Favorite PS2 Game?


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Oh mii god I don't play PS3 much but there's this one game I LOVE called Little Big Planet! It's so cool me and my brother have so much fun on it

Battlefront 2.
The rest of my games are girlie. 'Cept Guitar Hero.
wow, you took both the things i was gonna say. Battlefront 2 ruulz. 2 bad its outdated.

i have EVERY Guitar Hero and Rock Band (the ones on PS2 are GH1, GH2, GH:80's)

I dunno, I have at least 30-40 PS2 Games, So The Ones I play Mostly are the ones I enjoy

And That being Said, My favorite PS2 Game/Games are

- Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories - Innapropriate, Yet Fun

-Harvest Moon: Save the Home Land- Its Fun at first but it gets boring

-Burnout 3: Takedown- The only driving game I'm good at

-Harvest Moon: Back To Nature [Not for PS2 but PS1, But I play it on my PS2 since My sisters Boyfriend gave me his old PS1 Memory Card, along with about 20 games along with it]

Yeah, Thats Probably All.

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