first kiss?


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I was 4 and playing hide-and-go-seek and my brothers friend was over and i told him where my brother was hiding and then he kissed me on the cheek hahah LOL

I haven't had my first kiss. Hopefully, it won't get stolen or something stupid like that...

I haven't had my first kiss. Hopefully, it won't get stolen or something stupid like that...
As I said before, first kisses aren't something you should put a ton of pressure on.

Throughout life, you'll kiss many boys or girls (or both) and if you put too much pressure on the first kiss, you're only setting yourself up for heartache... Because at this age, you're not going to be kissing the one you'll be with forever, so when it doesn't work out, you'll feel bad that you put so much into that kiss.

Just... Kiss someone! Someone you like is fine, but don't make it a big deal. :)

LOL.. i was in pre-k!

me too this guy had this mayjor problem!!he was OBSESSED with girls and not to be gross but on swim day he said this to my bffs,"Let me reach down your skits." and i was like, NO WAY!! and walked away but i feal sorry for Kacie my BFF FOR LIFE!!I still know her. I knew her for a long time.i was sick i didnt like him and in my head i said EWEWEWEWEWEWEWEW WHAT A SIKKO!!

Not yet. Like, there are two boys at school, One named Troy, who is cute but I don't know him enough to tell if he is one of the immature other boys or if he is like Seth. The other named Seth (yes the same Seth as the one I just named) He is pretty smart, cute, athletic (star of the football team :) we are in sixth grade), funny in a good way with a kind sense of humor. But I don't think they like me. Also there is Titto, who I THINK likes me but I am not sure. He is kinda cute and kinda smart and kinda funny....I DO like Josh Hutcherson and Dylan Sprouse.

P.S.Speaking of cute stars, when Zac Efron looks up with his cute baby blue eyes, it just kills me XD in a good way.

EDIT: I forgot to add all the boys at my school are gross, sick, ugly and mean.

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Not yet. Like, there are two boys at school, One named Troy, who is cute but I don't know him enough to tell if he is one of the immature other boys or if he is like Seth. The other named Seth (yes the same Seth as the one I just named) He is pretty smart, cute, athletic (star of the football team :) we are in sixth grade), funny in a good way with a kind sense of humor. But I don't think they like me. Also there is Titto, who I THINK likes me but I am not sure. He is kinda cute and kinda smart and kinda funny....I DO like Josh Hutcherson and Dylan Sprouse.
P.S.Speaking of cute stars, when Zac Efron looks up with his cute baby blue eyes, it just kills me XD in a good way.

EDIT: I forgot to add all the boys at my school are gross, sick, ugly and mean.
there are people i like, but i dont want to waste somethinng on a jerk or idiot....

Ok guys i need your help!

Theres this guy, nd he's like 4ft tall (im 5ft and 1/2)

he is SO sweet!and well im not for sure but i think he likes me

SO ok what if we do get toether! how do we kiss! i mean i have to look down at him!

Ok guys i need your help!
Theres this guy, nd he's like 4ft tall (im 5ft and 1/2)

he is SO sweet!and well im not for sure but i think he likes me

SO ok what if we do get toether! how do we kiss! i mean i have to look down at him!
If you two are both sitting down it'd be easier. Or, say you go to the movies, if he's the "lead" (meaning he's more leaning on top of you than you over on top of him) you can lean back in your chair more, making you more at his level. It'd take some practice. :ph34r:

If you two are both sitting down it'd be easier. Or, say you go to the movies, if he's the "lead" (meaning he's more leaning on top of you than you over on top of him) you can lean back in your chair more, making you more at his level. It'd take some practice. :D
Lol thankz

but i dont even no if he likes me

how do you tell?

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