Favorite thing to do


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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2008
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Candy Land
Whenever I go to the mall, I try on all of the perfumes in Khouls, Macy's, Dillards, JCPenny, and all of those places. I've decided my fav is With Love, by Hilary Duff. I just got back from there, I smell so strong, I think I might be high because of it. Then I go to this one coffee place and get a medium frappilatte with extra whipped cream, then I go to Hot Topic, then Rave, Aeropostale, Abercrombie & Fitch, Bed bath&Beyond (where I use more perfume) and I always get complements on my long neon colored nails, and neon muti-colored converse (Best things ever) So what do you do/destroy at the mall? Or are you boring, and just go to Gap kids to buy more plaid sweaters and tennis shoes, without disturbing/breaking anything?

One time my friends and I pushed all of the assistance buttons in the fitting rooms, and then we ran. xD

I love the mall. But whenever I go to Hollister I die from the fumes in there... so I have to order from there online. XD

I usually spend 8 hours at the mall with my friends. We just walk around, eat, walk around, buy stuff...

We also yell random things at people and ask hot guys for a hug. Then there was one time when we stalked these poser emo peoples into at least 6 stores. Then they were getting mad so we ran off.

I love the mall. But whenever I go to Hollister I die from the fumes in there... so I have to order from there online. XDI usually spend 8 hours at the mall with my friends. We just walk around, eat, walk around, buy stuff...

We also yell random things at people and ask hot guys for a hug. Then there was one time when we stalked these poser emo peoples into at least 6 stores. Then they were getting mad so we ran off.
Lol, when you said you asked hot guys for a hug, for a minute I thought you said, "We ask hot dogs for a hug"

ask hot guys for a hug.
We do that too, but we stopped when someone told us that he had vodka in his car and we could have some if we wanted to, in the parking lot. Obviously we said no.

Last time I went to the mall I was with my friends Rhi and Myles.

We basically browsed --- we listened to every track on the music-sample-thing in hot topic, and went into Spencers. Unfortunately I had no money with me, so I didn't get to buy anything.

We went on a carousel XD Myles payed us in (he's nice like that) and we went on one of those tea cup saucer ride things, I got so dizzy that I fell over when we got off. Hoorah for acting like children in public places.

The highlight of my time there was restraining Myles and dragging him into Victoria's Secret. The poor boy almost had a heart attack.

I got to Hot Topic. I don't care about the other stores all that much.

According to many people I know, I act like Hot Topic is a religion.

' date='December 07, 2008 06:49 pm'] We basically browsed --- we listened to every track on the music-sample-thing in hot topic, and went into Spencers.
I love doing that.<3

"My music to the world~" Ohyes.

I have no Hot Topic in the UK, I order everything online. D:

Basically, I go get a hot dog, go into Lush, die from the smells, go into GAME and stare at the Xbox360, go into HMV, play the Xbox360, go ice skating, go trampolining, go go-karting, then get a KFC and talk to my friends. Then, I go into Argos and look up random things, then I play in the elevators, then, I go to Xscape, go bowling, play on the bumper cars, then go to the arcade and waste money, then get a squishee and a few cookies and go home.

Scotland rocks. I <3 Xscape.

I try on everything that looks like a disaster and make fun of it!

Hide and seek and once managed to get my brother tyo wear a bra!

Food! I always buy food!

MAke a scene. I never go to the mall with out being stared down by people.

Kmart is fun to play with the toys, balls and to pretend to sleep on the mini couches.

Take a cushion into a dog house and stay in there and bark at feet as they go past!

Put every shade of eye shadow on out hands. Stink out the place with purfume.

G-STRING PINGING! I taught my 6yr old cousin too!

I usually hate shopping. But if there's a bookstore, I just walk in there.
I like bookstores too! The thing I hate about shopping is trying on clothes. xP I like finding 'punkish' (my fav ^^) clothes in stores too!

I go and stare at guitar hero on tour at the games store, Go to the games room and when I give the tickets I earn to the people at the prize booth, I always earn a million lolipops xDD

Then Marks and Spencer, perfumeries, go buy some ice cream, then to the cinemas =D

I don't do any of the crazy things you guys do :huh:

I just look for the sports stores.

My friends and I usually try every sample there is possible, so we walk out of the stores with seven scents of perfume, and ten colors of lipgloss. :3

We bought candy once from the vending machines and left it in random places in different stores. Then we watched to see if anybody actually ate it..


t's fun to get people that you've seen all throughout the mall the look that says, Stop stalking us! .. And even more fun to press every 'Try me' button in sight..

Ah, the mall..

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I buy stuff.

I usually spend all my money in one store..

Within 10 minutes.

If I had 100 Dollars. It'd be gone like. *snap*

I don't really do anything crazy. But I am always tempted to push every Try Me button I see.

Unless its lame.

Otherwise, In the Mall, The Main stores I go to are

- Claires


-Coles Book store [if they have it there, I want to buy Vol.2 of Nora: The Last Chronicle of Devildom. Manga]

and Sometimes I eat at Mano's Restaraunt [i dunno if they Have Mano's in other Malls, but they Do in Yorkton Saskatchewan]. Actually Last time I ate at Mano's was about 6 years ago. lol Hopefully My mom, our Friends [who's driving us there] and Myself Go. If not, A&W or something like that.

I'm supposed to be Christmas shopping, But Knowing me, I'll see something I like, And I'll end up wasting money on it. I did that last year too. So This Year [i'll likely get 50 bucks to spend] I'll Buy the Christmas presents as Cheap as possible. I'm only getting Something for My Mom, Grandma and My Bff's Mom [Who's Sick in the hospital] And Maaaaybe Something for My Bff.

But I suck at shopping in malls. I usually Space out staring at one item in a store. And Then I end up not being able to find my Mom. xD

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Because I rarley go to the mall, and not with friends, with parents, I can't do all the fun stuff you guys do. D:

I do though, get Starbucks, I love Claires for earrings... get yelled at by security guards for having a drink in the kids plaything when I'm not supposed too... Er, That's about it.

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