Fights with Friends.


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Well-known member
Apr 5, 2008
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I was just thinking about fighting and things like that. My friends are really mean sometimes, so it brought that thought into my head.

Anyway...... The worst one I have been in (recently) was my friend was being a total jerk and she was like "HEY IM GLAD YOUR NOT INVITED TO MY BIRTHDAY!" and i'm just like "Me too!" She also was like "She doesn't give a f******ing sh** about my life!!" And shes one of those people who think everything with a cuss word is an insult, so she cusses all the time. XD And I guess I was over reacting, but I have 2 good friends and they didn't invite me to either of their bithdays this year. and I invited both. :D I guess I just felt betrayed.....They went to eachothers birthdays, too. :(

Your worst fight?

Eh, I've never had a full-on fight, but last year I was really acting female doggy towards Sarah. She didn't do much wrong, but my friends and I were secretly making up rumours about her and all this other stuff that she didn't really deserve. We became friends after that again though. Now we're not best friends, but we sometimes talk :)

I don't think I've ever been in the situation where people went againgst me. I've had tiny fights with people, but they only lasted about a day or two. I treasure friendships a lot and once I become friends with someone, I hate losing them. So I try to avoid friendship fights as much as I can.

Oh yes. =(

I've had lots of fights, mainly with one person, but sometimes another one. (one isn't exactly my friend, but she thinks she is...)

I don't really want to get into detail, but yeah. Too many to explain.

Well my best friend since kindergarten.

I was talking to someone else she hates with her soul and essence of existing. So he made fun of her and she was like why'd you bring him? I was already there LOL.

We didn't talk for 2 months.

Another one is this girl in my class. Were friends and like really smart so we like study and w/e. But everyday we argue over meaningless things. It's quite fun actually.

It's VERY common that I have fights with my BFFs since birth. (Not kidding. I've known them from the time they were 2 days old)

the worst one I probably had with them was at their birthday party. (HERE'S THE SCRIPT! xDDD)

Me: Maddy, can I stay a bit later because I only live right next door?

Maddy: Well, I'd haffa ask mummy. (asks) Yep!

(6 o-clock comes around)

Mal: Hey, Kay. (passes treat bag) here you go! See ya tomorrow!

Me: but Maddy said I could stay a bit longer!

Maddy: NO I DIDN'T!


Their mum: LEAVE NOW

Me: (looks at Maddy and Mal) Fine then! You're not coming to my birthday!


Me: (starts to cry) (grabs shoes) (runs out to the deck) (puts shoes on in the poaring rain)

their mum: (me still out on the deck) SHE IS THE WORST ******* KID I HAVE EVER MET IN MY ******* LIFE!

As you can tell, their mum was (and still is) a b!tch.

It's VERY common that I have fights with my BFFs since birth. (Not kidding. I've known them from the time they were 2 days old) the worst one I probably had with them was at their birthday party. (HERE'S THE SCRIPT! xDDD)

Me: Maddy, can I stay a bit later because I only live right next door?

Maddy: Well, I'd haffa ask mummy. (asks) Yep!

(6 o-clock comes around)

Mal: Hey, Kay. (passes treat bag) here you go! See ya tomorrow!

Me: but Maddy said I could stay a bit longer!

Maddy: NO I DIDN'T!


Their mum: LEAVE NOW

Me: (looks at Maddy and Mal) Fine then! You're not coming to my birthday!


Me: (starts to cry) (grabs shoes) (runs out to the deck) (puts shoes on in the poaring rain)

their mum: (me still out on the deck) SHE IS THE WORST ******* KID I HAVE EVER MET IN MY ******* LIFE!

As you can tell, their mum was (and still is) a b!tch.
Wow.... I had a similar situation happen to me. I was being bullied my my enimies mom. I was Kind of sick, I had a cold, and I was near her daughter and her mom was like "saty away from my daughter, go spread your ick somewhere else!" I was like 9 and I was thinking "NO WAY, B!TCH!" XD

It was a stupid fight, but it taught me a lot.

We didn't talk for three months.

I don't want to explain, it's a really long story xD. And we fought many times. Four times. Each lasted about a month.

Oh man. xD

It's VERY common that I have fights with my BFFs since birth. (Not kidding. I've known them from the time they were 2 days old) the worst one I probably had with them was at their birthday party. (HERE'S THE SCRIPT! xDDD)

Me: Maddy, can I stay a bit later because I only live right next door?

Maddy: Well, I'd haffa ask mummy. (asks) Yep!

(6 o-clock comes around)

Mal: Hey, Kay. (passes treat bag) here you go! See ya tomorrow!

Me: but Maddy said I could stay a bit longer!

Maddy: NO I DIDN'T!


Their mum: LEAVE NOW

Me: (looks at Maddy and Mal) Fine then! You're not coming to my birthday!


Me: (starts to cry) (grabs shoes) (runs out to the deck) (puts shoes on in the poaring rain)

their mum: (me still out on the deck) SHE IS THE WORST ******* KID I HAVE EVER MET IN MY ******* LIFE!

As you can tell, their mum was (and still is) a b!tch.
OMG That is terrible, terrible, terrible!! D: D:

No honestly, that is horrible.

Well, tbh, you won't believe this, I haven't fought with

ANY of my best friends. And we are REALLY close, there

is six of them. We have been besties for ages, I love them to bits. Fairy tales best friends really. They are caring, fun, pretty, lovely, kind, trustworthy. They know all my secrets, they always buy & make me present at random times when it's not even a special occasion. To be honest, they are absoloutly amazing and I never wanna lose any of them.

But I do fight with random people sometimes. This boy I fight with all the time, but that's only like play fighting, it's funny, but hurts.

There is a friend I fought with once, she lives across the road. She locked me in her kitchen whilst her mum was out. So when she came to let me out, I slapped her and went home.


I have two friends from kindergarden. I always fight with one of them, because she always thinks she's right about everything. And the other friend always takes her side.

With a lot of these fights posted to the board.

Some of them seems like there's more to the story.

Ha. I've had many failed friendships.

I somehow attract b!tches.

Last year was probably the worst.

I moved schools and didn't know anyone at all. I made friends with a girl named Lucy. She seemed fine. She had a nice group of friends who I quickly became friends with. In fact, they seemed to prefer me to her. She was very much someone who is power hungry and doesn't like having their place challenged. She all of a sudden turned on me. Like, actually one day she just went from a nice person to this really mad cow. The people of her friends group somewhat fear her, so what she says goes. She started text bullying me and in the mean time started saying I was spreading rumours about her. She actually made everyone hate me. She'd say mean things about people and say "Michelle told me" So everyone thought I was horrible. And the true friends I'd made thought she was for real and decided to hate me and that's when I went through my depression/I want to kill myself stage.

Even now she still hates me. My best friend, Grace, is good friends with Lauren and Lauren is in Lucy's 'group' and so once I was with Grace at lunch and we went and sat in their lunch room and Lucy turns around to her side kick and says, very obviously "What the fxck is that b!tch doing here. Do you not remember me telling you that if she came around here you need to tell her to fxck off?" But me, being the strong person I am now, turned to her and smiled "Deal with it"

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