Fanfic my friend wrote.


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Jan 4, 2006
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Your pants
Meet The Roomies

Welcome to Saint Tristans Catholic Boarding School Of The Arts.

More like school for those who are too messed up to go anywhere else.

Okay, maybe that isn't entirely true. You'll find the group of freaks who actually wanted to come here. I'll never know why, though.

I'm Spencer Lens, I've been here since fourth grade and now I'm in eigth grade. dang, I'm jumping ahead of myself, as usual.

I'm going to start from the beginning, but you better listen up. I don't repeat myself.

I won't tell you the exact details of what got me here, but I'll give you a basic rundown. Music is my everything, some kid dissed my music. I think your imagination can tell you what happened.

Now I can guess you're thinking "What can a ten year old do that will get them sent to a school of screw ups?" Well, it's quite a simple explaination.

My parents always said to me "Someone gives you a hard time, you punch them out." Sure, it wasn't the best lesson they've ever taught, but hey, if it wasn't for that lesson, I would never have met the three best people ever.

Anyway, so I was sent here in fourth grade. It's one of those strange boarding schools that starts from primary school and goes until tenth grade. You have to go somewhere else if you want to go to college. Oh, did I mention it focuses mainly on art and preforming arts?

There's not that people in the primary section of the school, so I was often lonely. In fact, I had the dorm all to myelf until sixth grade, when Charlett first arrived.

She was here because her parents were sick of her getting into vocal fights with the sluts of her school, or something. I was half asleep when she told me.

I can remember meeting her sort of clearly, it's hard to forget a night like that.

I was sitting on the couch, watching a stupid chickflick on television when the door flew open.

"Ah, Ms. Lens, I'm glad you're still awake," It was Mrs Prees (a sorry excuse for a teacher), "A new student is moving into your dorm tonight."

"Oh joy," I remember saying, I'm pretty sure she couldn't pick up on my sarcasm.

"This is Charlett Thatch," she said, before leaving the room.

I was prepared to see a freak who was here by their own free choice, so you can imagine my surprise when I saw Charlett. She was far from it. Her hair was a blackish blue and she was thick black eyeliner.

We got along straight away, and I soon learned that she was obsessed with Panic At The Disco and liked My Chemical Romance and Fall Out Boy. Her electives were guitar and drawing.

I was sort of the same apart from the electives. I was (and still am) obsessed with My Chemical Romance and liked Panic At The Disco and Fall Out Boy, and I had two lines of photography (it's art) for my electives.

So, it was just us two in the dorm for about six months before we met Jemmabell.

Jemma, as we nicknamed her, preferred Fall Out Boy, liked Panic and My Chem, and had elected painting and acting.

About three weeks after, Kara appeared.

She was completely and utterly obsessed with all three bands we liked, and was in creative writing and singing.

I suppose it's good luck that we all had the same taste in music, or else I'm sure all hell would have broken loose.

And so, we all entered eigth grade together, only to have our lives flipped upside down.

Oh. I am Kara, Emily is Jemma, Lauren is Charlett and Daizy is Spencer.

I woke up when I felt a weight fall on my legs.

Instictivly, I grabbed the first thing my hand touched (which happened to be a glass of water) and threw it at whatever was on me. I heard a sequel and the weight lifted.

Slowly opening my eyes, I sat up and glared at Kara, who was on the floor and soaking wet.

I stretched, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and swung my legs over the edge of my bed, letting my feet hit the floor with a dull 'thud'.

"Christ, Kar, let me sleep!" I complained sleepily.

I tried to stand, but my vision blurred and I felt dizzy, before I crashed back onto the bed.

I heard Kara cracking up.

"dang dizzy spells," I muttered as I stood again, this time managing to avoid the dizziness.

I walked out of the room, and Kara wasn't far behind me. I entered Charlett's room without knocking, and opened her closet, searching for a clean shirt to wear under my uniform.

"Spencer! What are you doing?" She asked from behind, causing me to jump.

"Looking for good shirt," I replied.

"Why can't you use your clothes?" She whined.

"They're dirty," I said simply, before picking out a black hoodie. "Can I kidnap this?"

"Asking permission to kidnap something defeats the purpose of kidnapping, but sure, you can. Don't expect me to pay ransom for it," she added.

I couldn't help but laugh as I retreated to my room, and pulled on the shirt and the hideous school uniform.

It was originally a green button up shirt and a black and grey plaid skirt, but that was before I got ahold of some thick, permanent markers.

I had drawn a black broken heart over the left breast, and red blood dripping from it. On the back I had written "My Cliche Broken Heart Attack". (Long live "The Used" song references).

So, when I slipped into my shoes, I left my room and went into the dorm lounge. I'm pretty sure we were the only dorm that had a mini fridge in it, and I'm also pretty sure that we only have it because the teachers felt sorry about how long we all had to stay there for.

I opened the little white pura and pulled out a can of pepsi, despite it only being 8:30.

When the others were ready, we all headed off to our separate classes, not bothering with breakfast.

No, we weren't anorexic, it's just that we'd had enough candy, popcorn, chips and various other things last night to not need any food the next morning.

After the first two periods (I had Photography then English) we met up in the main toilet block, ditching double health. Who really wanted to learn about PMS when you could just annoy Jemmabell?

The final two periods passed and we met up again at our dorm.

I was the last one there, as I always was when I had science last period. I swear my teacher hated me.

"Spencer finally decides to get her sorry self back here!" Kara announced from her spot on the lounge.

"Oh shut up," I snapped, turning the TV off.

"Hey! I was watching that!" She complained.

Don't get me wrong, I loved Kara to death, but when I was in a bad mood she just always seemed to be around.

"Too bad!" I hissed. "I want to listen to music," I informed her.

With that, I attached my Ipod to some speakers and put on Panic at The Disco.

"Spencer loves Spencer!" Jemma shouted as I began to mime the drums.

Charlett soon walked in, and began singing along to the song. Before I knew it, we were all moshing randomly to the song.

This was an average day for us four.

That's awesome @.@

Panic! At The Disco, Fall Out Boy, and My Chemical Romance are my favourite bands xD

Very nice, Lizabeth. <3

The last few sentences in the second post remind me of me and my friends. It's kind of a long, but interesting story.

I stood, wearing a singlet and shorts, staring into my open closet. In a pocket on my shorts I was my iPod, which was blasting The Only Difference Between Martyrdom And Suicide Is Press Coverage into my ears.

I was on a mission to uncover the black hoodie that I had kidnapped from Charlett about a month ago. She still refused to pay ransom for it.

A knock on the dorm's door made me groan. "SOMEONE GET THAT!" I shouted when the knocking ceased to stop.

Kara squealed and I rolled my eyes and yelled "Kara, you getting raped or something?"

"No!" she said back, her voice still high pitch.

I heard the door shut and gave up on my quest. Leaving my room, I began dancing down the hallway while singing…screaming out the chorus when it came on.

"Swear to shake it up if you swear to listen! Though we're still so young, desperate for attention. I aim to be your eyes-" I cut off when I fell over the couch.

Much to my agony, I landed on my knees. "-Something that is not appropriate because I don’t want this to be deleted-" I screamed, Kara threw a pillow at me.

"That’s my line,” she said, rather defensively.

I heard someone clear their throat and I glared up at whoever it was, only to see Mrs Prees standing there. dang dorm minder-teacher thingy.

"Thank you for joining us, Spencer," she said sternly, eying me on the ground.

"Any time," I said lazily, wincing slightly as I stood. Believe it or not, stacking over the back of the couch is painful.

"Now if Jemmabell would be so kind as to join us, I can tell you all why I decided to brave this pitiful excuse of a dorm," she sniffed snobbishly, looking around at the giant band posters and rubbish piles.

"Hey! I don't know about you, but I certainly don't mind Spencer Smiths face everywhere.” I exclaimed, “Ha, I just thought of something! What if Spencer and I ever got married? It would be like, Spencer and Spencer Smith," I was trying to take the pain away with bad jokes. My shins were killing me.

I heard someone - a boys voice - laugh and I looked up. I now saw why Kara had squealed.

I glanced down at my attire, the singlet and shorts, and back up again. I felt like I had died.

There, right in my dorm, stood none other then Panic themselves.

"Uh, hi," I said, sitting on the couch and covering my exposed legs with a pillow.

Jemma came crashing threw the hall at that point, and she noticed the four men instantly.

"OH MY GOSH ITS JON WALKER!" She screamed, practically exploding with excitement. It took all of my will power not to join in her fangirl moment. I was still staring at them, not sure if they were real or not.

Charlett and Kara were standing inches away, whispering to each other and looking up at the band.

"Well, now that you've all seemed to settle down a bit," Mrs Prees began, sending Jemmabell a scornful look, "I would like to tell you why we are here. You see, Mr. Urie, Mr. Ross, Mr. Walker and Mr. Smith-"

"Wait, wait, wait!” I cut her off, “Why does the drummer come last? I mean, Spencer Smith is the awesomest guy in Panic, Why did you say his name last?" I whined.

The teacher glared at me. "Ms. Lens, enough!" She snapped, before continuing on. "These four gentlemen," (We all giggled at that) "are here because they would like to join in our fundraising week. As I've noticed, you four seem to be particularly fond of the band, I would appreciate it greatly if you could make them welcome at Saint Tristan’s."

"Gladly!" Charlett squealed, and the other two nodded in agreement.

I just smiled and looked away, embarrassed that I had said that it would be awesome if Spencer and I got married.

"Okay then, I'll leave you to it," and with that, Mrs Prees left the dorm.

"So, how about you three introduce yourself?" Someone asked, and I looked up to see Brendon talking to us.

"There's four of us," Kara pointed out, giving Brendon in the ‘are you stupid?’ look that she gave us a lot of the time.

"Yes, but we've already met Spencer. We've also learnt she wants to marry our Spencer," he laughed. I blushed crimson, covering my face with my hands in embarrassment.

"I'm Kara, that's Jemmabell, and that freak on the end there is Charlett," Kara declared, nodding her head.

"And I'm going into go get changed into something that isn't this," I announced, putting the pillow aside and rushing back into my room.

The thing is, these are all exactly our personalities. To me is is funny reading about us.
