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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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Have some fears you have that you want to share? Go ahead and tell them here!! ^_^


Tornados: They freak me out. Just the look of them.....the fact that they can kill me or suck me up.....it scares the heck out of me! I have dreams about tornados all the time. It's because I'm so scared of them.

Bees: STING! BEES STING! O.O I hate their annoying buzzing sound and how they sting you...*shivers*

Death: I cannot imagine myself dead. I really can't. When I think of myself not living, it gives me the creeps and I get this really funny feeling in the pit of my stomach. You cannot stop death, and THAT scares me. I know one day I will die.

Reality: There's three things I'm scared of when it comes to reality. One, is that somebody is controlling what I think, type, see, do....like in the SIMS. I don't know why that thought scares me, but it does. The second thing is that sometimes I wonder if reality is just somebody dreaming and when they wake up I will no longer exist. And thirdly, I'm always scared that my whole life has been a dream. Like, one day I'll wake up and I'm a whole different person because the life I have been living was only a dream. THAT freaks me out.

Spiders: Another icky creepy crawly.

Elevators: I'm always afraid the elevator will get stuck and I'll die inside the elevator. It's happened before. o_O



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God, I have so many it will take up 100000 TamaTalk pages to clear it all up!

Bugs: OMG! They give me the creeps! I scream whenever I see them! Mostly because they are creepy looking and the fear of them landing on me is just uggh! Scary!

Dying: Probably my #1 fear. I fear dying so much. The thing is, when I die, what will happen to me? Where will I go? Will I just basically not exist anymore and I won't have any feeling? I believe in Heaven and God and whatnot, but it's still scary.

Reality: Kinda like Tamagirl_Desy. The thought of me dreaming right now and having no way to tell whether I'm in the real world or in a dream freaks me out. Who knows? Maybe my whole life is a dream. It's just scary to me.

There are more, but these are my main ones.

My fears (in no order):

1. Burning. And no, I don't mean like burning yourself on a birthday cake candle (I've done that before). Like, my house getting caught on fire with me stuck inside. It is known to be one of the most painful injuries. If you survive something like that, chances are you will be terribly disfigured.

2. Being raped. Don't even wanna go there.

3. Singing a solo in front of people (By the way, I actually faced this fear today! I am still terrified, but a little better). ^_^

4. Call me crazy, but I still sleep with a night light- and it is not to keep monsters away. Ever since I was little, when I would wake up in the middle of the night and see only black, I would freak out because I thought I went blind. ;)

5. The whole aspect of forever creeps me to the bone. Thinking about eternal life and living forever with God in Heaven... forever. Like, how long is forever? Well, it never ends but it seems like it has to have an end. But if it had and end, then what? It is confusing and like talking in a circle.

Cinderpelt :(

#1- Supernatural, I don't know why. Seeing ghosts or scary stories or future telling is CREEPY to me.

#2- Waking up and no one in the house. I hate thinking about me waking up in the night, and no one is there. 0.o

#3- My dad dying. (nuff said)

#4- HEIGHTS!!!!!! When im really high elevation i get scared and I have to sit down.

#5- Bloody Mary.

Death - Why? Because I don't know what happens after life, it's a scary thought, because you don't know where your going, no ones does. I don't like surprises very much.

Death of friends/family - It's sad if they're younger, and you don't know if you did everything or said everything you wanted to before they were gone.

End of the world - How it's gonna happen, when, things like that.

Aliens - Are they real? If they are, are they just planning an attack right now?

That's about it, I'm not that scared of anything else.

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Death:Im scared of if i go to hell or heaven

Clostrophobic:Scared of tite spaces

Chukie:saw the movie

#1- Supernatural, I don't know why. Seeing ghosts or scary stories or future telling is CREEPY to me.
#2- Waking up and no one in the house. I hate thinking about me waking up in the night, and no one is there. 0.o

#3- My dad dying. (nuff said)

#4- HEIGHTS!!!!!! When im really high elevation i get scared and I have to sit down.

#5- Bloody Mary.
whats a bloody mary can someone tell me

I have the stupidest fears:

1. Drowning

2.cars that go to fast

3.over flowing toilets.

Don't laugh at me ya'll.

Dont worry i an scared of drowning too *FAINT* i for got to add it

kk, I am a girl, and not afraid of bugs, but I am afraid of...

My friend flirting with my boyfried: :p

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[SIZE=8pt]kk, I am a girl, and not afraid of bugs, but I am afraid of...[/SIZE]My friend flirting with my boyfried: She is already flirting with him, and it sucks! she steals all my boyfriends! And I am afraid that she will take him away from me, and I really care about him! So far, he has showed no feelings toward her, but who knows? I told her to stop, and she said she was sorry, but she isn't, cuz she keeps doing it! Thank goodness she's being homeschooled the rest of this year and 8th grade! But she has his phone #. I am blabbing too much, but can someone please help me? please? I am sooooo stressed out! :mametchi: :p
Sorry to hear about your troubles, but this isn't the topic to ask for help in. :mimitchi: Maybe make a topic of your own or PM somebody about it? Thanks!

Some interesting fears everybody, but I can see why you guys are scared of certain things.


Sorry to hear about your troubles, but this isn't the topic to ask for help in. :mametchi: Maybe make a topic of your own or PM somebody about it? Thanks!
Some interesting fears everybody, but I can see why you guys are scared of certain things.

oops! sorry, i just was already upset. sorry! :p

im scared of exploding teeth.........you know how hot stuff makes stuff expand and cold stuff makes things shrink?and when you mix them together it explodes? and when your drinking coffe and then you need some ice cream YOUR TEETH EXPLODE.if you dont belive me try it youll see youll see..........

#1- Supernatural, I don't know why. Seeing ghosts or scary stories or future telling is CREEPY to me.
#2- Waking up and no one in the house. I hate thinking about me waking up in the night, and no one is there. 0.o

#3- My dad dying. (nuff said)

#4- HEIGHTS!!!!!! When im really high elevation i get scared and I have to sit down.

#5- Bloody Mary.
i love ghosts! I think they are so cool! I've never really seen one, though... but it is ok to be scared :p oh, what does bloody mary do to you? I've heard of her b4, but I want to know what she is badly known for... :mametchi:

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im also afraid of printers....once a printer ate my hedgehog and almost killed it......it was stuck in there for hours


. A eternity of living in Hell (I do NOT fear death)

. Any type of bee's that sting (Yellowjackets, wasps, honeybee's)

. Being rejected by society, not ever finding love

. Being poor, not having money to pay for anything, living on the streets

. Not having the Internet

My fears (in no order):
1. Burning. And no, I don't mean like burning yourself on a birthday cake candle (I've done that before). Like, my house getting caught on fire with me stuck inside. It is known to be one of the most painful injuries. If you survive something like that, chances are you will be terribly disfigured.

2. Being raped. Don't even wanna go there.

3. Singing a solo in front of people (By the way, I actually faced this fear today! I am still terrified, but a little better). :p

4. Call me crazy, but I still sleep with a night light- and it is not to keep monsters away. Ever since I was little, when I would wake up in the middle of the night and see only black, I would freak out because I thought I went blind. :mimitchi:

5. The whole aspect of forever creeps me to the bone. Thinking about eternal life and living forever with God in Heaven... forever. Like, how long is forever? Well, it never ends but it seems like it has to have an end. But if it had and end, then what? It is confusing and like talking in a circle.

Cinderpelt :mametchi:
It's ok, about the nightlite thing. I am in the 7th grade, and still sleep with a teddy bear! :)

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