Favorite Stores?


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I like,

Aeropostale all the waaaay.

and occasionally Hollister, besides the ridiculous prices.


The clothes are perdy.

Almost everything I have is from American Eagle/Aeropostale. I like Victoria's Secret PINK, but it's expensive.:[

Hollister is expensive too.

And I like Barnes and Noble because it has magazines and Starbucks.

CVS and the Calculator Store. Joke!!!

My fave stores are:

-Claire's Accessories (Such a cute store!)

-Limited Too (I loved this store the second I went in!)

-Pink (by VS)

-Delia's (My friend showed me this one)

-Sephora (But it reeks of powder - it's not even funny)

And I quite like Icing. (But seriously, I mainly buy my make-up from CVS. It's so much cheaper!)

Zellers, Wal-Mart, Giant Tiger, Ardenes, Coles Book store, and Yeah. Thats about it, Theres probably more But I can't think of names

Hot topic, the dollar store, online, any book store...the yankie candle co (I am a candle obsessive) and OOOHHH Walgreens, yeah baby
Mee too! -highfive-

I have like, a million candles because I love candles :3 <33

I also like Rave/Max Rave, Spencers, Candy shops, any store that sells Sheep Plushies, Victoria's Secret (For Perfume) FYE.... Some music stores, theres one next to Blockbuster but they keep changeing names. and I think thats it

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Any store's fine for me [:

The malls here aren't so big.

I like skateboard/snowboard shops a lot.

Ooo and Spencer's too.

For clothes, probably places like PacSun, American Eagle and sometimes Hot Topic.

Most of my clothes are ordered online though ;]

Call me girly, but I like the smells at Victoria's Secret. But I would never go in there because I'd look like a creep just smelling the scents there.

I dig girls that wear -a reasonable amount of- perfume from there. [:

Hot Topic

Newbury Comics - Been there twice, once when I hated everything I like now, and went once last week. I was like "OMGSPAZZ STARWARS STUFFZ." The other thing I like about it is that there aren't aisles filled to the top shelf with Hannah Montana crap =)

Best Buy - Fun for free video games. No, I don't ACTUALLY shop there. Just play free video games.

Wal Mart - Has some pretty cool stuff sometimes.

Target - It's like, toy wonderland.

Listen - Hey. Sometimes you can actually find cool things in there. Like Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in perfect condition for $1.

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Hot Topic, Newbury Comics, Hootenanny, Listen, Target, Shanalogic, TokyoKid, and sometimes Family Dollar has some awesome shoes.

I H8t shopping, and im comenting 4 no reason wat-so-ever.... :) :) :eek:

So yeeah...

then why did you make a comment that you're not commenting? ._. paradox.

Forever 21 and Sephora<33

JCPenney has very nice clothes as well ;]

Oh, and sometimes I get dragged in by my toes to J. Crew and GAP. Opression! OPRESSION! D:<

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