fights with strangers....


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Well-known member
Jun 18, 2006
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new york
ok well 2day i was skating wit a few of my friends and we stop by this huge bush of honey suckle(i tink dats wat they r called)

ok so well we pick a few and eat the honey on the ends and this medium build guy with blondish hair and blue eyes coms out on the porch and starts cursing us out and telling us to get off his property

so they sk8 away

and i stay just standing and he's still cursing me out

so im getting mad because he was disrespecting me wen there is a right way to speak to me

and he's calling my a sk8er f**got and all these names and im like stfu im not on ur property

and we exchanged curses and he was like well dont touch my property and im like im not!! and hes like well ima call the cops on u if u dnt leave and i was like well im not on ur property and i just stood there and he was like ima beat da living sh*ts outta u and i was like u cnt do that

so he cam down and was in my face and litarally swung at me,so i flinched and moved cuz he wuld have hit me,and i was like well y did u start cursing us out,u didnt have to,there is a right way to speak to people and he kicked my board and he was like if u ever touch my property i will f**k u up and call the cops

and well he was rly strong(i culd tell)

and i didnt want to fight him,and i wuldnt b able to use my board cuz den i wuld b sent to jail and he wuld get away with it

and dis old lil lady is at da porch saying get the f**k away

and i was about to laugh and say "yeah thats why to still live with ur mom!" but didnt want to cuz dat wuld have started sumtin big

tho im not a punk or a push over

but i noe my limits and who i can fight

so im over here like rdy to just punch the first person who gives my the slightest attitude in the face

so im like ok ima get revenge so i go bak 2 sk8ing so a few hours later i pick up lots of speed and like go past his house and rip off a giant patch of his bush and like eat the honey a block away

so from now on im going to do that wen i pass by

untill im satisfied with my revenge

so has any1 gottenn into any fights with strangers?

So... you're standing in front of this guys garden and pulling at his plants and eating stuff off his plants... and you think that he is wrong ...? :D
I'm not sure how to say this nicely any other way...

Exactly. :D

If you are basically destroying his property, he has the right to be upset. However, I don't think either of you should have started swearing and going crazy. Next time, leave whoever it is alone.

So... you're standing in front of this guys garden and pulling at his plants and eating stuff off his plants... and you think that he is wrong ...? :D
I also wanna add destroying someone's property is a form of vandalism.

As someone already noted the guy shouldn't of threatened you and such, but you shouldn't of been touching his property and doing what you were doing.

If he did report you to police for the vandalism you were doing you would of been written up as a troublemaker, even if he did talk violently to you since you started the whole mess.

So if you feel like getting escorted back to your house by a cop someday seeking your "revenge" or other people's property, feel free to keep doing what you're doing.

ok well 2day i was skating wit a few of my friends and we stop by this huge bush of honey suckle(i tink dats wat they r called)ok so well we pick a few and eat the honey on the ends and this medium build guy with blondish hair and blue eyes coms out on the porch and starts cursing us out and telling us to get off his property

so they sk8 away

and i stay just standing and he's still cursing me out

so im getting mad because he was disrespecting me wen there is a right way to speak to me

and he's calling my a sk8er f**got and all these names and im like stfu im not on ur property

and we exchanged curses and he was like well dont touch my property and im like im not!! and hes like well ima call the cops on u if u dnt leave and i was like well im not on ur property and i just stood there and he was like ima beat da living sh*ts outta u and i was like u cnt do that

so he cam down and was in my face and litarally swung at me,so i flinched and moved cuz he wuld have hit me,and i was like well y did u start cursing us out,u didnt have to,there is a right way to speak to people and he kicked my board and he was like if u ever touch my property i will f**k u up and call the cops

and well he was rly strong(i culd tell)

and i didnt want to fight him,and i wuldnt b able to use my board cuz den i wuld b sent to jail and he wuld get away with it

and dis old lil lady is at da porch saying get the f**k away

and i was about to laugh and say "yeah thats why to still live with ur mom!" but didnt want to cuz dat wuld have started sumtin big

tho im not a punk or a push over

but i noe my limits and who i can fight

so im over here like rdy to just punch the first person who gives my the slightest attitude in the face

so im  like ok ima get revenge so i go bak 2 sk8ing so a few hours later i pick up lots of speed and like go past his house and rip off a giant patch of his bush and like eat the honey a block away

so from now on im going to do that wen i pass by

untill im satisfied with my revenge

so has any1 gottenn into any fights with strangers?
[SIZE=14pt]My advice? Don't try this again. [/SIZE]

As TigerLily said, destroying somebody's property is vandalism, and vandalism means to:

Steal, snatch,shoplift,seize,pillage,pach and burglarize.


I am not trying to be rude, but what if that man came to your house and ate some fresh strawberries you had out in your yard? You would be mad, no?


Please, don't do this again. =)



Not to be mean or anything but, you were eating things off of his yard. Doing so without permission can also be a form of stealing. I just think that you shouldn't try that again. He might actually call the cops this time, and you would go home with a cop following you. My advice would be not to continue with your "revenge". What I would do? I would go to his house, apologize, and possibly become friends with him. But that's me. I think it would be a good idea for you to do the same...Either way, he shouldn't have yelled at you like that. But still, apologizing would be my way to go :angry:

If I've ever gotten Im a fight with a stranger? That would be a no. I value peace ^_^

As if I'm repeating what everyone else said...

What were you doing on his property in the first place?

Obviously it was his bush on his property! You obviously were on his property if he got mad like that, 'cause if you were one hundred yards away from his property and he had a beer in his hand and got mad like that, you can probably well imagine that it was his fault. But that's not the case.

Sure, he could've said in a nicer way to get off his property, but apparently he's not changing.

No offense, but that little "revenge" plot of yours seemed a little immature. There's a little something called an apology that usually fixes stuff between two or more people. You just need to realize that you were on his property, and you were stealing what he owned.

So... you're standing in front of this guys garden and pulling at his plants and eating stuff off his plants... and you think that he is wrong ...? :p
Amen to that.

What you should do is go back to his house and apologize for destroying his bush.

1. I think i would have swung at you also if you destroyed my property, you should just left like the man told you too because like tigerlily said, its vandalism, you could get arrested for it.

2. next time you post a topic, can you please try not to swear as much? also it was very hard to read.....

3. my advice to you, don't destroy property again and this wont happen, you may not have been standing in there, but that doesnt mean you werent doing anything...

"ho im not a punk or a push over"

Yes. You ARE a little punk.

To think that you can destroy someone's plants and think he has no right to tell you to leave whatsoever? And then not even that but fighting with him?

Do you really think HE was the only one in the wrong here?

No. He didn't need to swear at you or threaten you. But you also didn't need to be first off destroying his plants and then arguing with him when he told you to leave.

You and your little friends caused that problem. Not him. You're to blame.

It's a shame he missed. Maybe that would have knocked some sense into you.

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"ho im not a punk or a push over"
Yes. You ARE a little punk.

To think that you can destroy someone's plants and think he has no right to tell you to leave whatsoever? And then not even that but fighting with him?

Do you really think HE was the only one in the wrong here?

No. He didn't need to swear at you or threaten you. But you also didn't need to be first off destroying his plants and then arguing with him when he told you to leave.

You and your little friends caused that problem. Not him. You're to blame.

It's a shame he missed. Maybe that would have knocked some sense into you.
[SIZE=14pt]*Claps* I couldn't say it any better. =) (I probably wouldn't have said it any better any way... )[/SIZE]


To The author of this topic:

No offense, but next time when you make a topic, can you type in CLEAR READABLE language? Instead of "Omg i won teh lotteri lol!!11 ! " Into "Oh my gosh, I won the lottery!!!!" (Even though this topic isn't about lottery...) I personally don't like it when people write things with numbers... If you type in clear, readable language, people will understand the situation! =)

u ppl misunderstood it

and sry for the typo's i was mad at the time

ok well I didnt take his plants or pull them or w/e

my friends did

and they stopped cuz they were like ok lets stop or else they r going to get mad i didnt take any cuz of 2reasons

1.all the flowers that had the honey were no where on sight on the bush and were like all in the back which was over a gate


2. cuz i didnt noe how to get the honey out i only had one of which my friend picked and its only liike half a drop of honey

so they left wen they heard the guy cursing and i was about to leave wen he just started dissing me

like i knew he was dissing me cuz he was like u puffy haired sk8er f*g

so im like da only 1 wit da most puffy hair

so it was obvious he was tlking to me

so i hate it wen im uccused of doing stuff i didnt do

and not only i was being polite with him calling him :sir and everything

but n0o0o he didnt wanna listen to w/e i had to say

so i hope that cleared things up

im sry i wasnt more specific with u ppl before

and not only that

i wasnt on his property

der is a gate between us

and the bush is like 2in higher than the gate around the house

which is about 4"6 or sumtin,

it came up to like my ribs

and im 5'3

so yea well i guess its still kinda on his property but still if u read my most recent post it explains the mis understanding

and not only that i wasnt on his property

der is a gate between us

and the bush is like 2in higher than the gate around the house

which is about 4"6 or sumtin,

it came up to like my ribs

and im 5'3

so yea well i guess its still kinda on his property but still if u read my most recent post it explains the mis understanding
Misunderstanding or not. It was his property and it doesn't matter who was doing it or not, he targetted you believing in his mind you were the one responsible for it so if he had called the cops you AND your friends would still be in trouble.

Perhaps you need to hang out less impulsive people ;)

Misunderstanding or not. It was his property and it doesn't matter who was doing it or not, he targetted you believing in his mind you were the one responsible for it so if he had called the cops you AND your friends would still be in trouble.
Perhaps you need to hang out less impulsive people :)
well im sry for causing a misunderstanding

and ur rite yes but still i hate being targeted

and if im like cornered or accused of something i didnt do

i will fight back

tho im not likely to fight but it was like

ah!! lol

but it just annoyed me rly badly

enough for me to argue back

well im sry for causing a misunderstandingand ur rite yes but still i hate being targeted

and if im like cornered or accused of something i didnt do

i will fight back

tho im not likely to fight but it was like

ah!! lol

but it just annoyed me rly badly

enough for me to argue back
Fair enough but there's no point to fight unless it's self defense. He obviously was all talk. If he did hit you first and you didn't strike back, he would of gotten in a lot more trouble than you. Self Defense should be really used as a last report.

Anyway yeah if you don't wanna be targetted by the weird people for something your friends did, perhaps you might need to hang out with other people who won't put you in that kind of situation.

Fair enough but there's no point to fight unless it's self defense. He obviously was all talk. If he did hit you first and you didn't strike back, he would of gotten in a lot more trouble than you. Self Defense should be really used as a last report.
Anyway yeah if you don't wanna be targetted by the weird people for something your friends did, perhaps you might need to hang out with other people who won't put you in that kind of situation.
yea ur rite

but was still bugging me is that most of the ppl who replied to this topic think that I vandalized the property

and that im the bad guy here

it kinda makes me mad that they are posting there comments with the rong mentality

towards me

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yea ur rite
but was still bugging me is that most of the ppl who replied to this topic think that I vandalized the property

and that im the bad guy here

it kinda makes me mad that they are posting there comments with the rong mentality

towards me
Well as you stated your typing probably was the problem here as how you approached telling your story lead the readers to believe otherwise. I suggest next time before venting like that in a topic starting post, take some time to cool down think about how you want to word it to be as clear as possible and then post :)

Well as you stated your typing probably was the problem here as how you approached telling your story lead the readers to believe otherwise. I suggest next time before venting like that in a topic starting post, take some time to cool down think about how you want to word it to be as clear as possible and then post :)
awesome thnx

do u think u can close this topic

i dnt need any1 else opinion no more

cuz ders rly not dat much to say anymore

now that this is clreared up so yea thnx

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