Feeling angry/upset


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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Today me and my friends did a skit in music and there was a dance at teh end. So when we were dancing, my friend who was also dancing kept giggling and wasn't doing the dance properly so that got me mad. And everybody was like, "NO, never again!" Then this girl who I sit near in class was all like, "Nobody liked your dance." and this guy said, "And you said OUR skit took long, you meanie." So everyone was making fun of our dance that we practiced for weeks and yes, we could have been better but I thought I did fairly good with the dancing. So I pretty upset AND angry right now. I don't know what to do. They lowered my self-confidence today, because I'm afraid that for the talent show if I do a dance they'll all laugh at me again.

What should I do!?

I was in a talent show once with a bunch of boys in my group... it was the WORST thing I had ever done. We did it about the dangers of smoking... CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT. My teacher told us that once we picked a talent we could've changed it but she offered to let me change. I was NAIVE!!! Lol No one liked it and it sucked.

It's your talent and no one should get you down. Who knows? They might be jealous. People have made fun of me for my talent. Give a talk to your friends and express your feelings. If they don't like what you have to say then maybe they aren't really worth trying it. School kids LIVE for making self confidence go down.

When they keep making fun of it say: I thought it was good. O well... ~or~ Your point is....???

Sure it's hard to say/pretend that words can't hurt but you have to try

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