Fave YouTube videos (clean ones please)


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This is the saddest video I have seen on You tube. It makes me cry every time! If you don't cry, I have a right to call you heartless. Here it is: I Miss You Daddy

It is about 9/11

I couldnt stop laughing at this XD I love whoever made this! (Tis a Naruto Flash, but so freakin good and funny!)

omg!! i my favorite is so hallariously funny!! u just HAAAAAAAVE 2 watch it.

for those of u who r like blond, u won't get it.

go 2 youtube and then type in G.I. Joe Body Massage!!

it says one bad word, but it's not omg, bad. ok?! go! :D

i have 2 favorites!

i dont have the links but if you go to youtube and search for evolution of dance and charlie the unicorn you should get them. THEY ARE SO FUNNY! :unsure: <_< :(

I couldnt stop laughing at this XD I love whoever made this! (Tis a Naruto Flash, but so freakin good and funny!)

hahaha I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes

//www.tamatalk.com/IB/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png This is Teenagers by MCR. I got the censored version. Enjoy ^^

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