Ferret 's tamagotchi log


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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2007
Reaction score
i have 2 tamas : v4 and v4,5 the v4 is the connexion and v4,5 is connection


v4 - furawatchi

happy : 4

hungry : 4

training full

skill points : 20,21,92

2 yr

43 lb

name : PUFFY

sex : girl

gen 3 gen

user name : FIFI

timeline shirotsubutchi > harutchi > young memetchi > violetchi

point :1200 p


happy :4

hungry :4

training full

skill points 378,72,93

3 yr

38 lb

name JOJO

sex :boy

gen :8 g

point 89679p

user name : FIFO

timelne : tsubutchi > hitodetchi > daiyatchi > ura mametchi > hyottokotchi


previous tamas (v4)

ALA the ponytchi

timeline : shirotsubutchi > mohitamatchi > ichigotchi > ponytchi

Fairy (name changed and it's DAIRY )

timeline : shirotsubutchi > mohitamatchi > oyjotchi > maskutchi ;)


DAIRY the hanagatatchi

timeline: baby girl > tamatchi >ura young memetchi > ura memetchi > hanagatatchi

TOPAZ the tenpatchi

timeline :baby boy>kuribotchi>kujakutchi>tenpatchi

Lufra the shitekitchi

timeline: baby girl >tamatchi>zouritchi>shitekitchi

Petal the tougyutchi

timeline: baby boy > hitodetchi > crackertchi > tougyutchi

SAFIR the yasaugauretchi

timeline : baby boy > kuribotchi > kujakutchi > yasaugauretchi

TRIXY the horoyotchi

timeline : baby girl > tamatchi > zouritchi > horoyotchi

MEAVE the ura yattatchi

timeline: baby girl > tamatchi > zourtchi > ura yattatchi

my tama - story

(jojo is still a ura mametchi)

JOJO : let's play with cellphone!


(connected with visit and started talking)

JOJO : hello puffy, please give me a ball i haven't got any

PUFFY: i hasen't got a ball, can you give me an UFO

JOJO: give me a ball please...

(puffy gets angry)





sorry,i can't attach images please help me with attatching them.


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please delete ths post.

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UPDATE: my tamas are older!!!


happy 4

hungry 4

training full

skill points 20 26 97

3 yr

52 lb

name : PUFFY

sex: girl

gen:3 g

point 1200p


happy 4

hungry 4

traing full

skill points 390 97 97



name JOJO

gender boy

gen 8g

point 83819p

user fifi

next cellphone visit:

JOJO:i want to tell you something..


JOJO:........i love you!

PUFFY:i love you too!

JOJO: bye!



PUFFY: job-firefighter

THE diary:

Ura mametchi: help me! my house is in blaze!!!!

puffy: i will help you ristel!

(puffy shoots water)

(fire is strangely glowing)

PUFFY: what the....?!

fire monster: thee hee hee! i will fry you!!!

PUFFY: who are you?

fire monster: i am fire monster and i want to fry tama planet!


fire monster: it don't work at me!

hanagatatchi: my feathers are frying! help!!!

(fire monster burns hanagatatchi)

hanagatatchi: OWWW!!!!

ristel (ura mametchi) : super-taily attack!

(fire monster get smashed by tail)

fire monster: OWWW!!!!

(fire monster bursts fire at PUFFY!)

PUFFY: my flowers help!

(puffy has no flowers on her head)

(fire monster attacks rtistel)

klvadjknbf,bfn,vjl,bk,bv (evolution of ristel)

ristel (hyottokotchi) : i'm a tea-kettle! i can spit water!

(ristel bursts hot water at fire monster)

fire monster: no!!!!!!!!!!!!


JOJO job-clown

JOJO: today we will talk about jokes!

(audience claps hands)

JOJO: a teapot live on the beach

and he have a headache

(headache is getting powerful)

teapot: OWW my head!

teapot: OWW! it's hot

(teapot runs to antarctica)

teapot: ooh,how fun!

teapot: ooh,how small sun!

(sun have got a headache)

(sun falls on the teapot 's head)

teapot: oh......how hot!

teapot: HOT HOT!!

(sun falls to the teapot 's lips)

teapot:i have a toothache!!!!!

(jojo gets only 5 gotchi points)

JOJO: why?!


12,35 : a mail come it was a poop inside! :angry:

12,44 two mails come let's look................... there was a fortune cookie on v4 and v4,5 and mail on v4 and v4,5

mail containts......poop for JOJO!!!! and heart for PUFFY!

go to the fun stuff > gallery > you and your tama to see my hyottokotchi! :D


when comments reach 3 this day i will at cool tama arts to tama talk gallery!

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answer for the question to me: rocken sisters,we can run our log together! it will be more interesting and fun :angry: !

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answer for the question to me: rocken sisters,we can run our log together! it will be more interesting and fun :D !
Oh Cool! What like me posting my tama in your log??? :angry:

Wow thank you much!!!


My tama's name is Amein. He is a boy and is a Kurokotchi. I just adore him and you know its nearly christmas? Well a christmas tree came to visit him. Sweet!

He is my V3 and I am planning on getting my v2 or v4 running and making them come an adult and putting the love potion on.

1 more day left until he leaves me. Thats right, he is 6 yrs old. Have you got any ideas for names if my new tama is a girl or boy?

I love kurokotchis!!! they are the second favourites after kusatchis! :angry: :D :ichigotchi:

for girl fine names are: candy,cream,angel,water,aqua,lisa,mimi,leffi,era,amy,moon,sun,sunny,night,fluff or sue

for boy fine names are: wooly,bobby,jelly,lobby,drop,nale,mike,miky,nike,larry or alfie

can you add pics of your kurokotchi to gallery? it will be nice!

:kuribotchi: :furawatchi:

i wish you great tama-talking day!

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oh! my tamas have 2 beautiful baby boys!!! :angry: :D :ichigotchi:

i use the love potion!

i will name them RICK and STICK!

pictures with babies soon!

:kuribotchi: :furawatchi:

Aww sweet! Thanks I will sure use the names.

I will try and get you the pictures tonight before he leaves.

CHECK PUFFY PLAYING GUITAR AND WEARING GLASSES! :mellow: :mellow: :mellow: :mellow: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

fun stuff > photo gallery > you and your tama! :lol:

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Aww cute!!!! Hey Ferret do you want to start a new topic? Its easier and neater? Yeah? (Loads of Question marks xDD)

topic closed!!!!!!!! vist ferret and rocken sisters 's tamagotchi log!
