Feels like my heart is breaking in two! )=


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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2007
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[SIZE=7pt]Well at the moment I'm dating this really great guy [lets call him A]. And he is really nice to me and has nothing but pure love for me!...[/SIZE]

And at one point I thought I loved him too...

But lately my Ex [we'll call him B] has started talking to me again and we've been hanging out and flirting with eachother and all that but he isn't ver nice to me (he use to hate me, only recently has he been nice) And I realised that I never really lost my feelings for him...

I don't want to breakup with A because I know that I won't get with B and I really don't want to hate A because before we were super duper close!

But if Im not with A that means I have more of a chance with B.

I'm just very confussed and I need advice )=

Do not break A's heart.

You're in a very difficult situation, but if this guy really has 'nothing but pure love' for you, then he's something special, and you shouldn't just dump him for your ex. You say your ex used to hate you, and only recently you've been 'flirting and hanging out'. He doesn't sound all that special, and unless you are truly unhappy with A, stay with him. He doesn't deserve this!! All relationships take work, and all relationships are tempted by other things/people, and have their ups and downs. But keep the guy who truly loves you. That's my advice to you. Good luck! :D


This is why it's not always a good idea to be friends with your ex's again :D I know what you mean, every time I am around my last ex-boyfriend my feelings for him still come to the surface.. so I try to avoid him as much as possible.

It IS possible to be friends with an ex though.. My first ex boyfriend from when I was 16 and I still get along really well. I love him like a brother and would do anything for him.

Anyways, I don't think you should be doing anything behind A's back... maybe you should tell him? It will hurt him, but being lied to/deceived/cheated on is really really really bad :(

Your just probably linking back to too many good times with B. Try thinking of all the bad times you've had with him. That will probably knock you to remembering that A is better to you. :)

It works for me! :) (Well, I've never had a "boyfriend", but it's like, similar. Y'know?)

Wait, you say At one point I thought I loved him too.

Is this suggesting what I think it's suggesting?

If you don't love A, break it off.

He'll feel bad about it, but you seem like a good person, and I would personally never be with someone that I didn't think I loved to the fullest I could, and I wouldn't wish that upon you, either. It's sort of a strain on the mind, knowing that you're together with someone that you don't love back.

However, you say you can't be together with B?

Just a quick question, why is that?

My conclusion: Break it off with A and stop talking to B unless it's necessary --- If you don't love A back, that explains itself, and I personally think that keeping in touch with B more than necessary might lead to more heartbreak, which doesn't need to happen twice with one person.

Just my opinion.

Like Becca said, If you no longer love A then that would be a good reason to break up with him, but If you do love him then DO NOT break up!

What happens if you break up with A, but it turns out that B dosent want to get back together with you? Then what will you do? Trust me, staying with A is the best idea.

Like Becca said, If you no longer love A then that would be a good reason to break up with him, but If you do love him then DO NOT break up!
What happens if you break up with A, but it turns out that B dosent want to get back together with you? Then what will you do? Trust me, staying with A is the best idea.

Dumping A for B could turn out a disaster. If you aren't sure if B wants to get back together with you and you dump A to ask B out again, and B declines, what would you do? Get back together with A? Its not that simple.

And remember, there is a reason why this guy is your ex. Whatever he did to break up with you/be dumped is still a reality. By going out with him again will not change the past, and most likely it will only lead to more heartbreak.

Stick with A. He really loves you, and to leave him for your ex would crush him.

If I was you, I'd stay with A.

He's always treated you well, and if you were to go out with B, you never know when he might suddenly start being mean again.


tell B that you like A and you never wanna see him ever again... coz he left u... and then go with A!!!!

problem solved!!!!

please take my advice coz i am the advice guru...

so if u want to ask for more advice,

post for me at catscratchss

and also tell your friends that you have a good advicer and then give them my user account and then i can help them too!!!



Don't lead your current boyfriend on but I really wouldn't suggest hanging around with your ex. You say he wasn't very nice to you? We all make mistakes, but if he was continuously rude and "hated you" why even put yourself in a situation where you may be confused?

If you are still going to go out with A especially, do not hang out with him. If you are going to be tempted with this dude, break it off. Don't let your heart overrule your mind - this guy may seem to be nice but generally in relationships like the kind you had with him, if it didn't work the first time, why is it going to work in the future?

Decide what you are going to do with A but I really advise you not to be involved with this other guy.

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[SIZE=7pt]Everyone I'm still very confussed. [/SIZE]

I haven't seen B in a while because he has gone away so I took this optunity and went to the park with A yesterday with two other friends [ Call em C and D, they are dating]

We were all sitting there just us four when A tried to kiss me and I... I just turned away! I don't know why, any other time I would've been happy to kiss him, I don't know weather it was because C and D were there or what!

And tonight I'm going to a party, A isn't going but B is! And sadly I don't trust myself...

*goes hides*


If you break up with A and try to go to B then B will say no and if you try to go back with A hes not going to want to date you anymore because youll probaly break his heart and youll be boyfriendless.My boyfriend is in Pencilvania(I think thats how you spell it)and im best friends with his ex Julie and his names Cory and I dumped him and went to this really sweet boy named Devin and he turned me down.Ill get Corys number*snickers*And ill break up with cory because he broke my 1st best friends heart and she was friends with me for 5 years cuz we met in school and yesterday(shes in Ashtubula)I called her (wich im a half hour aay in Painseville)She and i went on club penguing and I was glad to hear her say "im over Cory"because if i broke is heart i didn't know if she would get mad because he stil had felings for himOk im off topic *gets back on topic)

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