alive are Chowder and FlapJack, and soon Adventure Time.

I seriously want to strangle the morons you came up with this monstrosity of a show....

[SIZE=7pt]In my opinion, Fanboy and Chum Chum is a disgrace to Nickelodeon and all of television. Its childish humor could make me sick but that's just my opinion. Whenever I see it's on TV, I turn off the TV and don't look at it until the evening. Usually it's only on in the morning part of the day.[/SIZE]
I hate these new shows, especially on Nick. They ruined my childhood now! This is why I never watch tv anymore >:l I think FanBoy and ChumChum are waste of animation, seriously, don't these people know when their tv shows suck?!

Cartoon Network also has horrible shows. The only ones that are keeping them alive are Chowder and FlapJack, and soon Adventure Time.
I kind of agree. CN cancelled all the awesome shows like Courage, My Gym Partner's a Monkey, and LOSE just to put on retarded shows like ones based off of toys(I'm onto you, BF5!), and mostly the awesome shows have been Chowder, Flapjack, Adventure Time(soon!) and the Secret Saturdays.
