Favorite Quotes?


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"You're blue, have weird ears, sound like a girl, and breathe fire... You're a thing." - Luke fon Fabre (Tales of the Abyss)

"Me? You want me to carry this ogre by myself? Are you kidding me?" - Zelos Wilder (Tales of Symphonia)

Oh Em Gee. I have sooo many quotes. XD

"Caps is like cruise control for the hyperactive." -Mee

"You aren't speaking correctly English." -Jessica

"FEAR ME! I have a water bottle! BWAHAHAH!" -Taylor

"Showers are so addicting." -Elsie

"You are a bread racist, Ed. You only like white bread? How could you! I thought we were in this together!" -Mee

"So what are you for halloween, Greg?"


"Well, you've got green tights on, you're wearing a dress, a pointy hat, and you've got a sword. You must be...a wood nymph!"

"No, I'm Link."

"Wood Nymph."


"Wood Nymph."


"If you had a megaphone, you'd be dangerous." -Mrs Bonsetter

There's some of my favorite quotes. :ichigotchi:

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'Vendetta, that's a pretty name.'- Charlotte, Making Fiends episode 1. :( :D

'I AM LUIGI!'- Me, trying to annoy my friend while she visited my town on animal crossing:wild world by dressing up as Luigi from the Mario games and chanting this.(Because Luigi is her favorite character.)

:) TamagotchiGirl2007 :huh:

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"You're blue, have weird ears, sound like a girl, and breathe fire... You're a thing." - Luke fon Fabre (Tales of the Abyss)
"Me? You want me to carry this ogre by myself? Are you kidding me?" - Zelos Wilder (Tales of Symphonia)
I lovelovelove the way Luke treats Mieu and I lovelovelove the way Zelos puts emphasis on the word ogre even more ;D

"I really love the way you chew gum." - City Lights

I have 2 more:

"A heart's a heavy burden." -Sophie

"The Slithery-Dee, he came out of the sea. He ate all the others, but he didn't eat me. The Slithery-Dee, he came out of the sea. He ate all the others, but he didn't eat- *sluuuuurrrrrp*" -Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark "Aaaaaaaaaaahhhh!" Scary and funny stories.

"Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten"-Guccio Gucci

"Don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door."-Coco Chanel

<3 I especially love the Chanel one =]

"If endings are followed right after beginnings, are their actually any endings at all?"--Me

"It will all be okay in the end. And if it's not okay, it's not the end."--Unknown.

"Never, never, never, give up."--Winston Churchill

"Life is not measured by how many breaths we take, but by how many moments that take our breath away." --I honestly don't know.

"How can I catch up when I don't want to? How can I catch up when I still want you?"--Ingrid Michaelson, "December Baby"

Those are mine. :eek:

Hermione: Okay, Harry, I'm going to go to bed before you think up another incredible way to get us killed, or worse, EXPELLED.

Ron: Does she ever need to get her priorities straight...

That Harry Potter quote made me giggle. I don't watch much TV/Movies, so I can't think of much.

"He's strumming and I hear notes, what do you mean he's not a musician?" --some person commenting on a Youtube video following a comment that Patrick Stump "isn't a musician".

This is a quote I made up my self:

''In war there are no winners, only bigger losers"

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"Licorice is always best when licorice flavored." - Me, when I tried some nasty fruity twizlers

"The best way to put things is exactly how you mean them" - Me again XD

That was when someone commented on when I said "If I don't read Fruits Basket 4 soon I might explode from lack of fruitiness o_O" They said "That's a good way to put it" and that's where my stupid quote came in.

I know none of you care why I came up with those, but I like to torture people with stories of the past. It will save me alot of time when I'm older ;D

And I know, I'm so lame. My fave quotes are my own. I suck, I know XD

'One never realizes how lucky they are to have love until It's lost.'

'I wrote your name in the sand but the waves washed it away,

I wrote your name on my hand but I washed it the next day,

I wrote your name on a paper but I accidentally threw it away,

I wrote your name in my heart, and forever it will stay.'

'I support gay marriage, Its about love, not gender.'

'Isn't it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back everythings different.'

A rose is always a rose wether in a gold pot or in a dustbin. Same way you are always my friend wether in Dental hospital or Mental hospital.

"We know what we are, but not what we may be."

-Ophelia, Shakespeare's Hamlet.

it's so true it hurts.

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"A person's a person no matter how small." - Dr. Seuss.
I really love that one. Pro-life... :chohimetchi:

"Hey Patrick are you angry too?"


"What's the matter?!"

"I can't see my forehead"


-Spongebob and Patrick

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