Feeling bad about letting go of a Tama


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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2017
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I understand they are just little virtual critters, but why do I feel bad about letting one be sold to a new owner?

Recently I had sold a second v2 Tama connection and I don't know...I feel bad about doing so. Ghost on my dedicated tama was my Mametchi who grew up with another tama by her side as her friend and playmate and now...I don't know, her son wont have that chance to grow up with a friend.

Grant it, the first 2 generations grew up without friends { my Violetchi (Caty) and ChoHienetchi (Daria) } and I didn't feel as bad.

I don't know, has anyone else had this issue, or am I just having attachment issues?

When my sister's Tamagotchi broke, I was really sad that mine wouldn't have a playmate anymore. I think this feeling is similar to yours, but it's probably even sadder if it wasn't on accident. :(

It sounds like your V2 held some memories for you, and I can see all other Tamagotchi owners feeling sad about selling something sentimental. I probably would feel the same way if I sold my V3, which was my very first Tamagotchi that made me occasionally glad that I still had it and how pretty it was. Yet even though my V3 is sentimental to me, I could see myself not feeling that constantly and thus if I was to part with it, I might feel the proverbial "you don't know what you had until you lose it". I suspect part of this may be affecting you.

Going beyond the device, you specifically mention your deceased Mametchi who grew up with a friend. Obviously you don't see your V2 as just a device but rather as the home of that tamagotchi. Thus possibly why your grief is stronger is because you may perceive it as losing a friend, not losing a toy. Perhaps some could see this as silly, but you're amongst friends as all Tamagotchi owners go through the same thing. After all, it is the ability to appear alive that attracts us to Tamagotchis in the first place, even if this life is obviously fictional.

I wouldn't say you have attachment issues unless you had your V2 for a very short time and the times you used it were not significant. Experiences can be short but greatly memorable so earthly time can not be used to measure sentimental significance.

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