Finding the king!


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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2007
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One day, I was walking along my garden and looking into my pond, it wasn't the cleanest, moss and dirt everywhere! I'm surprised the frogs didn't die when they came here! I tried looking for the frogs but I leant TOO far foward and all of a sudden SPLASH!!! I had fallen in head first! It wasn't very pleasant, you wouldnt like it if you fell in on a cold winters morning! I thought I would float to the top but instead I started sinking!!! I looked down, the bottom of the pond was no where to be found, I started panicing madly, gasping for breath, holding onto bits of moss for dear life! THUD!!! The pond finally came to an end, but the water had gone!! I looked around, brightly colored houses, and brightly colored PEOPLE!!! They didnt look like people, they looked nothing like humans. "Where am I?" I whispered to myself, well it wasnt a whisper for a passing creature seemed to have heard and replyed "You are in Tamatown, home to all tamagotchis" "Your joking!" I laughed. "I'm not" he creature replyed "Look at the banner" he continued. The banner read: WELCOME TO TAMATOWN! "And if you still don't belive me ask the king" "Whos the king?" I asked

The creature replyed "He lives in that castle over there" He pointed it out so I could see. "It seems awfuly far away!" I replyed thinking that we could use some sort of transport to get there but I was wrong we had to walk, and the creature whos name was robotchi came with me. But we were stopped in our tracks when we came face to face with a.............

What was it?? Find out in the the second part of "Finding the king!"


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