Fictional character crushes.


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^I'll give it a watch sometime. I was looking on the UK website and according to the DVD boxart on there it's a 12 (I have to check these things so my parents won't metaphorically shoot me for watching something unsuitable >>).

Tama :D Phantom

^ ROFL. I DON'T KNOW. We haven't done TTCFF in forever. xDDDDD

Okay. I'm going to say this. -deepbreath-

Lord Ephidel is seriously the most attractive, evil, bad guy I've ever seen in a video game. (Fire Emblemmmm)

BUT EEEEEP. <33 I know, I'm insane.

OH MAN, CECI. He's lovely. ;DxD

SANOSUKE SAGARA - Rurouni Kenshin.

Like.. legit, man. <333333 I almost forgot how much I loved him.

Isn't he? :>

Oh and I forgot, Karkat.

He's very angry. Also he corresponds to my zodiac x3

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