Fast way to dry a wet tamagochi!


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Dec 23, 2009
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Yesterday I finally received my 4.5 from America and an hour later I dropped it in my coffee >.<

I really hated myself for that, but this is what I did:

1) I immediately took out the battery and shook the tamagotchi to get the last of the coffee out, and I obviously dried the outside too.

2) Then I put it in two wooly socks so it doesn't overheat, on top of my radiator, and I checked in every time if it didn't overheat too much.

WARNING HERE! DO NOT LET YOUR TAMAGOTCHI GET REALLY HOT! This will destroy it, so keep checking if it doesn't get too hot. It should only feel a tiny bit warm.

3) What I then did was put the vaccuumcleaner on my tamagotchi and suck out most of the vaporizing coffee from the battery hole, the buttons, and the edges of the screen. I noticed that most of the coffee managed to get out that way, especially the coffee in the screen.

After a while you will notice that no fluid will come out of it anymore, but there obviously is, and there probably will be some fluid visible in the screen still.

4)Then I put i unto the radiator again inside the two socks, this made the rest of the fluid inside the tamagotchi vaporize a little bit more.

5) And after a while I could vaccuum that out again.

6) I repeated this process about 7 times, untill I was absolutely sure that I couldn't see any fluid under the edges of the screen anymore.

And also, the background image in the tamagotchi looked completely dry, and ,because of the vaccuum cleaner, was also sucked straight again, and looked like nothing ever happened.

Last Step Than I put it on the radiator again, inside the two socks. I kept checking if it didn't overheat, and if it'd get too warm I'd take it of immediately and leave it to cool for a couple of seconds.

Last but not least Before you start your tamagotchi again I still suggest you wait a tiny bit longer to be absolutely sure it is. But after 5 hours and after checking my tamagotchi thouroughly I was absolutely SURE that it was dry, so I turned it back on, and it worked perfectly!

Except for 4 dead pixels on the left edge of the screen, but it isn't too bad though. I figured something would come from dropping it into coffee :D I also cannot guarantee this WILL work, because I was just lucky that my tamagotchi happened to survive something horrible like coffee. This is just a method to dry it more quickly.

i am not COMPLETELY sure whether or not this works with a tama, but it DOES with a cell phone....soo if you get it wet, put it in a bowl/cup/glass...(something of that nature) full of dry rice, with the battery taken out and the back cover off. i think you leave it in there for a couple days. and i dunno how, but according to everyone whose tried it (with a cell phone) it works! i wonder if it works for a tama?

i am not COMPLETELY sure whether or not this works with a tama, but it DOES with a cell phone....soo if you get it wet, put it in a bowl/cup/glass...(something of that nature) full of dry rice, with the battery taken out and the back cover off. i think you leave it in there for a couple days. and i dunno how, but according to everyone whose tried it (with a cell phone) it works! i wonder if it works for a tama?
This does work with Tamas:) I've fallen in the lake with my tama in my pocket, but I took it apart and stuck it in a bag of rice and waited two days and low and behold, it worked just like new.

JanusChan has some really good steps there though for a quicker recovery than the rice trick. It's an intresting resolution.

[SIZE=14pt] :eek: :D :D Thank ytou for this tip....if only I got it like 5 years ago...though I got another V2 Tama.The blue one I still have and but the last button doesn't work but you can't play bump...other then that thank you :ichigotchi: :D :( B) I don't worry now that I'm more on my V5 and V5.5 now. :D [/SIZE]

I, too, have experienced a water-damaged cellphone and found that blow-drying it (take out the battery first, of course) also works like a charm...probably a little safer than using a vacuum. :rolleyes: My phone went from not working when pressing the buttons and the sound being all garbled to fully functional in a matter of minutes. I imagine that the same technique could be used on a water-damaged Tamagotchi, as long as it's done right away. Don't forget to take out the battery first!

thanks! once, i put my v3 in a big flower pot then went to play hop scotch! :p i was like 6 then my mom came out with a water can an got my tama SOAKED i wasso upset it kept beeping even though i wasnt touching it it malfunctioned. it was terrible. it even let off sparks. to make a long story short. it brok. it stinks cause i had a mametchi. im so sorry blake! :(

its blake! :wacko:

i like pie :D

One time, I dropped my V5 in Coke. B) It was out and as soon as I got it out, I dried it with a napkin. (I was at a restarunt.) I took the battery out and left it for a while. I put batteries in it a few days later and it still worked! I was so relieved. ;)

I've dropped my Tama in the bathtub before.

All I did was take the whole thing apart (to the point where I could see the circuit board and stuff) and blow dry it a little (without heat). I let it sit and air-dry on my dresser over night and the next day it worked perfectly fine ;)

I remember when I was in year three (not sure what grade that is... :D ) and i dropped my v2 in a puddle :wacko:

I was distraught, and my mum bought me a new tama, but she still put my old tama to the side and let it dry naturally, and it worked! :wacko:

-Sancha :wacko:
